Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Court wrestles with case on Navy sonar, whales
(AP) -- The Supreme Court appeared divided Wednesday over how to resolve a long-running dispute over whether environmental laws may be used to limit the Navy's use of sonar...
Many children attribute white male monopoly on White House to discrimination
A new study in the journal Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy explored elementary-school-age children's views about the role of race and gender in the U.S. presidency, Results indicated...
Criminal past is no bar to nursing in California
Times investigation finds the state nurse licensing board allowed sex offenders, drug users and convicts to retain and renew their permits. ...
Infertility patients caught in the legal, moral and scientific embryo debate
Tough decisions about what to do with unused embryos lead to a bigger question: When does life begin? ...
Study Says Drug Samples May Endanger Children
A new study suggests that free drug samples provided in doctors’ offices, a marketing tool, do little to help poor patients and may present health risks for children.
Donating embryos for research may be easier said than done
Obstacles include piles of paperwork, choosing the type of medical research, getting the consent of egg and sperm donors or simply finding an organization that will accept the donation. ...
Embryo adoption is no easy mission
A Los Angeles woman with unwanted embryos searches for someone to adopt them. But the process is fraught with legal, emotional and health issues. ...
'Dobbing' a strategic move for kids
When kids threaten to 'tell' they're giving their opponent a chance to change their actions, while learning conflict management strategies, new research has found.
Ford feature will let parents set limits for teens
(AP) -- So you think junior is a little too lead-footed when he drives the family car? Starting next year, Ford Motor Co. will give you the power to...
Girls Have Harder Time Than Boys Adjusting In Language-learning Environment, Study Finds
Girls who don’t share a common language may have more difficulty adjusting socially than boys, according to surprising new research looking at language acquisition among young children.
Seeing Race And Seeming Racist? Whites Go Out Of Their Way To Avoid Talking About Race
White people -- including children as young as 10 -- may avoid talking about race so as not to appear prejudiced, according to new research. But that approach often backfires...
Visualizing Election Polls: An Animated, Interactive Way To Analyze Opinion Data
Do you want to know the percentage of white women who support vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin? What about college-educated versus high school-educated white women? Or those who also hunt?...
Soothing music significantly reduces stress, anxiety and depression during pregnancy
Music therapy can reduce psychological stress among pregnant women, according to research just published in a special complementary and alternative therapy medicine issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Hamsters among exotic pets that tots should avoid: U.S. group
Young children should not have exotic animals as pets because of the risk of disease, says a U.S. pediatrician group.
ICSI Celebrates 20 Years of Computer Science Innovation
On October 17th 2008, the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) will host a party celebrating its 20th anniversary.
Variations In Key Genes Increase Caucasians’ Risk Of Heroin Addiction
Sometimes, small changes do add up. In the case of addictive diseases, tiny variations in a few genes can increase or decrease the likelihood of some people developing a dependency...
Adolescent Insomnia Linked To Depression And Substance Abuse During Adolescence And Young Adulthood
A new study shows that adolescent insomnia symptoms are associated with depression, suicide ideation and attempts, and the use of alcohol, cannabis and other drugs such as cocaine.
Asian-white Couples Face Distinct Pregnancy Risks, Study Finds
Pregnant women who are part of an Asian-white couple face an increased risk of gestational diabetes as compared with couples in which both partners are white, according to a new...
Television Viewing And Aggression: Some Alternative Perspectives
Psychologists investigated the effect that exposure to violent TV programs has on negative behavior in children from different ethnic backgrounds. The results showed a positive relationship between the amount of...
Portable Imaging System Will Help Disaster Response
Researchers have developed a low-cost, high-resolution imaging system that can be attached to a helicopter to create a complete and detailed picture of an area devastated by a hurricane or...
Gun Shows Do Not Increase Homicides Or Suicides, Study Finds
A new study finds no evidence that gun shows lead to substantial increases in either gun-related homicides or suicides.
NSF Grant to Support Decision-making Project
Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York, believe it's time for a new way of thinking about how people work with one another and how ideas emerge in...
Mark Vernon: Religion can't be explained by evolutionary scientists
Mark Vernon: Contemporary research that focuses on what people may say about God puts the cart before the horse
Study sheds light on autism genes
CAMBRIDGE, England, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- The genes thought to cause autism may also confer on people without the condition mathematical, musical and other skills, researchers in England...
Google Opposes Anti-Gay Marriage Ban
Google has taken a public stand against Proposition 8, an anti-gay marriage measure on the November ballot in California.
Netflix Adding More New Movies On-Demand
A new partnership with Starz will offer subscribers 2,500 additional movies, icluding current hits such as No Country for Old Men, Superbad, and Ratatouille, as well as indie films, concerts,...
'Dexter's' bloody-minded expert
Real-life crime scene investigator Kimberlee Heale helps TV's 'Dexter' get the job done the right way. ...
Emory University psychiatrist accused of conflict of interest
Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff failed to report a third of the income he received from companies whose drugs he was evaluating, a congressional investigation finds. ...