Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
'Pain Gap' Between Rich and Poor
A novel study that attempts to paint the most accurate and detailed description yet of how Americans experience pain has found that a significant portion of the population -- 28...
'Samantha Who?' forgets to check the facts on brain injuries
The character's condition would have kept her from thinking as well as she does on the TV show. Such victims don't radically change personalities, either. ...
Nearly One-third Of US Parents Don't Know What To Expect Of Infants
Almost one-third of US parents have a surprisingly low-level knowledge of typical infant development and unrealistic expectations for their child's physical, social and emotional growth. The new findings suggest that...
Computer Programs Help Drug Abusers Stay Abstinent, Yale Researchers Find
Drug abusers who used a computer-assisted training program in addition to receiving traditional counseling stayed abstinent significantly longer than those who received counseling alone, a Yale University study has found.
Get chequebook out, doctors tell N.L. over pathologist shortage
The Newfoundland and Labrador government says it will launch an aggressive campaign to recruit more pathologists.
US Unemployment Having Impact On Kids' Health-care Coverage, And That Puts Their Health At Risk
Two new studies point to the negative impact of parental job loss on children's health care and the importance of having continuous health insurance coverage to meet children's health-care needs...
Exercise Your Brain, or Else You’ll ... Uh ...
The fear of a decaying brain has inspired a mini-industry of products from dietary supplements to computer games.
Drums help psychotherapist deal with parents' deaths
The son of frugal immigrants discovers a way to ease the pain through rhythm therapy and learns to revel in the occasional splurge. ...
VIDEO: Witches Celebrate Spring
In Lithuania, real witches celebrate the arrival of spring on Walpurgis night.
It's time for U.S. to revisit universal healthcare
A hospital stay in England illustrates the gaps in the American healthcare system. ...
Strength-training tips for children
Kids should always lift weights with adult supervision. They also need to go slowly and avoid maximum lift and competition with others. ...
Adult orphans: when parents die
In her new book, 'Death Benefits,' therapist Jeanne Safer explores what happens when adults lose their parents. In some ways, life can get better. ...
Study of universal day care paints mixed picture
Universal day care, the recurring dream of working parents everywhere, benefits adults economically but may affect young children's well being, according to an MIT economist's study of a highly subsidized...
Study shows how 'horse tranquiliser' stops depression
Researchers have shown exactly how the anaesthetic ketamine helps depression with images that show the orbitofrontal cortex - the part of the brain that is overactive in depression ...
Paranoid thoughts much more common than thought
A virtual reality subway ride has been used by researchers to reveal the extent that paranoia occurs in the general public. read more
Communication is key to informed public participation
The simple communication of key scientific information to the public needs to be improved if sustainable development is to be a realistic goal.
Advertisements saying dairy products help you lose weight are misleading
There have been recent claims that dairy products can help people lose weight, and the dairy industry has hyped the assertion by investing millions of dollars in commercial advertising. However,...
Children Affected By Parents' Behavior Following Trauma
A new study in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy examines the role that specific parenting practices may play in children's adjustment after trauma. The study finds that certain...
Closing the Achievement Gap in Math and Science
The latest results from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program show not only improved proficiency among all elementary and middle school students, but also a...
Feminine pharaoh fathered at least six children
Akhenaten wasn't the most manly pharaoh, even though he fathered at least a half-dozen children. In fact, his form was quite feminine. And he was a bit of an egghead.
Weight Loss Possible When Self-belief High
If you are what you eat, what you eat has a lot to do with how you think about yourself, says researcher studying healthy aging of women. She said that...
Experiments for kids: Perfect balance
This clever experiment looks hard as nails, but counterbalance does all the tough work for you
Gabrielle Walker on why children need to do experiments
Kids should do scientific experiments, for the same reason that they should write stories as well as reading them or do sport as well as watching it
Experiments for kids: Cornflour slimeballs
Some substances sometimes just can't make up their mind whether they're a liquid or a solid! See what we mean with this messy experiment
Experiments for kids: Friction factor
It looks like we've used a bucket of glue to stick together these telephone books. We haven't - friction does the sticking for us
Experiments for kids: The triple-egg trick
This is a risky little number, but this trick will amaze your mates - as long as you get it eggs-actly right
Selfishness May Be Altruism's Unexpected Ally
Just as religions dwell upon the eternal battle between good and evil, angels and devils, evolutionary theorists dwell upon the eternal battle between altruistic and selfish behaviors in the Darwinian...
For 30 years now, you've been getting spam
This week, the world will mark an anniversary that has changed the face -- and other anatomical regions -- of email inboxes everywhere: the first known spam email was sent...