Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Active Social Life May Delay Memory Loss Among US Elderly Population
In a new study, Harvard School of Public Health researchers found evidence that elderly people in the US who have an active social life may have a slower rate of...
How Fairness Is Wired In The Brain
In the biblical story in which two women bring a baby to King Solomon, both claiming to be the mother, he suggests dividing the child so that each woman can...
Laysan Albatross Employs 'Dual Mommies'
What's a girl to do if there's a shortage of males and she needs help raising a family? The Laysan albatross employs a strategy called reciprocity, where unrelated females pair...
GPs left out of pandemic plan
Health researchers examining Australia's flu pandemic plans have found that general practitioners were mostly overlooked, despite evidence they would be useful.
Lead exposure linked to criminal behavior
CINCINNATI , May 29 (UPI) -- A U.S. study suggests a direct link between early lead exposure and an increased risk of criminal behavior.
Brazil court to decide on embryonic cell research
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil's Supreme Court started voting on Wednesday on whether to uphold legislation that allows research on embryonic stem cells in the world's largest Roman Catholic country.
Genetics guru to leave government post
Francis Collins, who helped lead the breakthrough unraveling of the human genetic code — and found common ground between the belief in God and science — is leaving the National...
Epilepsy drug may help alcoholics
Drug eases alcohol cravings and anxiety in rats addicted to alcohol.
Manitoba hires 18 more nurse practitioners
Manitoba's NDP government is hoping to take some of the pressure off the health care system by creating 18 new positions for nurse practitioners around the province.
Kids have words in common
Research has found that young children from all different backgrounds share a verbal culture, and only the less frequently used words reflect social differences.
Trauma of 9/11 appears to have altered brains, study suggests
Healthy adults who were close to the World Trade Center during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, have less gray matter in key emotion centers of their brains compared...
'Miracle dyslexia cure' firm on the ropes
A company which claimed to offer a cure for dyslexia has closed its UK offices leaving parents unsure whether their children's treatment will be completed
One quarter of disabled kids not getting special education: StatsCan
One quarter of children with disabilities whose parents felt they needed special education didn't receive this type of schooling, finds a new report from Statistics Canada.
Youth Obesity Epidemic Reaches Plateau?
There was no significant increase in the prevalence of obese children and teens in the US between 1999 and 2006, in contrast to the increase that had been reported in...
Parental Involvement Strongly Impacts Student Achievement
New research shows that students do much better in school when their parents are actively involved in their education. Parents seemed particularly interested in the academic achievements of their daughters....
People With ADHD Do One Month's Less Work Per Year, Study Finds
Workers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do 22 days less work per year than people who do not have the disorder, finds new research. So much work is being...
Costa Rica seeks to boost innovation
A new report aims to understand why Costa Rica -- despite having the human and technological resources -- has low levels of innovation.
Powerful emotions affect how voters seek political information
Angry and anxious voters tend to tune into the presidential race but their strong emotions might actually distract them from paying attention to the facts.
S.E.C. Backs Health Care Balloting
The Securities and Exchange Commission, shifting its position, has told companies they must allow shareholders to vote on a proposal for universal health insurance coverage.
Canadian kids get poor grade in fitness, report says
A report card on physical activity levels for Canadian children and youth gives kids a D when it comes to fitness.
Letting the good times roll in ancient times
From the Egytian "festival of drunkenness" to the Roman hot-tub parties, ancient people also knew how to let the good times roll.
Learning How to Reflect (or Not)
A variety of meditative practices have been studied by Western researchers for their effects on mental and physical health.
Lotus Therapy
Mindfulness meditation has become perhaps the most popular new psychotherapy technique of the past decade.
Miramichi pathologist's work consistently sub-par, inquiry hears
One of the doctors who first reviewed the work of former Miramichi pathologist Raj Menon immediately found problems, a New Brunswick inquiry heard Monday.
Late talking toddlers may fall behind
New findings have shown that although most late talking toddlers catch up to their peers by school age, one in five continue to struggle with language problems.
Japan urges limiting kids' cell phones
(AP) -- Japanese youngsters are getting so addicted to Internet-linking cell phones that the government is starting a program warning parents and schools to limit their use among children.
Why Are Some People Unable To Express Their Emotions?
Italian investigators have published a new study on the neurobiologic correlates of the inability to express emotions (alexithymia). A deficit in interhemispheric transfer was hypothesized in alexithymia more than 30...
President Bush Signs Landmark Genetic Nondiscrimination Information Act Into Law
U.S. President George W. Bush has signed into law the first civil rights legislation of the new millennium, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). GINA is the first and only...