Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Rare head and neck cancer linked to HPV, study finds

14 years ago from

An increase in cases of a rare type of head and neck cancer appears to be linked to HPV, or human papillomavirus, according to a new study from researchers at...

Study: 2 million babies and mothers die at birth

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- More than 2 million babies and mothers die worldwide each year from childbirth complications, outnumbering child deaths from malaria and HIV/AIDS, according to a study.

Hypertension and diabetes are concern in long-term care of liver transplant patients

14 years ago from

A recent study by researchers from the University of Colorado looked at post-transplant care to determine whether primary care physicians (PCPs) or hepatologists are better suited to manage the overall...

Scientists find cause of familial chordoma

14 years ago from UPI

DURHAM, N.C., Oct. 6 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've found a genetic alteration is the cause of familial chordoma, an uncommon bone cancer that also affects the nervous...

Gorilla goes under the knife for cataract repair

14 years ago from Physorg

The patient was a 42-year-old, 160-pound grandmother with thick bilateral cataracts that had left her nearly blind, markedly diminishing her quality of life.

War injury leads to advances at home

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

The military takes the lead in brain trauma research, giving hope to wounded civilians of a 'silent epidemic.' A world away from the roadside bombs and combat injuries of Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans...

Battery ingestion not uncommon in children; caregivers and physicians need education

14 years ago from Physorg

Ten years of case studies at a pediatric hospital and a thorough literature review have shown that it is not uncommon for children to ingest small "button" batteries, either...

Alternative medicine use increasing for patients suffering with chronic rhinosinusitis

14 years ago from Physorg

A new study suggests that a growing segment of patients are turning to complementary and alternative medical therapies to help treat the symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).

Minimally invasive procedure effective for treating snoring

14 years ago from Physorg

Radiofrequency ablation, a procedure that uses heat to shrink the tissue of the soft palate, is an effective and minimally invasive procedure that can be used to treat patients who...

Many patients with sleep apnea also suffer from GI tract conditions

14 years ago from Science Blog

San Diego, CA -- Patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) also tend to have additional gastrointestinal (GI) tract conditions, such as gastric reflux and hiatal hernia, which...

Prompt diagnosis of ear infections can improve outcome for organ transplant recipients

14 years ago from Science Blog

San Diego, CA - Organ transplant recipients benefit significantly when they are monitored and receive prompt diagnosis and treatment for otitis media, a common inner ear infection.

Hoarseness predominates in vocal health issues for inner city children

14 years ago from

Hoarseness, a common and widespread vocal health issue, is the chief complaint of patients in an inner city paediatric voice clinic...

Cosmetic eyelid surgery can boost quality of life for patients

14 years ago from

Cosmetic surgery that repairs droopy eyelids, also known as blepharoplasty, has an overall positive impact on patients' quality of life (QOL)...

Tai Chi may be an effective treatment for dizziness, balance issues

14 years ago from

Tai Chi, a form of Chinese martial arts often practised for its health benefits, may be an effective treatment option for patients who suffer from dizziness and balance disorders (also...

Designing drugs and their antidotes together improves patient care

14 years ago from

Imagine a surgical patient on a blood-thinning drug who starts bleeding more than expected, and an antidote that works immediately - because the blood thinner and antidote were designed to...

Radiofrequency energy technique as effective as tonsillectomy surgery

14 years ago from

Radiofrequncy-tonsillotomy, which enables surgeons to reduce the size of the tonsillar tissue instead of removing the tonsils entirely, seems to be an effective and safe method of treating children with...

Proportion of 8-year-olds diagnosed with autism is up 50% in 2 years, CDC says

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

That could reflect better detection of the disorder, scientists say, and not necessarily an increase in the number of children affected. About 1 in 100 of America's 8-year-olds have been diagnosed with autism spectrum...

Dragonfly Nymph Attacks Pregnant Mussels

14 years ago from Live Science

Pregnant mussels are on the hit list of many parasites.

Treating brain injuries on the sports field and battlefield

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

With traumatic brain injury rampant among troops overseas, the military is taking a page from sports -- discovering ways to better diagnose and treat it. Last month, when University of Southern California wide...

Embryo mix-ups anger in vitro patients

14 years ago from UPI

NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 4 (UPI) -- In vitro fertilization patients and specialists say they're upset and horrified by a mix-up of frozen embryos that led to the closing of...

Gene Controlling Number Of Brain Cells Pinpointed

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new study suggests that a single gene, called GSK-3, controls the signals that determine how many neurons actually end up composing the brain. This has important implications for patients...

Video: Please Be Seated

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Daniel Sieberg takes a look at the new generation of office chairs that are threatening to usurp the supremacy of the Aeron chair, which has held the title for 15...

Report: 13 million babies worldwide born premature

14 years ago from AP Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- They call it kangaroo care: A premature baby nestles skin-to-skin against mom's bare, warm chest. In Malawi, mothers' bodies take the place of...

Injuries kill more men than women

14 years ago from Science Alert

Injuries, such as falls and suicide, result in the deaths of twice as many men than women, a new report has found.

Confinement in Casimir cavity may allow relativistic effects at discounted velocities

14 years ago from Science Blog

My previous blog regarding an alternate relativistic explanation for the excess heat being reported by several groups of researchers resulted in lengthy correspondences and further speculation regarding the nature of...

Medical Ethics Experts Identify, Address Key Issues In H1N1 Pandemic

14 years ago from Science Daily

The anticipated onset of a second wave of the H1N1 influenza pandemic could present a host of thorny medical ethics issues best considered well in advance, according bioethicists.

Difficulties With Daily Activities Associated With Progression To Dementia

14 years ago from Science Daily

Among individuals with mild cognitive impairment, often considered a transitional state between normal cognitive function and Alzheimer's dementia, those who have more difficulties performing routine activities appear more likely to...

Experimental Drug Lets B Cells Live And Lymphoma Cells Die

14 years ago from Science Daily

An investigative drug deprived non-Hodgkin lymphoma cells of their ability to survive too long and multiply too fast, according to an early study.