Latest science news in Health & Medicine

New type of gene that regulates tumour suppressor PTEN identified

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified a new so-called pseudogene that regulates the tumor-suppressing PTEN gene. They hope that this pseudogene will be able to control PTEN to reverse the tumor process, make...

Ability of brain to protect itself from damage revealed

10 years ago from Science Daily

The origin of an innate ability the brain has to protect itself from damage that occurs in stroke has been explained for the first time. Researchers hope that harnessing this...

General mechanism that accelerates tumor development discovered

10 years ago from Science Daily

Two new articles describe how the CPBE1 protein "takes the brakes off" the production of proteins associated with the cell switch from being healthy to tumorous. The study highlights CPEB...

Maliseet First Nation looks to grow medical marijuana

10 years ago from CBC: Health

The Maliseet First Nation in New Brunswick is working with an American company to build a medical marijuana research and treatment facility.

Economic View: Overcoming Obstacles to Better Health Care

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Transforming the American health care system could include offering safe harbor from malpractice suits for doctors who demonstrate high-quality care.

Herbal tea recalled due to salmonella warning

10 years ago from CBC: Health

A brand of herbal tea sold in B.C. is being recalled voluntarily on the recommendation from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency who advised consumers not to drink it because of...

In the Pink Zone

10 years ago from Harvard Science

Harvard’s Lavietes Pavilion was bedecked in a paler shade of crimson on Saturday for the Harvard-Yale women’s basketball game. The evening included the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Pink Zone event to raise awareness...

Reprogramming cells to fight diabetes

10 years ago from Science Daily

For years researchers have been searching for a way to treat diabetics by reactivating their insulin-producing beta cells, with limited success. The "reprogramming" of related alpha cells into beta cells...

Race linked to childhood food allergies, not environmental allergies

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have shown that race and possibly genetics play a role in children's sensitivity to developing allergies. Researchers found: African-American children were sensitized to at least one food allergen three...

Weight and mortality

10 years ago from Harvard Science

In January, when the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a meta-analysis of 100 studies that probed the relationship between body mass index and mortality — studies that found slightly overweight...

Business Briefing | Legal/regulatory: Johnson & Johnson Confirms Inquiry Into Hip Devices

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Federal prosecutors are investigating Johnson & Johnson’s practices in marketing a line of hip replacements recalled in 2010 because many had to be replaced within a few years.

National Briefing | West: California: Tuberculosis Outbreak Among Homeless

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Los Angeles County officials have asked for federal assistance in analyzing and containing an outbreak of tuberculosis among the city’s homeless population.

What Really Killed Spencer Cox, AIDS activist?

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Did the battle to fight AIDS ultimately kill Spencer Cox, one of its early warriors? Mr. Cox appears in the documentary “How to Survive a Plague,” which has been nominated...

Family doctors available to all by 2015, province promises

10 years ago from CBC: Health

The provincial government and the B.C. Medical Association have announced a new $132-million pilot program they say will ensure everyone who wants a family doctor will be able to access...

The New Old Age Blog: For Traumatized Caregivers, Therapy Helps

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Therapists said they often encountered symptoms of trauma among caregivers, even though research documenting this phenomenon is scarce.

Well: Depression May Stifle Shingles Vaccine Response

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Adults with untreated depression who received the shingles vaccine mounted a relatively weak immune response compared with their healthy age-matched peers, or to those taking antidepressants.

F.D.A. Approves Breast Cancer Drug

10 years ago from NY Times Health

The new type of drug combines the widely used breast cancer medicine Herceptin with a powerful toxin to more effectively kill cancer cells while potentially reducing side effects.

Insulin levels wax and wane daily

10 years ago from

Modern life may clash with hormone’s natural cycle

FYI: Could Hand Sanitizer Make You Catch On Fire?

10 years ago from PopSci

Hand sanitizer DreamstimeA tragic blaze in an Oregon hospital erupted from hand sanitizer earlier this month. Should you be worried? A bizarre fire ignited in a Portland hospital earlier this month, causing second-...

Video: New epilepsy device could help control seizures

10 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A Food and Drug Administration panel is weighing whether to recommend approval of a new device, implanted under the skin on the skull, that could help some people with epilepsy...

Palliative care volunteers needed at Horizon hospitals

10 years ago from CBC: Health

The Horizon Health Network is attempting to find new ways to attract volunteers to help in palliative care wards.

Fraser Health uses alternative flu vaccine for seniors

10 years ago from CBC: Health

The Fraser Health Authority is working to improve the flu shot's effectiveness for seniors with a targeted vaccine program.

Underlying mechanisms behind chronic inflammation-associated diseases revealed

10 years ago from Science Daily

Inflammatory response plays a major role in both health protection and disease generation. While the symptoms of disease-related inflammatory response have been know, scientists have not understood the mechanisms that...

Intensive care linked to BPA exposure in newborns

10 years ago from

Highest levels of pollutant occur in sickest babies, study finds

Medical glasses aid in color blindness

10 years ago from UPI

BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Eyeglasses made to boost the vision of health care workers appear to have a side effect of correcting for color blindness, U.S. researchers...

Why Snacking at Night Is Bad For You

10 years ago from Live Science

Mice's ability to turn food into fat or fuel waxes and wanes throughout the day

Taking the global out of health campaigns

10 years ago from SciDev

The last stages of polio eradication suggest a new model of health campaigns much more responsive to global changes and local context.

CalPERS plans 85% rate hike for long-term-care insurance

10 years ago from LA Times - Health

More than 110,000 CalPERS policyholders are being warned about the hefty increase, which won't take effect until 2015.Dailey Mayo received some stunning news in the mail last week: an 85%...