Latest science news in Earth & Climate

Whale sightings off Chile raise hope

16 years ago from LA Times - Science

Whales appear to be making a comeback in the waters where they were once hunted to near extinction. ...

Solving global warming with giant vacuums

16 years ago from LA Times - Science

The technology works, but it would require millions of carbon dioxide filters across the planet at a cost of trillions of dollars a year. ...

Celebrities, stores take a shine to green cleaning products

16 years ago from LA Times - Health

What do Wal-Mart, Target, Ed Begley Jr. and Don Imus' wife have in common? They're all on the green-cleaning bandwagon. ...

Map predicts global warming hot spots

16 years ago from Science Alert

A new study has mapped out the vulnerability to climate change in Sydney's coastal regions, a forecast that will help councils accurately plan for the future.

Opinion: Algal farming - a new Agricultural Revolution?

16 years ago from Science Alert

Farming algae could provide a solution to the recent food riots and biofuel debates, says Damir Ibrisimovic.

Feature: Is Western Australia heading for longer summers?

16 years ago from Science Alert

Researchers believe that warmer seas off Western Australia could result in longer summers and milder winters. Peter Terry investigates the quest to predict the future of water temperatures and seasonal...

Opinion: A 10,000 year misunderstanding

16 years ago from Science Alert

The current food crises cannot be solved until we accept that the Earth is well past its carrying capacity, argues Peter Salonius.

Opinion: Make a stand for good science

16 years ago from Science Alert

Scientists must work harder at making the public aware of the stark difference between good science and denialist spin, believes Barry Brook.

Highland Diary: Remote munro

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

A BBC producer records a diary of his experiences while trying to film the spectacular wildlife living on the most remote munro in Scotland.

Time for small changes is over

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Small changes to lifestyles are not going to be enough to tackle the challenges facing the planet.

Urban spaces need green rethink

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The focus on green homes and offices ignores the wider landscape around our towns and cities.

Bid to stop River Niger drying up

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

West African leaders are meeting to discuss an $8bn plan to stop the River Niger drying up.

Quake kit registers navy exercise

16 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Military activity at sea is picked up on equipment monitoring earthquakes in the UK.

Colloquium on scientific and fundamental aspects of the Galileo programme

16 years ago from European Space Agency

A key meeting to enhance the scientific use of Galileo and contribute to the science-based development of Global Navigation Satellite Systems is being held at the 'Cité de l'Espace' in...

Telemedicine: Health alert via satellite

16 years ago from European Space Agency

Heraklion, Crete: An earthquake has just shaken the Greek island. Damage is widespread and all conventional, terrestrial communications have been destroyed. The rescue operations have only one means at their...

Satellite data to deliver ‘state-of-the-art’ air quality information

16 years ago from European Space Agency

The European Environment Agency has finalised an agreement with an ESA-led consortium to provide unparalleled information on air pollution, which contributes to the premature deaths of hundreds of thousands of...

Tracking your carbon footprint

16 years ago from European Space Agency

An innovation called Carbon Hero may help reduce global warming by making people more aware of their carbon footprint. Regional prize winner in the 2007 European Satellite Navigation Competition, sponsored...

Earth from Space: Splitting iceberg

16 years ago from European Space Agency

Envisat captures the break up of the massive A53A iceberg located just east of the South Georgia Island (visible at image bottom) in the southern Atlantic Ocean.

New portrait of Earth shows land cover as never before

16 years ago from European Space Agency

A new global portrait taken from space details Earth’s land cover with a resolution never before obtained. ESA, in partnership with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, presented the preliminary...

Envisat makes first ever observation of regionally elevated CO2 from manmade emissions

16 years ago from European Space Agency

Using data from the SCIAMACHY instrument aboard ESA's Envisat environmental satellite, scientists have for the first time detected regionally elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide – the most important greenhouse gas...

Successful cooperation extends Dragon Programme

16 years ago from European Space Agency

Following the success of the Dragon Programme, more than 300 leading European and Chinese scientists have gathered from 21 to 25 April 2008 in Beijing in the People’s Republic of...

Earth from Space: Chinese-Russian border

16 years ago from European Space Agency

This Envisat image features the southeastern part of the Russian Federation, the northeastern tip of the People’s Republic of China, the Amur and Ussuri Rivers, the Sikhote-Alin Mountain Range, the...

Scientists: Even Bigger Quake Could Hit Midwest

16 years ago from Live Science

The magnitude 5.2 that rocked the Midwest could trigger another big quake.

Top Ten Disruptive Technologies

16 years ago from Live Science

Inventions and discoveries that really rocked the world.

$63 million to protect 'Coral Triangle'

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

An international fund has committed $63 million to help preserve Southeast Asia's Coral Triangle from overfishing and climate change, the Asian Development Bank said.

NASA Data May Help Improve Estimates of a Hurricane's Punch

As Tropical Storm Noel churns off Florida's east coast, NASA and university scientists have announced they have developed a promising new technique for estimating the intensity of tropical cyclones from...

La Nina Persists

The tropical Pacific Ocean remains in the grips of a cool La Nina, as shown by new data of sea-level heights from mid-October of 2007, collected by the U.S-French Jason...