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Your website visitors love science? There is an easy way for you to provide them with links to the latest science news directly on your site.
Bookmark us on the web
Here's a few handy links that you can use to bookmark us on the web:
Link to (e) Science News
If you have a website, a blog or participate in a web forum: just link to us! All you have to do is to copy and paste the following code to link to our site:
Link to our articles
Of course, we also encourage you to link to articles you like! To the right of each article in the 'Share' section, just click on 'Link to this' to have all you need to link to this article in your clipboard: all you have to do is paste it!
Submit our news stories to social sites
The web is all about sharing; if you find a story interesting, share it with others! To the right next to each article in the 'Share' section you will find handy links to submit the story to social sites such as Facebook, Delicious and Digg. This simple action could lead thousands of people to the article you found interesting; share what's important for you!
Tell your friends and colleagues!
We provide an automated way for you to send a short message to your friends and colleagues about (e) Science News.
Email articles you find interesting
We also provide an easy way to email articles you like to other people; in the 'Share' section at the right of each article, you will find an 'Email to friends' link.
Recycle the articles you print by sharing them
Think ecologically; share the articles you print! It would be a shame for that piece of paper to be used only once... You can also pin them to billboards or leave them where you know other people will find them!
Contact your local science high school / college teacher
Our articles are easy to understand and great science class reading material; (e) Science News can be a great learning tool for students.
Invent new ways!
Science is all about invention! Think of a cool way to let people know about (e) Science News? Have the skill to design a cool poster, a youtube video? Let your imagination surprise us! Be sure to contact us about it!
Help us improve
Finally, a good way to help us is to tell us how to improve! What would make (e) Science News a better website in your opinion?
Contact us and tell us what you think! We are always open to suggestions and constructive criticism.