Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Ethnic conflict: Government enhanced?

16 years ago from UPI

MONTREAL, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- A Canadian study suggests ethnic conflict is fueled by government economic intervention and not globalization, which has been blamed for many social ills.

Eastern Health never sure on notifying patients, cancer probe told

16 years ago from CBC: Health

The largest health authority in Newfoundland and Labrador had doubts about whether all of its patients had been told about flawed breast cancer test, even though it projected the opposite...

Andrew Brown: Religious faith relieves pain. But which faith will do it?

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Religious faith relieves pain. But which faith will do it?

Opinion: Poor countries' media must tackle climate change

16 years ago from Science Alert

Climate-change reporting is woefully inadequate because too often editors lack interest and assign writers without expertise, says James Fahn.

Footy fans support players' sex lives

16 years ago from Science Alert

Research has found that, despite sexual misconduct claims, female footy fans remain loyal to players and believe obsessed girls and alcohol are somewhat to blame.

Nurses to refuse 'non-nursing' tasks as impasse escalates

16 years ago from CBC: Health

Newfoundland and Labrador's nurses will launch a job action on Wednesday to bring more pressure on contract demands, with a refusal to do work that's supposed to be performed by...

Immigrant children from poor countries academically outperform those from developed countries

16 years ago from Physorg

Immigrants who seek a better life in Western countries may not be able to escape the influence of their home country when it comes to their children's academic performance, according...

Website, phone lines for do-not-call list overwhelmed

16 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

So many people are trying to register their phone numbers on the federal do-not-call list, the website has crashed and the phone lines have a constant busy tone.

New research on understanding metaphors

16 years ago from Science Blog

Metaphors present a problem for anybody trying to explain language, or anybody trying to teach a computer to understand language. New neurological evidence helps explain one component of this complex...

Financial Risk-taking Behavior Is Associated With Higher Testosterone Levels

16 years ago from Science Daily

Two researchers from Harvard jointly led a recent study in which they showed that men with higher testosterone levels invest more money during a risky investment game. The study associates...

You Can Find Dr. Right, With Some Effort

16 years ago from NY Times Health

With more patients having to choose from a doctor from a health plan’s list, there is growing demand for reliable information.

Video gamers are surprisingly fit, says study

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Drop those stereotypes about people who play online role-playing games — chances are they're more physically fit than the average American.

Madagascar: solar power ends dark age for rural clinics

16 years ago from Physorg

Elisabeth's 13 children were born by candlelight. Her daughter, who has just become a mother for the first time, was more "fortunate".

Study Shows 'We Are What We Eat'

16 years ago from Physorg

What Canadians choose to put on the dinner table helps define who they are, according to a bi-coastal study by University of British Columbia and Dalhousie University researchers.

Does Science Obviate Religion?

16 years ago from PopSci

Last Monday at New York's Pierre Hotel, outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens and physicist/theologian Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete met to tackle the question of whether or not science makes belief in God...

Analysis: Is the right stuff now lost in space?

16 years ago from AP Science

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The signs of a midlife crisis are there: A 50th birthday approaching; a longing for the glory days of youth; a hankering to...

Welcome to the Valley

16 years ago from PopSci

Way back in 1919 Sigmund Freud postulated his concept of the uncanny. In the (cleverly named) The Uncanny, Freud explored a problem of aesthetics—when something is both familiar and unknown...

Risky Behaviors On TV May Be Modeled By Inexperienced Viewers

16 years ago from Science Daily

Inexperienced viewers are more likely to mimic unsafe behavior on TV, regardless of the consequences displayed, a new study finds.

Getting Lost: A Newly Discovered Developmental Brain Disorder

16 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have recently documented the first case of a patient who, without apparent brain damage or cognitive impairment, is unable to orient within any environment. Researchers also believe that there...

Helping Students With Mental Illnesses: Support Services Prepare For 'What If' Scenarios

16 years ago from Science Daily

Nationally, an estimated 15 percent of students experience some form of mental illness such as major depression while in college. Many often struggle with where to get support.

Google Opposes Anti-Gay Marriage Ban

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Google has taken a public stand against Proposition 8, an anti-gay marriage measure on the November ballot in California.

Risky, we-can't-fail, all-or-nothing science

16 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Sometimes your research should be based not on how glorious success might be, but on how little you will have lost if you screw up, Stephen Strauss writes

Is The Salad Bar Safe? Produce Concerns Linger After Summer Scares

16 years ago from Science Daily

Widespread reports had most people afraid to eat tomatoes this summer and when tomatoes were vindicated, eating peppers became a fear. A food safety expert says there is only so...

Japan's Online Social Scene: Not So Social

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Social networking sites are wildly successful in Japan. But most users don't reveal anything about themselves. Posting pet videos is far more popular, and has bred a generation of animal...

Sex steroid fails to deliver

16 years ago from Science Alert

Melbourne researchers have discovered that the much-hyped sex steroid DHEA does not provide any significant benefits to postmenopausal women.

Size And Fitness Levels Of NHL Players Have Improved, Study Shows

16 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers looked at a National Hockey League team over a 26-year cycle and discovered players have become bigger and fitter.

More are feeling the pain of paying medical bills, reports show

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

Here's something to get your mind off the financial crisis swirling around and scaring everyone silly. Take a deep breath, relax . . . and start worrying about the crisis...

Study: Ballplayers use different tactics to repair images

16 years ago from Physorg

As steroid-use scandals have threatened the reputations of Major League Baseball`s most prominent players during the past several years, those players have used a variety of strategies to repair their...