Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Antisocial Behavior May Be Caused By Low Stress Hormone Levels
A link between reduced levels of the "stress hormone" cortisol and antisocial behavior in male adolescents has been discovered. Levels of cortisol in the body usually increase when people undergo...
It Really Is In Your Nature
Scientists have found that cortisol levels are lower in boys with either early onset or teenage behavioral problems, suggesting that there may be a universal, inherent, biological cause to all...
Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks
Pregnant women who are part of an Asian-white couple face an increased risk of gestational diabetes as compared with couples in which both partners are white, according to a new...
Learning to shape your brain activity
A study in the Oct. 1 issue of the journal Sleep shows that the successful manipulation of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) amplitude by instrumental SMR conditioning (ISC) improved sleep quality as...
Test could predict depression risk
A simple emotional intelligence test, similar to an IQ measure, could be used to predict a person's risk of developing depression, research has found.
Eureka! How Distractions Facilitate Creative Problem-solving
According to psychologists, distractions may be helpful in coming up with creative solutions to a certain problem, but must be followed by a period of conscious thought to ensure that...
Sleep troubles in teens can lead to drug use and poor mental health
Sleeplessness in adolescents is connected with drug use and increased mental health problems in early adulthood such as depression and ideas of suicide, a new study says.
Nearly 1,000 seek medical attention at UCLA-Fresno State game
Pasadena fire officials say a record number of fans were affected by the heat although Saturday's temperature was not unusually high. ...
It's called 'negational identity,' and new study finds it's a powerful political tool
In the current Presidential campaign it has been said often enough to become a cliche: both candidates will need to reach beyond their respective political bases to appeal to a...
Sex steroid fails to deliver
Melbourne researchers have discovered that the much-hyped sex steroid DHEA does not provide any significant benefits to postmenopausal women.
Opinion: Influencing innovation
Innovations come from unexpected directions: the greatest contribution by a government is to ensure a well educated and technically literate community, believes Tom Quirk.
Netflix Adding More New Movies On-Demand
A new partnership with Starz will offer subscribers 2,500 additional movies, icluding current hits such as No Country for Old Men, Superbad, and Ratatouille, as well as indie films, concerts,...
Essay: Healthy Right Up to the Day You’re Not
Health is the opposite of a commodity: it flits around like Tinkerbell, defying all the best intentions and predictions.
Bar code reader scans at super speed
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- Engineers at the University of California-Los Angeles claim to have created the world's fastest bar code reader.
Doc says affairs can lead to migraines
MILAN, Italy, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- An Italian researcher says illicit sex can lead to debilitating migraines and even death.
Study: Urban bears fatter, die earlier
Urban black bears are much heavier and more likely to die violent deaths than their wilder peers, a new study found. And if female, they're more likely to get pregnant...
Martin Wainwright on the link between our longevity and the Peppered Moth
Martin Wainwright: The correlation between our longer lives and a decline in the melanistic variety of the Peppered Moth is based on pollution
Court upholds legality of SanFran health care plan
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- San Francisco's landmark universal health care program can continue to operate, after an appeals court ruled Tuesday that it does not violate...
Study: Voting could be hazardous so be careful
CHICAGO (AP) -- Could voting for president be hazardous to your health? An analysis of Election Day traffic deaths dating back to Jimmy Carter's 1976 win...
Jury study to determine CSI impact
LEICESTER, England, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- British scientists are initiating a study to determine jurors' perceptions of modern forensic science and how CSI-type programs affect their decision making.
Psychologists show experience may be the best teacher for infants
There's a lot of truth in the old proverb "experience is the best teacher," and apparently it even applies to 10-month-old infants.
Elephants 'phone' friends with rumbles
Human friends and relatives keep tabs on their loved ones by phone when they're apart, and now new research shows elephants do nearly the same thing with rumble vocalizations that...
Young Children Can Develop Full-blown Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Children as young as four can develop full-blown obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and often exhibit many of the same OCD characteristics typically seen in older kids, according to new research.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Doesn't Work In Prenatal Care
While obstetrical care providers are doing a good job working with their patients on smoking cessation, they are not doing as well on abuse of other substances that can harm...
Ohio election officials brace for early voting
CLEVELAND (AP) -- Voters in this crucial swing state began casting absentee ballots Tuesday, a day after state and federal courts upheld a disputed early voting...
Findings Released from Study of World Trade Center Rescue Workers
Workers who participated in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attacks have been found to have chronic impairment of mental health...
Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology: Americans Don't Know What's Coming
Almost half of US adults have heard nothing about nanotechnology, and nearly nine in 10 Americans say they have heard just a little or nothing at all about the emerging...
Researchers will study if out-of-body experiences are real
A group of British, U.S. and Canadian researchers will study whether out-of-body experiences are real, as some people have claimed after surviving cardiac arrest.