Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Weight Does Not Affect Women's Sexual Behavior, Study Finds

16 years ago from Science Daily

Oregon and Hawaiian researchers have found that a woman's weight does not seem to affect sexual behavior. In fact, overweight women are more likely to report having sex with men...

The Candidates' Technology Policy Reviewed

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

We're only a few days away from an election that, among a lot of other things, will help determine how America approaches its technological challenges - and we do have...

Aussies struggling with debt

16 years ago from Science Alert

The number of workers struggling to pay off debts and cope on their household income has increased over the past year, a study has found.

Coffee really does keep you alert

16 years ago from Science Alert

Researchers have thoroughly measured the effect that coffee has on drowsiness and have found that it really does keep drinkers more alert.

Study shows difficult to read instructions decrease motivation

16 years ago from

It is not surprising that people are more willing to participate in a task if it does not require too much effort. What is interesting, however, is the way we...

New study explores social comparison in early childhood

16 years ago from

It has been shown (and probably experienced by all of us) that performing worse than our peers on a particular task results in negative self-esteem and poorer subsequent performance on...

Negative Cues From Appearance Alone Matter For Real Elections

16 years ago from Science Daily

Brain-imaging studies reveal that voting decisions are more associated with the brain's response to negative aspects of a politician's appearance than to positive ones, says researchers. This appears to be...

Our Cheatin' Brain: The Brain's Clever Way Of Showing Us The World As A Whole

16 years ago from Science Daily

Boundary extension is a mistake that we often make when recalling a view of a scene -- we will insist that the boundaries of an image stretched out farther than...

How nonverbal cues in presidential debates are interpreted by voters

16 years ago from Physorg

Research on nonverbal vocal communication in the presidential debates, published by two Kent State University sociology professors, demonstrates that subtle, non-consciously perceived cues in candidates' voices may provide a clue...

New robot gets rid of bombs

16 years ago from Science Alert

Australian scientists have developed a robot called SPIKER that gets rid of explosives so that soldiers don't expose themselves to the risk.

Adolescent insomnia linked to depression and substance abuse during adolescence and young adulthood

16 years ago from

A study in the latest issue of the journal Sleep shows that adolescent insomnia symptoms are associated with depression, suicide ideation and attempts, and the use of alcohol, cannabis and...

Two Dutch researchers analyse striking behaviour of Web surfers

16 years ago from

What behaviour do website visitors exhibit? Do they buy a specific product mainly on Mondays? Do they always return at a certain time of day? Being able to recognise and...

Endorsement effects: Are voters influenced by newspaper picks?

16 years ago from

Newspaper endorsements for presidential candidates can influence voting decisions, according to new research by two Brown University economists. In a working paper, Brian Knight and graduate student Chun Fang Chiang...

Homosexual men have significantly lower personal incomes than heterosexual individuals

16 years ago from

A new study in the Canadian Journal of Economics provides the first evidence on sexual orientation and economic outcomes in Canada. The study found that gay men have 12 percent...

Facing fears early may reduce childhood anxiety

16 years ago from

Helping children face their fears may be more productive than focusing on other techniques to help them manage their anxieties, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the...

Israelis have abandoned belief of peacefully integrating into the Middle East

16 years ago from

For decades, Israelis have sought to teach Arabs and Muslims that the existence of a Jewish state was a permanent fact of life. Israelis have thought that once Arab and...

Companies tend to business side of doctors' practices

16 years ago from Physorg

Small physician practices are beginning to make the costly and painful conversion from paper charts to electronic records, and a Mequon, Wis., investment group senses an opportunity in that long-awaited...

Time to reset your biological clock

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

If you've been falling behind on sleep, this is the weekend to fall back into bed for an extra hour — and take advantage of the transition from daylight saving...

Like father, like son? Macho men produce macho sons, according to research

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- Researchers have found that men with strong masculine traits are likely to produce similarly macho sons but, according to the new study by the University of St Andrews,...

Like rest of society, doctors implicitly favor whites over blacks

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- In the first large study to explore possible unconscious bias among physicians, researchers have found that doctors mirror the attitudes of the majority in society and implicitly favor...

Review: Mini camcorders cheap, simple, imperfect

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- You may not fancy yourself the next Spielberg, but if you like to make videos and don't want to break the bank with a high-end camcorder, there...

Vermonters to get largest fixed-wireless rollout

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- In many rural areas, people who want high-speed Internet access have only one option: relatively slow and expensive satellite dishes. Now parts of rural Vermont could get...

Conscientious People Live Longer

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- Conscientious people live longer, according to a study by University of California, Riverside researchers that appears in the latest issue of Health Psychology (vol. 27, 2008), the journal...

Angry faces take priority in our brain

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- In any social situation, we need to be aware of threats to our own safety from other people. That may be why our brains are better attuned to...

Playing games shows how personalities evolved

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- Why do some people co-operate while others are very selfish? Research by the universities of Bristol and Exeter offers a new explanation as to why such a wide...

Red Really Is The Color Of Romance

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Researchers at the University of Rochester carried out five experiments to see if what they call the "red-sex link" - the notion that red is the color of sex, love,...

Understanding the 'Wow Factor'

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- What links a neuroscientist with a social anthropologist and the UK`s premier independent art charity? The answer is the visual perception of art. When, why and how are...

Ghiz government playing politics with health care: Crane

16 years ago from CBC: Health

The P.E.I. government's decision to maintain the status quo regarding the hospitals in West Prince will hurt health care there, says Opposition leader Olive Crane.