Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Injury and hazards in home health care nursing are a growing concern

14 years ago from

Patients continue to enter home healthcare 'sicker and quicker,' often with complex health problems that may require extensive nursing care. This increases the risk of needlestick injuries in home healthcare...

Mediterranean Diet And Depression

14 years ago from

Can diet make you less likely to develop depression?   A new report from the University of Navarra published in Archives of General Psychiatry. says people who follow 'Mediterranean dietary pattern'...

New link found between osteoporosis and coeliac disease

14 years ago from

People with coeliac disease may develop osteoporosis because their immune system attacks their bone tissue, a new study has shown...

Los Angeles Fast-food Restaurant Ban Unlikely To Cut Obesity, Study Finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

A widely publicized set of restrictions on fast-food chain restaurants in South Los Angeles are not addressing the main differences between neighborhood food environments and are unlikely to improve the...

A Simple Way For Older Adults To Assess Arterial Stiffness: Reach For The Toes

14 years ago from Science Daily

How far you can reach beyond your toes from a sitting position -- normally used to define the flexibility of the body -- may be an indicator of how stiff...

New chemo cocktail blocks breast cancer like a strong fence

14 years ago from

Think of a protective fence that blocks the neighbour's dog from charging into your backyard. The body, too, has fences - physical and biochemical barriers that keep cells in their...

Ethnic background may be associated with diabetes risk

14 years ago from

Fat and muscle mass, as potentially determined by a person's ethnic background, may contribute to diabetes risk, according to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal...

Lack of retail grocery competition impacts Australians' health

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Limited competition in the grocery sector could be having a serious effect on public health, according to a University of Queensland study published today in the Australian and...

Food habits of the poor unchanged by NY calories law: study

14 years ago from Physorg

A New York City law requiring restaurant chains to display calorie counts has not changed eating habits among poorer people, a study released Tuesday said.

High-fat diet impairs muscle health before impacting function

14 years ago from

Skeletal muscle plays a critical role in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. But few studies have comprehensively examined how obesity caused by a high-fat diet affects the health...

Stanford analyses of flu pandemics project savings from earlier vaccinations

14 years ago from

In a city the size of New York, starting a vaccination campaign a few weeks earlier could save almost 600 lives and over $150 million, according to a study by...

Study links electronic health records to improved quality in primary care treatment

14 years ago from

Routine use of electronic health records may improve the quality of care provided in community-based primary care practices more than other common strategies intended to raise the quality of medical...

UBC researchers identify key behaviour of immune response to Listeria

14 years ago from

A team of University of British Columbia microbiologists has identified a key defence mechanism used by the immune system against Listeria with strong implications for the future development of vaccines...

Mutated FGFR4 protein helps a childhood cancer spread

14 years ago from

Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a childhood cancer thought to originate from skeletal muscle. In patients whose disease has spread (metastasised) from the initial tumour site the chance of long-term survival is...

Antibiotic may be new stroke treatment

14 years ago from

The antibiotic minocycline may revolutionise the treatment of strokes. A new study, published in the open access journal BMC Neuroscience, describes the safety and therapeutic efficacy of the drug in...

Iron regulates the TLR4 inflammatory signalling pathway

14 years ago from

Iron is a micronutrient essential to the survival of both humans and disease-causing microbes. Changes in iron levels therefore affect the severity of infectious diseases. For example, individuals with mutations...

Continuing racial differences in HIV prevalence in US

14 years ago from

HIV prevalence among African Americans is ten times greater than the prevalence among whites. This racial disparity in HIV prevalence has persisted in the face of both governmental and private...

Swine flu - were people in the UK ever really that concerned?

14 years ago from

Three quarters of European people surveyed between the 30th April and 6th May 2009 said they were either not at all concerned or only a little concerned about swine flu....

Health Insurance Exchanges: Will They Work?

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Critics worry that big insurers may shun the exchanges or that consumers will not be able to afford what is offered.

News briefs from the October issue of Chest

14 years ago from Science Blog

VENTILATION MASK LEAKAGE MAY CONTAMINATE HOSPITAL ROOM New research shows that certain noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) masks may leak exhaled air up to a distance of 1 m from patients...

Drug Eliminates Parasite That Causes Babesiosis In Horses

14 years ago from Science Daily

A drug commonly used to treat cattle and sometimes dogs for a blood parasite can, at a relatively high dose, completely eliminate the parasite Babesia caballi from horses, scientists have...

Commuters' hands reveal poor hygiene

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Most people don't wash their hands often or thoroughly enough after using the bathroom, a British study of commuters showed.

Worry Grows Among Doctors Over Clamor for Flu Vaccine

14 years ago from NY Times Science

The fear of swine flu is being compounded by new worries, this time among primary care doctors who say that they are already being swamped by calls.

Costs of expanding health care coverage partly offset by future Medicare savings

14 years ago from Physorg

Expanding health coverage might not cost as much as policymakers assume.

Really?: The Claim: With a Runny Nose, Green Calls for an Antibiotic.

14 years ago from NY Times Science

Does the color of nasal discharge indicate the need for antibiotics?

Global Update: China: High Blood Pressure Tops the List of Preventable Deaths in China

14 years ago from NY Times Science

High blood pressure is the leading preventable cause of death in China, causing 2.3 million deaths a year, researchers reported on Monday.

Labelling deadline may keep natural health products off shelves

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Hundreds of natural health products could disappear from store shelves next spring because of a Health Canada backlog in approving licences, warns the Canadian Health Food Association.

Mercury in fish seems to raise blood pressure in spite of nutrients

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- The negative impact of high amounts of methylmercury in seafood on blood pressure may outweigh the protective effects of fish nutrients, researchers report in Hypertension: Journal of the...