Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Polls may underestimate Obama's support by 3 to 4 percent, researchers say

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Current polls of the presidential election may be underestimating Barack Obama's support by 3 to 4 percent nationally and possibly larger margins in the Southeast and some strongly...

Does literacy still matter?

14 years ago from Science Blog

In an intriguing recent article in Science Magazine, Douglas Oard of the University of Maryland asks what the cultural consequences of better speech recognition software will be. One of them,...

Leakey: Economic Woes Could be 'Devastating' to Science

14 years ago from Live Science

Richard Leakey warns that science funding could dry up in current economic crisis.

Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Cover

14 years ago from PopSci

Welcome to Intelligent Design, the PopSci art department blog. Our first story brings you into the world of covers. The Future of Sports issue was quite unusual for us, bringing...

'CarTel' Aims To Reduce Commute Times, Detect Engine Woes

14 years ago from Science Daily

Dozens of cars in the Boston area are testing the latest generation of an MIT mobile-sensor network for traffic analysis that could help drivers cut their commuting time, alert them...

Computers 'Taught' To Search For Photos Based On Their Contents

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new statistical approach that one day could make it easier to search the Internet for photographs has been given a patent. Its accuracy now is being improved with public...

Generation Y will wait for houses

14 years ago from Science Alert

A new study has found that Generation Y is prepared delay buying their first home in order to find something affordable that meets their expectations.

Robots: The Bizarre And The Beautiful

14 years ago from Science Daily

The future is a foreign country, and nowhere is it more foreign that the designs thrown up by a surge in robotics research. The feverish imagination and creativity of European...

A Fertilizer Good for Only Growing Things, Not Destroying Them

14 years ago from Scientific American

You might not know it but fertilizer is the explosive of choice for budget-conscious terrorists. The blasts at the World Trade Center in 1993, Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995...

Using Plants Instead of Petroleum to Make Jet Fuel

14 years ago from Scientific American

Chemical engineers in North Dakota have successfully turned oil from plants--canola (rapeseed), coconuts and soybeans--into jet fuel indistinguishable from the conventional kind, according to U.S. government tests. Working with the...

New study re-emphasizes natural cocoa powder has high antioxidant content

14 years ago from Biology News Net

Over the past ten years, dark chocolate and cocoa have become recognized through numerous studies for flavanol antioxidant benefits. In a study published this month in the Journal of...

Rutgers researcher examines connections between vision and movement

14 years ago from Physorg

A hand moves forward, but is it a friendly gesture or one meant to do harm? In an instant, we respond -- either extending our arm forward to shake...

10-digit dialing conversion disables some home alarms

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

A Calgary woman says that when her home was broken into an alarm system failed to function, because some security alarm companies in Alberta have yet to convert all their...

Yahoo! to do list: unveil new calendar

14 years ago from Physorg

Internet giant Yahoo! on Wednesday rolled out an updated version of its Web-based calendar, in its latest bid to stay ahead of rival Google.

An alternative to the iPod, plus free music

14 years ago from Physorg

Would you be interested in a portable music player that does not require a subscription fee or the need to transfer digital files for new music?

Scanners can bridge gap between business cards, high-tech

14 years ago from Physorg

Even though many phone numbers and e-mail addresses are just a Google search away, low-tech, paper business cards remain popular. So what's the best way to get contact information from...

Low-cost fix may put end to lines on screen

14 years ago from Physorg

Q. I have a 3-year-old Apple iMac G5 desktop computer. In August, the screen started displaying a series of small, randomly distributed vertical lines. By late September, the number of...

Study: Flexi display technology is now

14 years ago from UPI

MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and German scientists say we can soon expect to see rigid television screens, bulky laptops and still image posters become things...

Recycling Waste

14 years ago from C&EN

EPA will allow companies to sell or reuse some manufacturing leftovers classified as hazardous

Oxford school expands to tackle global challenges

14 years ago from News @ Nature

Ian Goldin, director of the James Martin 21st Century School, tells about his vision for interdisciplinarity.

Sure you want to send that e-mail? 'Goggles' to discourage impulse missives

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Gmail, Google's e-mail system, is offering a new feature called Mail Goggles designed to make users think twice before firing off a message.

The future for Howard Hughes

14 years ago from News @ Nature

Robert Tjian speaks to about his plans as the new president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Collaboration: Group theory

14 years ago from News @ Nature

What makes a successful team? John Whitfield looks at research that uses massive online databases and network analysis to come up with some rules of thumb for productive collaborations.

Researchers harness Google Earth to fight dengue

14 years ago from SciDev

Scientists have found that satellite imagery archives like Google Earth provide an inexpensive method for mapping diseases such as dengue.

Paramedics protest in Vancouver over underfunding of ambulance service

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Hundreds of paramedics gathered outside the provincial cabinet offices in downtown Vancouver Tuesday demanding the B.C. government properly fund the province's ambulance service or face job action.

Invasive Papaya Pest Discovered in Asia

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Papaya is a multimillion dollar crop in Indonesia, India, countries in the Caribbean and South America, the Hawaiian Islands, and Florida. The first reported occurrences of papaya mealybug in Indonesia...

Recipes for Health: Greek Swiss Chard Pie

14 years ago from NY Times Health

In a dish similar to Spanakopita, chard retains its dark green color and fresh flavor.

33 States to Get $62 Million in Zyprexa Case Settlement

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Eli Lilly has agreed to pay $62 million to 33 states to settle claims that it improperly marketed Zyprexa to patients who did not have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.