Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Not having health insurance is expensive

14 years ago from Harvard Science

New findings from researchers at Harvard Medical School (HMS) demonstrate that individuals who were either continuously or intermittently uninsured between the ages of 51 and 64 cost Medicare more than those who...

Study: The new buzz on detecting tinnitus

14 years ago from

It's a ringing, a buzzing, a hissing or a clicking - and the patient is the only one who can hear it...

Aspirin misuse may have made 1918 flu pandemic worse

14 years ago from Biology News Net

The devastation of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic is well known, but a new article suggests a surprising factor in the high death toll: the misuse of aspirin. Appearing in the...

Sugary Mix Is Just What the Flu Doctor Ordered

14 years ago from NY Times Health

With the children’s version of the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu in short supply, pharmacists are mixing cherry syrup with the contents of the Tamiflu capsules.

NEDD9 protein supports growth of aggressive breast cancer

14 years ago from

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Centre have demonstrated that a protein called NEDD9 may be required for some of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer to grow. Their findings,...

G.E. Chief Sees India Helping Cut Costs of U.S. Health Care

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Jeffrey Immelt, chief executive of General Electric, said health care products and services developed cheaply in India would be exported to the United States.

Australian kangaroo cull prompts outrage

14 years ago from Physorg

The culling of some 140 kangaroos on one of Australia's most famous race car tracks prompted outrage Friday from environmentalists and animal rights activists.

New labels might decrease overall demand for milk

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Recent increases in organic and hormone-free milk labeling might negatively affect sales of milk without such labels, and could lead to a decreased demand for all milk types,...

A stretch to keep your hips flexible

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

The more active we are, the tighter our hips tend to be. Perform this stretch on a regular basis and you'll keep those strong gluteal muscles flexible.

Runners are baring their very soles

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Barefoot runners, a small but growing number, say it reduces injuries and just feels better. "Ouch!" "Oooh!" "Oww!" "Omigod, that hurts!" Those grunts of pain and anguish weren't coming from us -- a...

Video: Beating Birth Defects

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Four brothers in Green Bay, Wis.. were all born with severe birth defects, but still indulge their passions like acting and swimming. Rich Schlesinger reports on their inspirational story.

H1N1 and other flus off to an early start around the U.S.

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

The season kicks off with a CDC report that swine flu activity is widespread in 27 states, and outpatient visits for influenza symptoms are above normal everywhere but New England. With the traditional...

Headache guru gets diagnosis right

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

I have suffered with "the Monster" for more than 20 years. That's what I call my excruciating headaches. It took five years to get a decent diagnosis.

Einstein to develop anti-HIV drug delivery system

14 years ago from Physorg

The National Institutes of Health has awarded Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University a four-year, $7.2 million grant to develop a microbicide-releasing vaginal ring to prevent HIV transmission.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

Study: OCD, Tourette's not caused by strep ... Large chest tumor killed Cervarix patient ... Lots of exercise lowers breast cancer risk ... Some plum products have high lead levels...

Nation's leading experts on substance abuse outline new research agenda

14 years ago from Science Blog

WASHINGTON, DC, October 2 -- With substance abuse now accounting for one in 14 hospital admissions and generating billions in health care costs, leading scientists held a briefing on Capitol...

Researchers identify gene with possible link to infertility in mice

14 years ago from Science Blog

RICHMOND, Va. (Oct. 2, 2009) -- Virginia Commonwealth University researchers have identified the role of a gene in regulating molecular signals involved with ovarian follicle development, which may one...

Most Stroke Victims Arrive at Hospital Too Late for Drug Therapy

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Most stroke patients arrive at the hospital too late to take advantage of a clot-busting drug that significantly reduces stroke symptoms and lessens the chance of permanent disability,...

Ig Nobel: Researchers named the cream of the crop

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Newcastle scientists Dr Catherine Douglas and Dr Peter Rowlinson have won the Ig Nobel Prize for Veterinary Medicine for their work looking at reducing stress levels in dairy...

New breast health centre for Moncton, N.B.

14 years ago from CBC: Health

The provincial government will invest nearly $3 million to establish an integrated breast health centre in Moncton, N.B.

Probiotic health claims unsupported: EU

14 years ago from CBC: Health

An EU agency has dismissed general health claims of probiotic drinks and yogurts, saying the claims were not backed by science.

Top Panel: Get Everyone in U.S. Online Now

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Broadband Access Seen as Key to Jobs, Safety, Health; Independent Journalism Plays Vital Watchdog Role, Commission Says

Reactive Oxygen In Fruit Flies Acts As A Cell Signalling Mechanism For Immune Response

14 years ago from Science Daily

For years, health conscious people have been taking antioxidants to reduce the levels of reactive oxygen in their blood and prevent the DNA damage done by free radicals, which are...

Online News Garners More Attention From Readers If It's Negative And Localized

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers examined the physiological effects of reading threatening health news online. The researchers found that news about local health threats increased attention and memory in readers more than news about...

Speaking, Eating Possible After Tonsil Cancer Surgery With Reconstruction

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new technique for reconstructing the palate after surgery for tonsil cancer maintained patients' ability to speak clearly and eat most foods, a new study shows.

Future of HIV vaccine unclear

14 years ago from News @ Nature

Puzzling hints of success require explanation before trials can move forward.

Patient Money: A Quick Trip to the Store for Milk and a Throat Swab

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Medical advice is increasingly available through walk-in clinics at supermarkets, drugstores and big-box discounters, but some caveats are in order.

Flu fears prompt review of hockey handshake

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Minor hockey officials on P.E.I. are reviewing tradition of teams lining up to shake hands after the game as part measures to prevent the spread of swine flu.