Latest science news in Earth & Climate
What made the Dust Bowl bad?
The Dust Bowl drought of the 1930s was arguably one of the worst environmental disasters of the 20th century. New computer simulations reveal the whipped-up dust is what made the...
Rocks Under The Northern Ocean Are Found To Resemble Ones Far South
Scientists probing volcanic rocks from deep under the frozen surface of the Arctic Ocean have discovered a special geochemical signature until now found only in the southern hemisphere. The rocks...
Engineering And Invention On The Half-shell: Learning From Marine Animals
Marine snails, sea urchins and other animals from the sea are teaching researchers how to make the world a better place. Consider, for example, the possibilities of designing a lightweight...
California and Oregon Commercial Salmon Fishing Declared "Failure", Shut Down
This is far below what is needed to sustain the population and we have decided to shut down the commercial ocean salmon fishery for all of California and most of...
Three-in-Five Chance Of Record Low Arctic Sea Ice In 2008, According to New Forecast
New calculations indicate the record low minimum extent of sea ice across the Arctic last September has a three-in-five chance of being shattered again in 2008 because of continued warming...
Newly Discovered Water, Oil And Gas Locations Surveyed In Afghanistan
The USGS recently collected new information to aid in resource and hazards assessments of Afghanistan. This survey presents valuable new information to policymakers, potential private investors, and the public in...
New Ocean Current Discovered
Scientists have discovered a new climate pattern, the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation. This pattern explains, for the first time, changes in the water important in helping commercial fishermen understand fluctuations...
Geochemists Challenge Key Theory Regarding Earth's Formation
Geologists call into question three decades of conventional wisdom regarding some of the physical processes that helped shape the Earth as we know it today. New research provides a direct...
Girl travels from Philippines to NYC for clubfoot surgery
(AP) -- In her 15 years, Jingle Luis has never walked on the bottoms of her feet. Born in the Philippines with feet so clubbed they twist backward and...
DIAMOND to tackle UK nuclear waste issues
The long-term problem of how to manage and dispose of Britain`s nuclear waste is to be tackled by a UK consortium headed by the University of Leeds.
California's farm belt plan to cut air pollution criticized
(AP) -- Environmentalists say a new plan to clean up the soot-laden air in California's farm belt would fail to adequately regulate agricultural sources of pollution.
Video: World's longest sea bridge opens in China
Hangzhou Bay bridge, spanning 22 miles, links Shanghai with booming industrial city of Ningbo
In a New Climate Model, Short-Term Cooling in a Warmer World
Climatologists will create decade-long climate forecasts, just as meteorologists craft weeklong weather forecasts.
Basics: Noble Eagles, Nasty Pigeons, Biased Humans
Biobigotry is the persistent and often irrational desire to be surrounded only by those species of which one approves.
Summer smash
Proof of the so-called standard model of particle physics hangs on a huge experiment taking place this summer deep beneath the Swiss border. Robert Matthews reports
Alaska hardest hit by U.S. climate change
DURHAM, N.H., April 30 (UPI) -- Scientists say Alaska leads the rest of the United States in experiencing the effects of global warning.
Netfile users get May 6 tax extension
Canadians trying to file their tax returns using Netfile have had their deadline extended from midnight Wednesday to May 6 due to problems with the Canada Revenue Agency's website.
Policy can empower technological climate change solution
The chair of the U.S. House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming struck an optimistic tone about the planet’s climate crisis last night, saying that an energy revolution...
'New' Ancient Antarctic Sediment Reveals Climate Change History
Recent additions to the premier collection of Southern Ocean sediment cores at Florida State University's Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility will give international scientists a close-up look at fluctuations that...
California Wildfires Continue to Burn [News]
Wildfire season has gotten an early start this year. [More]
Tornadoes Take the D.C. Area by Storm [News]
Residents living in the Washington, D.C., suburbs are learning that tornadoes are not just a threat to the Great Plains. More than 200 people were injured and several homes and...
Eye in the Sky Tracks Earth's Changes [Slideshow] [News]
Slideshow: View Earth's ChangesIn September 2007 less sea ice covered the Arctic than at any point since the U.S. government began keeping records of its decline. All told, it covered...
Atmospheric Scientist to Lead Climate Change Impacts Research for White House
A prominent climate researcher and professor at the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech University has been invited by the White House to serve as a lead author on a...
Opinion: The widening scope of climate change
Warming has already taken the planet into a condition where human experience no longer provides a reliable indication of the future, writes Graeme Pearman.
Feature: Smarter irrigation in a drier century
With global climate models indicating a further 20 per cent decline in rainfall across southeastern Australia by 2030, irrigated agriculture, particularly in the southern Murray–Darling Basin, is suddenly facing an...
Opinion: Clean soil is at the root of agricultural success
The agriculture industry cannot continue to grow without its roots firmly fixed in healthy, productive soil, writes David McKenzie.
Feature: Targeting endocrine disruptors in Australias waterways
Australia has lagged behind Europe and North America in research and policy on endocrine disrupting chemicals in the country’s waterways. CSIRO has been working with Land Water Australia...
Opinion: The challenge of the 21st century - setting the real bottom line (part 2)
We have fallen into the trap of believing that economic growth forever is possible and necessary, according to David Suzuki.