Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Population With Alzheimer's Disease Will Triple by 2050

10 years ago from Live Science

The number of people with Alzheimer's disease in the United States will triple by 2050.

Tai Chi May Reduce Falls in Stroke Survivors

10 years ago from Live Science

Stroke survivors who practice tai chi have fewer falls.

Marijuana Use May Raise Stroke Risk in Young Adults

10 years ago from Live Science

Smoking marijuana may increase the risk of stroke.

Genetic mechanism contributed to Irish Famine

10 years ago from Science Blog

When a pathogen attacks a plant, infection usually follows after the plant’s immune system is compromised. A team of researchers [...]

Experimental drug combination selectively destroys lymphoma cells

10 years ago from Science Daily

Laboratory experiments suggest that a novel combination of the drugs ibrutinib and bortezomib could potentially be an effective new therapy for several forms of blood cancer, including diffuse large B-cell...

Breast milk reduces risk of sepsis and intensive care costs in very-low-birth-weight infants

10 years ago from Science Daily

Feeding human breast milk to very-low-birth-weight infants greatly reduces risk for sepsis and significantly lowers associated neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) costs, according to a new study. A daily dose...

Biostatisticians identify genes linked to heart disease

10 years ago from Science Daily

Recently, large studies have identified some of the genetic basis for important common diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, but most of the genetic contribution to them remains undiscovered....

Fish oil may protect dialysis patients from sudden cardiac death

10 years ago from Science Daily

Medical literature long has touted the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for the heart. But until now, researchers have not studied the potential benefit for people on hemodialysis, who are...

Native Hawaiians have bleeding strokes at earlier age, independent of meth use

10 years ago from Science Daily

Native Hawaiians have more bleeding strokes at an earlier age than other people independent of methamphetamine abuse. Besides genetics, environmental factors -- such as diet, stress, unhealthy lifestyles and a...

Compound stimulates tumor-fighting protein in cancer therapy

10 years ago from Science Daily

A compound that stimulates the production of a tumor-fighting protein may improve the usefulness of the protein in cancer therapy, according to a team of researchers.

FDA warns of new fake batch of cancer drug Avastin

10 years ago from AP Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is warning U.S. doctors about another counterfeit version of the cancer drug Avastin, the third case involving the...

Netflix could gain from loss of Sat. mail delivery

10 years ago from Physorg

Netflix won't miss Saturday mail delivery, even though the weekend service helped keep the company's DVD-by-mail subscribers happy.

Possible cause of, and treatment for, non-familial Parkinson’s

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified a protein trafficking defect within brain cells that may underlie the common form of Parkinson's disease. The defect is at a point of convergence for the action...

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Joins MCART Consortium to Advance Treatments for Radiation Injuries

10 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

The School's Mass Spectrometry facility will lead investigation to identify and characterize new biomarkers of radiation damage.

Calcium-binding protein mutations found in heart rhythm disorders

10 years ago from Science Daily

Two new genes -- both coding for the signaling protein calmodulin -- have now been associated with severe early-onset disorders of heart rhythm. The findings expand the list of culprits...

Senior named Global Health Fellow

10 years ago from Harvard Science

Harvard College senior Mary Davies ’13 has been named a Global Health Fellow with Medical Missionaries. Davies, a social science and global health policy concentrator, will defer attending medical school...

Raunchy Vine videos prompt adult rating

10 years ago from Physorg

The propensity for people to post porn evidently prompted Twitter on Wednesday to stamp an adult rating on an updated version of its Vine video-snippet sharing software.

Molecular link between metabolism and breast cancer

10 years ago from Science Daily

A protein associated with conditions of metabolic imbalance, such as diabetes and obesity, may play a role in the development of aggressive forms of breast cancer, according to new findings.

Frequently prescribed drug used in concerning ways with harmful side effects

10 years ago from Science Daily

A popular class of drugs commonly used to treat sleep and mood symptoms continues to be frequently prescribed despite being known to have potentially life-threatening side effects.

Children with ACL injuries require special treatment

10 years ago from Science Daily

Until a child's bones have fully matured (in girls, typically by age 14; in boys, age 16), an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament -- the primary, stabilizing ligament of...

Tiny capsule effectively kills cancer cells

10 years ago from Science Daily

Devising a method for more precise and less invasive treatment of cancer tumors, scientists have developed a degradable nanoscale shell to carry proteins to cancer cells and stunt the growth...

Toronto paramedics call for better protection from assault

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Toronto paramedics are calling for stronger laws to better protect them in the line of duty after a vicious attack last month that left a paramedic with a broken leg.

Vote This Week May Close Long Island College Hospital

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Long Island College Hospital, in northern Brooklyn, was losing too much money, said Dr. John Williams, president of SUNY Downstate Medical Center, which runs it.

Ipswich Journal: Paul Mason Is One-Third the Man He Used to Be

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Since Paul Mason had gastric bypass surgery in 2010 after weighing about 980 pounds, he has lost nearly two-thirds of his body weight, but the road to a new life...

Magnetic field exposure may affect neurodegenerative disease risk

10 years ago from Science Daily

Occupational exposure to magnetic fields (MF) may be associated with "moderately increased risk" of certain neurodegenerative diseases —- including Alzheimer's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Fed: Hackers breached website with contact info

10 years ago from Physorg

The Federal Reserve says an internal website was briefly breached by hackers but no critical Fed operations were affected.

Iceland investigating mass herring deaths

10 years ago from Physorg

Researchers in Iceland are blaming low oxygen levels in a shallow fjord for the deaths of tens of thousands of tons of herring.

High-risk pregnancy on the rise: Older moms, larger families and heavier women are driving the need for specialty care

10 years ago from Science Daily

Perinatologists are helping women start and grow families when a pregnancy is considered “high risk” due to age or other factors. These factors include multiple miscarriages, carrying multiples such as...