Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Mars rover Curiosity on road to recovery from glitch in brain transplant

10 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Scientists are making progress after a glitch during an electronic brain transplant put Curiosity rover in "safe mode"

Washington Medical Research Institutions Call on Congress to Prevent Sequestration Cuts

10 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

A group of Seattle's leading health research institutions have sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to take action to prevent sequestration funding cuts from taking effect on...

Swine cells could power artificial liver

10 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists are examining a line of "immortal" swine cells that can differentiate into liver cells. These cells could be part of an artificial liver device, which could reduce the need...

First study to analyze 25 yrs of data after radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients

10 years ago from Science Daily

A new study has analyzed 25 years of follow-up data after radiation therapy treatment for prostate cancer patients.

Surgeon General C. Everett Koop dies

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Dr. C. Everett Koop may be remembered for elevating the influence of the U.S. surgeon general

Calcium and vitamin D won't help most older women

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Most healthy, postmenopausal women don't need to take calcium or vitamin D supplements to prevent broken bones, a U.S. advisory group concludes.

Tweaking gene expression to repair lungs

10 years ago from Science Daily

A healthy lung has some capacity to regenerate itself like the liver. In COPD, these reparative mechanisms fail. HDAC therapies may be useful for COPD, as well as other airway...

Targeting CPR education in high-risk neighborhoods could save more lives

10 years ago from Science Daily

Targeting CPR education in high-risk neighborhoods could increase the number of bystanders giving CPR and decrease deaths from cardiac arrest, according to a new statement.

Cortisone can increase risk of acute pancreatitis

10 years ago from Science Daily

A new study shows that cortisone -- a hormone used in certain medicines -- increases the risk of acute pancreatitis. According to the researchers, they suggest that patients treated with...

Kids With Ear Infections May Not Need Antibiotics, New Guidelines Say

10 years ago from Live Science

Kids with mild ear infections may not need antibiotic treatment.

Small molecules in the blood might gauge radiation effects after exposure

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified molecules in the blood that might gauge the likelihood of radiation illness after exposure to ionizing radiation. The animal study shows that radiation predictably alters levels of...

Pregnant mother's blood pressure may affect future health of children

10 years ago from Science Daily

Up to 10 percent of all women experience some form of elevated blood pressure during pregnancy. Researchers now show that mild maternal hypertension early in pregnancy actually benefits the fetus,...

U.S. doctor shortage may be overestimated

10 years ago from UPI

NEW YORK, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- The U.S. primary care physician shortage prediction may be overestimated if the projections are based on doctor-to-general population ratios, researchers say.

11-year surgery wait has N.S. woman speaking out

10 years ago from CBC: Health

A woman who has waited more than 11 years for foot surgery is speaking out on how the wait has affected her life.

Wealthy may have an edge over poor for medical appointments

10 years ago from CBC: Health

family doctor, Stephen Hwang, poor, discrimination,

Yeast study yields potential for new cholesterol, anti-fungal drugs

10 years ago from Physorg

(—While studying a mutant strain of yeast, Purdue University researchers may have found a new target for drugs to combat cholesterol and fungal diseases.

New coronavirus cases tracked closely

10 years ago from CBC: Health

An infectious disease specialist in Toronto is trying to predict where new cases of a respiratory infection will crop up next.

Higher levels of several toxic metals found in children with autism

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found significantly higher levels of toxic metals in children with autism, compared to typical children. They hypothesize that reducing early exposure to toxic metals may help lessen symptoms...

Warren E.C. Wacker dies

10 years ago from Harvard Science

Warren E.C. Wacker, former Henry K. Oliver Professor of Hygiene Emeritus, died on Dec. 29, 2012. Wacker held various positions at Harvard over the years. He was an investigator at...

Prenatal Omega-3 Fatty Acid DHA Supplement Reduces Early Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight

10 years ago from

Researchers have reported the results of a 10-year, double-blind randomized controlled trial in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and  found that the infants of mothers who were given 600 milligrams...

News in Brief: Sleep loss affects gene activity

10 years ago from

Losing zzz’s disrupts daily rhythms at biochemical level

InOrder: Evidence-Based, Collaborative Order Sets Tool

10 years ago from

International publisher Elsevier has announced the launch of InOrder, a cloud-based order sets solution that enables clinicians to author, review and publish orders in a collaborative environment that quickly translates...

Sleeping less than six hours a night skews activity of hundreds of genes

10 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Genes affected by lack of sleep include those governing the immune system, metabolism and the body's response to stressGetting too little sleep for several nights in a row disrupts hundreds of genes that...

As BP Trial Opens, Hints of Progress on a Deal

10 years ago from NY Times Science

No one involved in the case has commented on any progress, but several lawyers briefed on the negotiations said that a $16 billion proposal had been made.

Recipes for Health: Root Vegetable Sweetness — Recipes for Health

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Even once they have started to go limp, root vegetables can be the basis of delicious, healthy meals.

Could an Avocado a Day Keep the Doctor Away?

10 years ago from Live Science

Avocado eaters have a better diet and a lower risk for metabolic syndrome.

Extremely high estrogen levels may underlie complications of single-birth IVF pregnancies

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified what may be a major factor behind the increased risk of two adverse outcomes in pregnancies conceived through IVF. Their findings support the hypothesis that extremely high...

Incidence of Identity Theft Hits 3-Year High

10 years ago from Live Science

One in 20 American adults fell victim to ID theft last year, with $21 billion stolen.