Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Serotonin Link To Impulsivity, Decision-making, Confirmed

16 years ago from Science Daily

New research suggests that the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts as a chemical messenger between nerve cells, plays a critical role in regulating emotions such as aggression during social decision-making. Though...

Parents spending any part of the night with their infants report poor sleep

16 years ago from Physorg

Parental adaptation to infant sleep was poorer when infants spent any part of the night with their parents, even when parents endorsed bedsharing, according to a research abstract that will...

Grandma And Grandpa Are Good For Children

16 years ago from Science Daily

A national survey about the relationships that adolescents have with their grandparents shows that grandparents who are involved in the upbringing of their grandchildren can contribute to a child's well-being.

Admiring Celebrities Can Help Improve Self-esteem

16 years ago from Science Daily

A new study shows how "connections" to celebrities help those with low-self esteem view themselves more positively. People with low self-esteem can use their parasocial relationships to feel closer to...

New research shows risk of ALS exposure in Gulf War veterans is time limited

16 years ago from Physorg

A new study, led by researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC), says that cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) among soldiers who served in the first Persian Gulf War...

Scientists Decipher The Neurological Basis Of Timely Movement

16 years ago from Science Daily

Surprisingly, the way we interact with the world is not a simple matter of sensing and then reacting. Our sensory systems are far too slow, placing everything we sense a...

School Of Robofish Provides Basis For Underwater Robot Teams

16 years ago from Science Daily

Most ocean robots have to talk to scientists or satellites to share information. A new school of robotic fish communicate directly, allowing them to work cooperatively without coming to the...

Teenagers Attending College Less Likely To Engage In Risky Sexual Behavior

16 years ago from Science Daily

Aolescents attending college six months after they completed high school are significantly less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than those who do not go to college, according to...

Socializing Can Help Elderly Women Stay Sharp

16 years ago from Science Daily

Socializing with friends and family can do more than lift the spirits of elderly women -- it can improve cognition and might help prevent dementia, according to a new study....

Indictment: Broadcom ex-CEO built drug warehouse

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Federal prosecutors may have charged Broadcom co-founder Henry T. Nicholas III in one of the largest stock-option backdating cases in U.S. history, but it was allegations that...

Talking to cells

16 years ago from Biology News Net

For an organism to develop and function, the individual cells must exchange information, or communicate, with each other. Is it possible to learn their language and "talk to" the cells?

New account of Primo Levi racism row

16 years ago from News @ Nature

Fresh light shed on Jewish chemist's wartime struggle for acceptance.

The Strange Role of Sex in Hillary's Failed Run

16 years ago from Live Science

Gender played a role in Clinton's demise as a presidential candidate.

Motivation of small business managers affects firm growth

16 years ago from Physorg

Economic theory often assumes that firm growth is automatic, given the existence of growth opportunities in the marketplace. However, a new study published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice reveals that...

Opinion: Inspired learning

16 years ago from Science Alert

Many scientists have a similar story about what inspired them to devote their lives to science - a great teacher or a fascinating school experience. But are children today receiving...

African e-learning 'needs human capacity building'

16 years ago from SciDev

When it comes to e-learning it's not the hardware you use, but the way that you use it that counts, a new survey suggests.

Vodafone confirms Verizon's Alltel talks

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Vodafone Group PLC confirmed Thursday that Verizon Wireless is in advanced talks about acquiring U.S. carrier Alltel Communications LLC.

Whr R U?

16 years ago from Science NOW

Cell phone calls and text messages help scientists track patterns of human motion

Human Mobility is Not Random, Finds Physicist

16 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

In the cover story in this week's Nature magazine, Northeastern University physicist Professor Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and his team found that humans can be characterized based on how they move. In...

Does everyone really want to be a macho man?

16 years ago from Physorg

Traditional attitudes of masculinity, such as physical toughness and personal sacrifice, are valued in Mexican culture. A University of Missouri researcher found that Mexican-American men, as a group, are more...

Programs succeed in reducing risky sex among HIV-positive minority men

16 years ago from Physorg

Research has shown that HIV-positive African American and Hispanic men who were sexually abused as children are particularly vulnerable to engaging in high-risk sex and experiencing depressive symptoms. Yet few...

Teens' Nude Pics "Spread Like Wildfire"

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Teenagers are increasingly snapping naked pictures of themselves on their cell phones, officials say, with the photos often falling into the wrong hands.

The Skinny on Fat: You're Not Always What You Eat [News]

16 years ago from Scientific American

Ever wondered why some people seem able to gobble down anything and still stay slim? [More]

Mobile phones expose human habits

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

More than 100,000 mobile phone users are tracked in an attempt to build a picture of human behaviours.

Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 22 May–4 June

16 years ago from SciDev

Zimbabwean biotechnology research fails to reap benefits, drought-resistant livestock boost smallholder herds, and more.

When Thumbs Up Is No Comfort

16 years ago from NY Times Health

As public figures are stricken with harrowing illness, the images of them as upbeat have almost become routine, and whether such images inspire patients or reinforce unrealistic expectations remains an...

Gym Grunter Not Assaulted by Silencer, a Jury Rules

16 years ago from NY Times Health

A jury acquitted Christopher Carter of assault charges for manhandling the stationary bike of a fellow gym member who was shouting and grunting during a spin class.

Advertising, Alcohol And Adolescents

16 years ago from Science Daily

The advertising of alcohol, the marketing of alcoholic products, peer pressure and parental influence all play a part in the level of alcohol consumption among young people. Researchers found that...