Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Anxiety disorder leaves parts of life in limbo for author Samantha Schutz

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

But her commitment to therapy and willingness to try new medications to stave off panic attacks gives her ever-increasing control. ...

Boys as Socially Aggressive as Girls: Study

16 years ago from Live Science

Indirect hostility by spreading rumors, gossiping, excluding others, a guy thing as well

Exposure To Family Violence Especially Harmful To Previously Abused Children

16 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers conducted a study with a racially diverse sample of 2,925 children ages 5 to 16 years that found that the types of violence that abused children were later re-exposed...

Pleasure wasted on the old?

16 years ago from Science Blog

If, as the song laments, our "get up and go" fades as we get older, it may stem from aging-related changes in a brain reward circuit. Compared to young participants,...

Older Problem Gamblers May Face Greater Suicide Risk Than Younger Counterparts, Study Finds

16 years ago from Science Daily

Compared to their younger counterparts, older problem gamblers who ask casinos to bar them from returning are three to four times more likely to do so because they fear they...

Troubled Girls From Poor Neighborhoods More Likely To Have Sex In Early Adolescence

16 years ago from Science Daily

A new study has found that girls living in poor neighborhoods were more likely to engage in sexual intercourse in early adolescence and to be doing so with older boys.

Children Who Are Concerned About Parents Arguing Are Prone To School Problems

16 years ago from Science Daily

A new study charted how children's concerns about their parents' relationship may increase their vulnerability to later adjustment problems. Children who worry a lot about conflict between their parents were...

MRI Reveals Inner Ear Anomalies In Children With Hearing Loss

16 years ago from Science Daily

Using magnetic resonance imaging, physicians can identify soft-tissue defects that contribute to hearing loss in children, according to a new report.

Junk food ads target kids

16 years ago from Science Alert

Children are subjected to more than three unhealthy food advertisements for every hour of tv they watch, a much larger amount than adults, research has found.

Casual staff sexually harassed more

16 years ago from Science Alert

Research has found that women in casual and contract positions are up to ten times more likely to experience sexual harassment than those employed full time.

Preschoolers worried about weight

16 years ago from Science Alert

A study has found that modern children are thinking about body image from an early age – boys and girls were worried about their bodies as young as four.

The Dope on Dopamine's Central Role in the Brain's Motivation and Reward Networks

16 years ago from Scientific American

Researchers have for the first time found that the neurotransmitter dopamine is central to the human brain network governing motivation and a sense of reward and pleasure--and that it changes...

Hazardous homes cause injuries

16 years ago from Science Alert

Many houses are filled with accidents waiting to happen, according to New Zealand research that found 40 per cent of homes contain a large number of hazards.

Absent fathers hasten menstruation

16 years ago from Science Alert

Girls who have an absent father early in life are likely to have their first period earlier, which previous studies have linked with health problems.

Israeli city uses DNA to fight dog poop

16 years ago from Reuters:Science

PETAH TIKVA, Israel (Reuters) - An Israeli city is using DNA analysis of dog droppings to reward and punish pet owners.

Elementary students need help with math, tests show

16 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Many elementary students in Nova Scotia are struggling with math, the latest assessments show.

Some Charlottetown daycares turn away allergic children

16 years ago from CBC: Health

One in five daycares in Charlottetown either refuses or is reluctant to take children with life threatening allergies, a CBC survey has found.

Is it possible, asks Peta Bee, that being super-fit lessens the risks of smoking?

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Is it possible, asks Peta Bee, that being super-fit lessens the risks of smoking?

Feature: Sexually deceived by orchids? Well I never!

16 years ago from Science Alert

Man has admired the beauty and scent of the orchid for centuries but many are unaware that they possess other charms and can be sexually deceptive, particularly to insects. New...

Help For Shopaholics: New Test Determines Who's At Risk For Compulsive Buying

16 years ago from Science Daily

Compulsive shopping can lead to financial problems, family conflicts, stress, depression, and loss of self-esteem. According to a new study, there may be more people engaged in compulsive buying than...

Magic Can Conjure Up Confidence And Social Skills

16 years ago from Science Daily

For years, audiences have been thrilled by the amazing performances of master magicians, such as David Blaine and Derren Brown. Now, the results of a new experiment suggests that such...

South Australians fear cancer myths

16 years ago from Science Alert

Research has found that most South Australians falsely believe pollution and stress are major causes of cancer, ignoring main concerns such as UV exposure.

Feature: The pursuit of happiness - sustaining human well-being

16 years ago from Science Alert

CSIRO’s Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds and Anthea Coggan argue that insights from research into happiness and well-being are important to achieving sustainable development in its broadest sense.

Context is everything: An Armani ad on 1 page changes perception of Honda ad on next page

16 years ago from Physorg

A person flipping through a magazine or watching TV sees a number of advertisements. Does the placement of those ads matter to consumers? A new study in the Journal of...

Not buying it: Marketing messages may not work in uncommon situations

16 years ago from Physorg

Marketers like to talk about "priming" goals -- or sending subtle messages to encourage consumption. For example, thirsty people who encounter ads related to thirst tend to buy more beverages.

Increase public participation to battle dengue, says study

16 years ago from SciDev

A study has found that increasing public participation in dengue-related decisions could potentially reduce Aedes aegypti infestation in Cuba.

Music, CompuMaestro -- like Radiohead, please...

16 years ago from Physorg

It's an archetypal exchange in musical performance. A vocalist stands poised to perform. The guitarist alongside is ready to add depth and harmony to the melody. The guitarist doesn't know...

Why we vote the way we do

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- So you're standing in the election booth. You look at the names in front of you: McCain and Obama. Chances are, by now you know who you're going...