Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Sexy Women Make Everyone Feel Bad

16 years ago from Science Blog

It's no shock that the portrayal of women in magazines makes women feel like dirt. But did you know images of hot chicks make men feel worse, too? read more

Unusual Use Of Toys In Infancy A Clue To Later Autism

16 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found that infants later diagnosed with autism exhibited unusual exploration of objects long before being diagnosed.

James Bond Girl Draws Attention To Babies Born With Extra Fingers Or Toes

16 years ago from Science Daily

One of the Bond Girls in the new James Bond movie is drawing attention to a relatively common congenital condition called polydactyly -- extra fingers or toes. Gemma Arterton, who...

Surprisingly, Female Models Have Negative Effect On Men

16 years ago from Science Daily

A leading researcher of media effects on body image looked at the effect of male magazines on college-age men. Completing three different studies, she found that unlike their female classmates,...

Serial cohabiters less likely than others to marry

16 years ago from

A new study in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that serial cohabiters are less likely than single-instance cohabiting unions to result in marriage. Similarly if serial cohabiters marry,...

New protocol to help in testimony of child victims

16 years ago from

Psychology Professor Mireille Cyr has adapted an interview protocol from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) that will enable child victims of sexual abuse to provide...

New HIV-reduction initiative takes to the fields

16 years ago from Biology News Net

Education has found its way onto the soccer fields of North Carolina – in the form of a social experiment that may have all the right ingredients to change the...

Indian farmer suicides not GM related, says study

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Suicides among Indian farmers have not increased as a result of the introduction of GM crops, according to a large scientific study.

Study provides new insights into molecular basis of language development

16 years ago from

Scientists have identified the first gene that is associated with a common childhood language disorder, known as specific language impairment (SLI). The gene - CNTNAP2 - has also been recently...

Why Election Night was best spent in a crowd

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

In moments of extreme elation, like Obama supporters felt Tuesday night, we want to share the experience with someone else.  It's an urge based in evolution, experts explain.

Seeing A Brain As It Learns To See

16 years ago from Science Daily

A brain isn't born fully organized. It builds its abilities through experience, making physical connections between neurons and organizing circuits to store and retrieve information in milliseconds for years afterwards....

Autopsy scheduled on body believed to be missing Ontario teen

16 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

An autopsy scheduled for Thursday on the body of a teenager believed to be Brandon Crisp could reveal what happened to the 15-year-old who left home after a dispute with...

Sex on TV getting your kids pregnant?

16 years ago from Science Blog

A new study links watching sexy shows to higher pregnancy rates - but I have something to say about it. read more

Computer That Reacts To Thought A Lifeline For Brain Injured

16 years ago from Science Daily

People who have suffered traumatic brain injuries and who are unable to speak or move are being given the first chance to communicate using just the power of thought --...

Ballot Initiatives: States decriminalize pot, nix abortion limits. . .

16 years ago from Scientific American

In addition to electing Barack Obama president and carrying a wave of Dems to victory in Congress, voters in several states approved ballot initiatives decriminalizing marijuana, lifting limits on embryonic...

Inflexible security? Lighten up

16 years ago from Physorg

Fellow Americans, it's time to ask ourselves if we are tired of living in a world defined by fear and mistrust. How much more freedom and liberty will we sacrifice...

'Impeach Obama' groups pop up on Facebook

16 years ago from Physorg

Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.

'No Child' law gets an 'F' from education professor at Illinois

16 years ago from Physorg

The controversial No Child Left Behind law has forced teachers in low-income school districts to craft a curriculum that marginalizes writing at the expense of teaching to the test, resulting...

Memory error shown to occur without delay

16 years ago from UPI

NEWARK, Del., Nov. 5 (UPI) -- U.S. psychologists say they've determined an error in visual memory occurs immediately after people see an image.

B.C. group calls for legalization of assisted suicide

16 years ago from CBC: Health

The passing of Washington's assisted-suicide initiative has renewed calls by a B.C. group to enact similar legislation.

DVD-driven home workout gets the job done

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

She opted out of those crowded fitness classes and found inspiration in the famous folks who lead her in DVD workouts. ...

Amateur bowlers could be in a fast lane to pain

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

We know that professional athletes regularly suffer injuries, but amateur athletes can experience serious pains as well.

Little proof of cellulite cream success

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

Revitol Cellulite Solution, Nivea's Good-bye Cellulite gel-cream and Biobodyslim claim to smooth out the 'cottage cheese' look. But an expert says there is no real solution for the battle of...

Microbiologist Gary Ruvkun:

16 years ago from Harvard Science

Gary Ruvkun has made a career out of imagining the unimaginable, and of surrounding himself with like-minded thinkers who let the wheels of thought spin until they catch on something...

Weight fixation sends unhealthy messages

16 years ago from Physorg

Making assumptions of health based on a person`s weight is faulty, and misinformation is putting people`s physical and emotional well-being at risk, says College of Education researcher and lecturer in...

Personal genomes: A disruptive personality, disrupted

16 years ago from News @ Nature

Eric Schadt revels in making people uncomfortable with his science. Bryn Nelson reports how the bioinformatics rabble-rouser hopes to charge ahead in the face of his company's disintegration.

game violence research

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

It's been a tumultuous few days here in Washington D.C., where I'm holed up at my mum's working on my PhD, hoarse but happy from a night of election celebrations...

Stressed Older Drivers Are Three Times More Likely To Brake Than Calm Drivers

16 years ago from Science Daily

Life can be stressful, whether you're an individual watching the stock market crash or a commuter stuck in traffic. A new study, forthcoming in the journal Psychological Science, examines how...