Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Well: Flu Shot Tied to Healthy Pregnancy

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Pregnant women who received the flu vaccine during the 2009 flu pandemic lowered their risk of delivering premature babies, a new study found.

Raman spectroscopy for bedside cancer diagnosis

10 years ago from Chemistry World

A new way of looking at cancer promises a faster, less invasive diagnosis

Gene linked to worse outcomes for melanoma

10 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have identified a gene present in some melanoma which appears to make the tumor cells more resistant to treatment.

Degenerative cervical spine disease may not progress over time

10 years ago from Science Daily

Follow-up data on patients with degenerative disease of the upper (cervical) spinal vertebrae show little or no evidence of worsening degeneration over time, according to a new study.

Is there a link between childhood obesity and ADHD, learning disabilities?

10 years ago from Science Daily

A new study has established a possible link between high-fat diets and such childhood brain-based conditions as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and memory-dependent learning disabilities.

Nicotine lozenges, tobacco-free snuff help smokeless tobacco users quit

10 years ago from Science Daily

Smokeless tobacco users who said they didn't want to quit changed their minds or significantly cut back when given nicotine lozenges or tobacco-free snuff in a new study.

Raw meat diet may not be enough for cats (or tigers): Pet owners risk increased pathogens, nutrient imbalances

10 years ago from Science Daily

Should your cat eat steak? Researchers report that raw meat diets can lack important nutrients. Though raw meat is a good source of protein for felines, pet owners need to...

In fight against cancer, a closer look at nuclear blebbing

10 years ago from Science Daily

Misshapen cell nuclei are frequently observed in the cells of people with cancer and other diseases, but what causes the abnormality -- and why it is associated with certain disorders...

CDC app lets you solve disease outbreaks at home

10 years ago from AP Health

ATLANTA (AP) -- You may not be a disease detective, but now you can play one at home....

Eye movements reveal reading impairments in schizophrenia

10 years ago from Science Daily

A study of eye movements in schizophrenia patients provides new evidence of impaired reading fluency in individuals with the mental illness. The findings could open avenues to earlier detection and...

Variations within influenza strain may explain varying patient response

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found variations within H1N1 patients who were hospitalized during the 2009-10 pandemic and identified those that most impacted patients.

Criteria For Weight-Loss Surgery Should Be Lowered

10 years ago from

The Swedish Obese Subjects study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg found that, though weight-loss surgery is currently only offered to patients who exceed a certain BMI,...

On Doctors, Friend Recommendations Trump Online Ratings But One Thing Beats All Else

10 years ago from

You can find ratings for anything on the Internet; reviews and ratings for hotels and restaurants are surprisingly well-regarded.  Doctors, not so much.  But it's generational as well. And one thing...

Well: Dangers of Too Much Calcium

10 years ago from NY Times Health

New research suggests that older women who take large calcium supplements may be at increased risk of heart disease and death.

Really?: The Claim: Probiotic Supplements Can Lower Cholesterol

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Probiotics may improve digestive health, but it is not yet clear whether they can reduce cholesterol levels.

Well: Susan Love's Illness Gives New Focus to Her Cause

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Dr. Susan Love, a breast cancer specialist, says her experience battling leukemia has emboldened her in her quest to focus on the causes of disease rather than new drugs to...

Advising pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive | Linda Geddes

10 years ago from The Guardian - Science

There is no evidence that low levels of drinking during pregnancy are harmful, and to say so risks stigmatising responsible drinkersWomen should be warned that drinking alcohol during pregnancy has the potential to...

Excerpts of prosecutor's case against Pistorius

10 years ago from AP Science

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) -- Here are excerpts from the prosecution's affidavit against Oscar Pistorius, whom they have charged with premeditated murder over the Feb. 14...

Genetic signs of alcoholism in women studied for the first time

10 years ago from Science Blog

Research done at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has determined the frequency of genetic variants linked to alcoholism for the Spanish population, and its incidence not only in...

Using mouthrinse reduces plaque and gingivitis more than toothbrushing alone

10 years ago from Science Blog

New research published in the January/February 2013 issue of General Dentistry, the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), indicates that the use of a germ-killing...

Novel coronavirus well-adapted to humans, susceptible to immunotherapy

10 years ago from Science Blog

The new coronavirus that has emerged in the Middle East is well-adapted to infecting humans but could potentially be treated with immunotherapy, according to a study to be published on...

Coronavirus: what is it and how easily can it spread? Q&A

10 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Birmingham patient becomes first UK fatality from new Sars-like respiratory illness, doctors have confirmedWhat is the new virus?The infection is caused by a previously unknown strain of coronavirus, a large family of viruses...

New advances in the molecular study of diabetes

10 years ago from Science Daily

A new study describes for the first time the pharmacological action of thiazolidinediones (TZDs) -- anti-diabetic drugs -- directly on the pancreas, the organ which produces insulin.

New law targets cell, internet and cable contracts

10 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Legislation that came into effect months ago is changing the rights of consumers, and the responsibilities of service providers.

Global Update: New Polio Strains That Protect Vaccine Factory Workers

10 years ago from NY Times Science

The strains have the same ability to invoke an immune reaction as the live viruses now used to make vaccine do, but with no risk to vaccine factory employees.

Podcast: Best of the Meeting Part II

10 years ago from Science NOW

As the AAAS annual meeting comes to a close, ScienceNOW wraps up some of its favorite stories from the last few days

Device could give quick concussion test

10 years ago from UPI

BOSTON, Feb. 18 (UPI) -- A tablet app using a stylus and a tracing exercise can assess neuromuscular performance at a doctor's office or the scene of an injury,...

Blood is thicker than water – and blood plasma is, too

10 years ago from Science Daily

Blood flows differently than water. Anyone who has ever cut themselves knows that blood flows viscously and rather erratically. The similarity between blood and ketchup is something not only filmmakers...