Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Married Prisoners At Increased Risk Of Suicide

16 years ago from Science Daily

Being white, male, married and in a job makes you more likely to die by suicide on being sent to prison, an Oxford University study has found.

Beating Down Critics of Violence

16 years ago from Science Blog

Computers make us angry because our brains are inferior, and I will hit anyone who says otherwise. read more

Cosmic Log: The shape of elections to come

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Experts on voting technology explain what went right and what went wrong this Election Day, and what can be done to fix the problems.

Different Roles For Mothers And Fathers Influenced By Genetics

16 years ago from Science Daily

New research reveals for the first time that the different roles of mothers and fathers are influenced by genetics. The study shows how variation in where males and females put...

Parents' Wartime Deployment Associated With Children's Behavior Problems

16 years ago from Science Daily

Children ages 3 to 5 with a parent deployed to a war zone appear to exhibit more behavior problems than their peers whose parents are not deployed, according to a...

Is ADHD More Likely To Affect Movement In Boys Or Girls?

16 years ago from Science Daily

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder appears to affect movement in boys more than it does in girls, according to a new study. ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders...

Harnessing The Power Of The Brain

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Once in a while, we run across a science story that is hard to believe until you see it. That's how we felt about this story when we first saw...

MRI Reveals Relationship Between Depression And Pain

16 years ago from Science Daily

The brains of individuals with major depressive disorder appear to react more strongly when anticipating pain and also display altered functioning of the neural network that modifies pain sensitivity, according...

Sex on TV getting your kids pregnant?

16 years ago from Science Blog

A new study links watching sexy shows to higher pregnancy rates - but I have something to say about it. read more

Adult crime linked to childhood anxiety

16 years ago from

Being nervous, socially isolated, anxious or neurotic during childhood protects young men from becoming criminal offenders until they enter adulthood, but the protective effect seems to wear off after the...

Mid life struggle for alcoholic women

16 years ago from Science Alert

New Australian research has found that women recovering from alcoholism have a high risk of relapsing as they reach midlife and work and family pressures increase.

Research shows raised incidence of psychoses among migrant groups

16 years ago from Physorg

Researchers examining the occurrence of psychoses among migrant groups have shown a raised incidence for all black and ethnic minority subgroups compared with white British counterparts, and reveal that the...

Rainfall autism theory suggested

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Increased rainfall - or something linked to it - may be connected to the development of autism, scientists claim.

Greater Alcohol Outlet Density Is Linked To Male-to-female Partner Violence

16 years ago from Science Daily

Alcohol-outlet density is associated with a number of adverse health and social consequences. New research examines the relationship between AOD and intimate partner violence. Findings show that an increase of...

Study Shows Brain Functions Same Way Awake or Asleep

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- Johns Hopkins researchers have found strong evidence supporting the view that the sleeping mind functions the same as the waking mind, a discovery that could significantly alter basic...

New evidence for homeopathy

16 years ago from Physorg

Two new studies conclude that a review which claimed that homeopathy is just a placebo, published in The Lancet, was seriously flawed.

US Hispanics prefer beer

16 years ago from Physorg

Despite the considerable and growing numbers of Hispanics living in the United States, little is known about their alcohol-beverage preferences. A new study of U.S. Hispanics belonging to four...

Brain slows at 40, starts body decline

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Think achy joints are the main reason we slow down as we get older? Blame the brain, too: The part in charge of motion may start a...

Easy to Assemble? I Don't Think So

16 years ago from PopSci

Trouble with instructions? You’re not alone. Researchers at the University of Michigan have confirmed that difficult-to-read instructions dissuade people from embarking on tasks, and impart a suspicion in their readers...

Health research policy needs a change in outlook

16 years ago from SciDev

A change in political outlook is needed to improve health research and translate policies into action, says an editorial in The Lancet.

P.E.I. passing the buck on drug coverage: family

16 years ago from CBC: Health

A P.E.I. family seeking help to pay for a $7,000-a-month drug program is not going to get any from the provincial government.

War affects Iraqis' health more after fleeing

16 years ago from

The risk of depression is greater among Iraqi soldiers who took part in the Gulf War than among civilians. Surprisingly, on the other hand, neither of these groups showed any...

DVR fast-forwarding may not be fatal to TV advertising

16 years ago from

While digital video recorders and products like TiVo allow television viewers to skip past commercials, Boston College researchers have found that fast-forwarding viewers actually pay more attention and can be...

Protect Your Vote: Avoid Election Machine Errors

16 years ago from Science Daily

Of all the problems that could lead to a miscount Election Day, there's one possibility that voters can do something about -- avoid election machine-related errors, says a researcher who...

DIY microscope transforms university research

16 years ago from

A resourceful lecturer at the University of Essex has turned his hand to a spot of DIY and built a high-tech microscope that will transform the university's ability to undertake...

World closely watching US presidential elections

16 years ago from AP Health

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- When Sri Murtiningsi asked her third graders what they wanted to be when they grew up, the answers ranged from doctors to...

Memo to ER docs: Send young victims of violence for one-on-one counselling

16 years ago from

A study of 113 children and teens physically victimised by peers concludes that one-on-one mentoring about how to safely avoid conflict and diffuse threats makes them far less likely to...

'Auditude' gives MySpace a way to welcome pirated videos

16 years ago from Physorg

MySpace and Auditude have rolled out an innovative solution to the problem of people posting pirated television show snippets on the Internet.