Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Whether Combat Or Peacekeeping, PTSD Impacts Veterans' Well-being
Deployed peacekeeping veterans with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have significant impairments in health-related quality of life according to new research. The stud found anxiety disorders such as PTSD are...
Study Shows How Civil War Refugees Cope With The Unknown
A new study focuses on the experiences of the Sudanese refugees who were separated from their parents during the Sudanese civil war.
This Is Your Brain On Politics
The founders of the United States didn't have the advantages of fMRI imaging and had no concept of the amygdala, but were hesitant about political parties and political campaigning nonetheless....
Religion helps foster trust, say psychologists
Study shows that trust is higher when religious groups involve a greater degree of commitment
Russian Claim to Arctic Seafloor Becomes Palin Issue
Questions arise about Sarah Palin's foreign policy experience with Russia.
Gene for degenerate males found
Birds of a feather flock together, according to the old adage, and adolescent males who possess a certain type of variation in a specific gene are more likely to flock...
Skype admits China privacy breach
Skype, the online text messaging and voice service, said Thursday it was "extremely concerned" by monitoring of Internet chat by its Chinese partner reported by Canadian researchers.
FDA: No quick decision on cold medicines for kids
(AP) -- A top government health official rejected the idea of an immediate ban on cough and cold medicines for young children, saying it might cause unintended harm.
African-American blogs offer key health communications tool
Blogs allow African Americans to discuss HIV and AIDS in an unfiltered way that is both public and private, according to a Penn State researcher, and this exploration may lead...
Bad Market? Blame Men
It was only a matter of time before pop-news outlets pounced on a biological explanation for the tidal wave of bad credit and risky decisions that has engulfed the U.S....
E-voting cards raise prospect of fraud
Voting twice is possible for people in the Halifax Regional Municipality who have received two e-voting cards or those of family and friends who have died or moved away.
Feeling confident girls? Is it all down to a slice of mother's pride?
Mothers with high expectations produce super-confident daughters, research suggests.
Hyper kids struggle to identify smells
Scratch and sniff tests could one day tell if a child has ADHD, thanks to new research that has linked a reduced ability to identify smells with the disorder.
Elite opinion leaders greatly vary in their foreign policy beliefs
A new study in the journal Politics & Policy shows how there is greater diversity of foreign policy beliefs held by elite opinion leaders than previously thought and identifies nine...
Where you live matters when you're seriously ill
America does a mediocre job caring for its sickest people. The nation, says a new report, gets a C.
Jog To The Beat: Music Increases Exercise Endurance By 15%
New research reveals strong link between music and cardiovascular exercise performance.
Financing for Massachusetts Preserves Health Plan
Massachusetts received the Bush administration’s seal of approval for its landmark experiment in health care.
Judges Say San Francisco Can Charge Employers for Its Health Plan
The decision that the city had the right to charge employers to help pay for its universal health care plan could set the stage for a test of longstanding federal...
Building Better Bodies
Can’t afford sick workers? In one Michigan town, small companies are paying more to keep them well.
Strict Societies May Foster Violent Drinking Cultures
Countries with strict social rules and behavioral etiquette such as the United Kingdom may foster drinking cultures characterized by unruly or bad behavior, according to a new report on alcohol...
California Passes Researcher Protection Law
Bill makes it illegal to publish academics' information for criminal intent
Allstate testing whether games can improve driving
(AP) -- Could playing computer games enhance mental agility enough to turn people over 50 into better drivers? Allstate Corp. wants to find out, and if the answer is...
Study: Mortgage Losses On Owner-Occupied Homes Lower Than Assumed
( -- Homeowners who are struggling with mortgages for their own residences are a relatively small part of the overall mortgage crisis, according to results of a new nationwide study...
New piece in reading ability 'jigsaw'
( -- A gene thought to be associated with dyslexia is also connected with reading ability in the general population, according to Oxford University research.
Advergames: Theme of Game is Secret to Success
( -- It`s all fun and games when it comes to the current trend in online advertising. Advergames, online video games used to advertise a product or brand, increasingly are...
Military research: The Pentagon's culture wars
What began several years ago as an attempt to recruit social scientists to help the military has sparked a broader debate about militarizing academia. Sharon Weinberger reports.
Television viewing and aggression: Some alternative perspectives
The effect of media violence on behavior is not only an interesting psychological question but is also a relevant public policy and public health issue. Although many studies have been...
More are feeling the pain of paying medical bills, reports show
Here's something to get your mind off the financial crisis swirling around and scaring everyone silly. Take a deep breath, relax . . . and start worrying about the crisis...