Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Young Songbirds Babble Before They Learn To Sing
Young songbirds babble before they can mimic an adult's song, much like their human counterparts. Now, in work that offers insights into how birds -- and perhaps people -- learn...
Biologists Are from Mars, Chemists Are from Venus?
UD study explores how scientists from different fields work together: "Plays well with others." That popular phrase on a T-shirt is being taken to a whole new level...
Pentagon plans national mental health campaign
(AP) -- Senior military officers could be talking about their emotional struggles on YouTube and MySpace this year, in a Pentagon campaign to urge troops into counseling for wartime...
Male seahorses are nature's Mr. Mom, Texas A&M researchers say
Male seahorses are nature’s real-life Mr. Moms – they take fathering to a whole new level: Pregnancy.
The sweet world of soil microbiology
Using classroom, hands-on activities can help instructors to communicate difficult scientific concepts and stimulate student thinking. Despite its importance, the diversity in soil microbes can conceptually be difficult to teach,...
Instant Messaging: A New Language?
For many adults over the age of 30, the former groupings of letters would seem incoherent, but for a newer generation of technologically-savvy young adults it can say a lot....
Seeing Love in a Different Light
Jumping spider mating displays flash a wavelength that researchers thought no animal could detect
OxyContin that's harder to abuse? FDA debates new version
(AP) -- The government is evaluating a new version of OxyContin - the potent painkiller sometimes called "hillbilly heroin" - designed to be harder to abuse.
One sense at a time
Unlike adults, children don't integrate different types of sensory information.
Incubators seen to change babies' heartbeats
Could the electromagnetic fields of incubator motors affect babies' health?
Study to explore maternal bond
University of Manchester researchers are studying the bond between mothers and their babies to see if levels of sensitivity towards the child are different for healthy women and those with...
Left because of understaffing, pathologist says
The latest pathologist to resign at Eastern Health told CBC News the biggest reason for his decision was chronic understaffing at the health authority's pathology department.
New study shows race significant factor in death penalty cases
New research by Scott Phillips, associate professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Denver, finds that in Harris County, TX the District Attorney (DA) was more likely to...
7 per cent of Ontario students say they've tried choking game: survey
A t least 79,000 elementary and high school students in Ontario say they've tried the choking game, a dangerous activity in which a person self-asphyxiates or has someone else choke...
Study Shows Power Of Police And Fire Officers As Injury-prevention Messengers
Most local TV newscasts feature news of car crashes, fires and other injury-causing events, but relatively few contain information on preventing such injuries, a new study finds. However, if a...
Calgary toddler dies after family calls 911 on internet phone
A Calgary toddler has died after his family's 911 call via an internet phone service reached a call centre in another city, leaving them waiting for an ambulance, officials said...
Fertile women 'have sexier voice'
A woman's voice becomes more alluring when she is at her most fertile, according to US research.
Harvard scientists selected for National Academy of Sciences membership
Seven Harvard faculty members this week were elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
Your Brain on Vodka, Dope, Benadryl and More
Alan Gevins and his team at SAM Technology in San Francisco are nearing the end of a large study analyzing the effects of various drugs on cognitive performance. An editor...
Haunted by hallucinations: Children in the PICU traumatized by delusions
Nearly one in three children admitted to pediatric intensive care will experience delusions or hallucinations, which put them at higher risk for post-traumatic stress symptoms, according to a new study...
When Doctors Tell Patients To Quit Smoking, They Listen
Doctors who take a few minutes to talk with patients about their smoking -- maybe passing along a leaflet or a sample of nicotine gum -- make a difference when...
Genetics play role in doping tests
A Swedish researcher said some men are missing testosterone-metabolizing genes that are key to the accuracy of athlete drug tests.
L.A. 'loses' to Pittsburgh in one air-pollution measure
But a new lung association report shows that the area still has much room for improvement. ...
Parachuting Dog Helped Win WWII
Scientists studied the effects of altitude to help Allied pilots survive.
Vital Signs: Perceptions: Go Ahead, Put the Water Bottle Down
Drinking a lot of water is supposed to be healthy, but there is apparently little scientific support for the belief.
Scientist at Work | Francisco J. Ayala: Roving Defender of Evolution, and of Room for God
Francisco J. Ayala has expressed surprise at how many Americans believe the theory of evolution is contrary to belief in God.
A Conversation With Arno Motulsky: A Genetics Pioneer Sees a Bright Future, Cautiously
Arno Motulsky helped pioneer the study of how an individual’s genetic inheritance affects the body’s response to drugs.
EBay makes public its complaint against Craigslist
(AP) -- EBay says Craigslist believed eBay broke an agreement not to engage in competitive activity and thereby lost rights granted to it as a shareholder.