Meet our editor
There is no human editor behind (e) Science News; it is powered by the (e) news engine, a fully automated artificial intelligence.
Its sole purpose is to ensure that you have access to the very latest and popular science breakthroughs. To achieve this, it constantly surfs the web to gather, regroup, categorize, tag and rank science news from all major science news sources.
It computes relationships between science articles and news found on the web using a vector space model and hierarchical clustering. It then automatically determines in which category each news item belongs using a Naive Bayes classifier. Finally, it examines multiple parameters (such as timeliness, rate of appearance on the web, number of sources reporting the news, etc) for each news group. The result is an (e) score which represents the relative importance of a news item.
Thanks to (e) Science News, you now have a smart way to keep up to date with fast-evolving science!
(e) Science News was built and is maintained by Michael Imbeault, currently post-doc in Dr Didier Trono's lab. The site is not affiliated with any linked-to publications or sites.