Latest science news in Health & Medicine

FDA approves new targeted breast cancer drug

10 years ago from AP Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration has approved a first-of-a-kind breast cancer medication that targets tumor cells while sparing healthy ones....

Scientists develop mouse model that can advance research on iPS cells to the next step

10 years ago from Physorg

VIB scientists associated to the UGent have developed a mouse model that can advance the research on iPS cells to the next step.

Queue-jumping inquiry to hear from colon centre founder

10 years ago from CBC: Health

A key witness will appear at the health-care queue-jumping inquiry this morning in Calgary.

Whitehead's Robert Weinberg to Receive New Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences

10 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Whitehead Institute Founding Member Robert Weinberg is among 11 scientists to receive the new Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, intended to recognize excellence in research aimed at curing intractable diseases...

National Briefing | Health: Overdose Deaths Continue to Climb

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Drug overdose deaths in the United States increased for the 11th consecutive year in 2010, rising 3.6 percent from 2009, federal officials reported Tuesday.

Children with auditory processing disorder may now have more treatment options

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers are helping children with auditory processing disorder receive better treatment. They have developed a program that uses evidence-based practices and incorporates speech-language pathologists into therapy.

Steroid injection may lead to worse outcomes in patients with spinal stenosis

10 years ago from Science Daily

For patients with spinal stenosis, epidural steroid injections (ESI) may actually lead to worse outcomes—- whether or not the patient later undergoes surgery, according to a new study.

New drug combination could prevent head and neck cancer in high-risk patients

10 years ago from Science Daily

A new drug combination shows promise in reducing the risk for patients with advanced oral precancerous lesions to develop squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.

FEATURE: Medical myth: deodorants cause breast cancer

10 years ago from Science Alert

Based on the evidence, it’s safe to dismiss this one as a myth.

Blood substitute can lead to more deaths, study finds

10 years ago from CBC: Health

The use of a common blood substitute to resuscitate critically ill patients can actually result in higher mortality rates, a research team based in Winnipeg has found.

Retinal implant restores partial sight to blind people

10 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Some previously blind patients fitted with retinal implant could read signs, tell the time and distinguish white wine from redBlind people have described smiles on friendly faces, the food on their plates, and...

Diet of resistant starch helps the body resist colorectal cancer

10 years ago from Science Daily

New research shows that resistant starch helps the body resist colorectal cancer through mechanisms including killing pre-cancerous cells and reducing inflammation that can otherwise promote cancer.

Potential epigenetic mechanisms for improved cancer therapy

10 years ago from Science Daily

A review article proposes a new epigenetic hypothesis linked to tumor production and novel ideas about what causes progenitor cells to develop into cancer cells.

Infants in poverty show different physiological vulnerabilities to the care-giving environment

10 years ago from Science Daily

Some infants raised in poverty exhibit physical traits that make them more vulnerable to poor care-giving, according to new research. The combination of physiological vulnerability and poor care-giving may lead...

Tool for reading the minds of mice developed

10 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have developed a system for observing real-time brain activity in a live mouse. The device could prove useful in studying new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's.

Common IV fluid associated with reduced likelihood of full recovery in patients with cardiac arrest

10 years ago from Science Daily

Although an intravenous fluid that paramedics in Japan often give to patients in cardiac arrest before they reach hospital may help restore circulation, it may also be linked to reduced...

Hepatitis E taking toll on South Sudan refugee camps

10 years ago from Science Blog

The United Nations refugee agency said today that it is seeing a large number of Hepatitis E cases in refugee camps in South Sudan, with over 6,000 cases – and...

UN examines link between hormone-disrupting chemicals, health problems

10 years ago from Science Blog

Many chemicals found in household and industrial products that have not been adequately tested could have disrupting effects on the hormone system and lead to significant health issues, according to...

Diagnosis and treatment now possible for osteoarthritic cats

10 years ago from Physorg

(—Scientists at the University of Montreal's Quebec Research Group in Animal Pharmacology have found a way to recognize and treat osteoarthritis in cats – a condition that the owner might...

Suit: Hospital granted request for no black nurses

10 years ago from AP Health

FLINT, Mich. (AP) -- An African-American nurse claims a Michigan hospital agreed to a man's request that no black nurses care for his newborn....

Link between untreated depression, response to shingles vaccine

10 years ago from Science Blog

Can an individual’s state of mind effect how well a vaccine may work? In the case of seniors and shingles vaccine, the answer is yes. Reporting in the current online...

United Nations Panel Calls Hormone Disruptors a "Global Threat"

10 years ago from Scientific American

An international team of experts reported today that evidence linking hormone-mimicking chemicals to human health problems has grown stronger over the past decade, becoming a "global threat" that should be...

Stillbirth rates higher in Quebec Inuit and First Nations

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Stillbirth rates in First Nations and Inuit populations in Quebec are higher than in the general population, especially at term when most stillbirths are potentially preventable, researchers say.

News in Brief: Smoking damages mouse brains

10 years ago from

Signs of Alzheimer’s disease appear after rodents breathe cigarette smoke

Horses don't have stage fright—but their riders do

10 years ago from Physorg

(—It is well known that horses show symptoms of stress when ridden but relatively little attention has been paid to the effects on their riders. This is surprising, as equestrian...

Calgary doctors examine their health

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Some Calgary doctors are striving to change what can be a very unhealthy occupation.

Lack of access to technology 'hampers detection of substandard drugs'

10 years ago from SciDev

Global drug markets are awash with low quality medicine, partly because of inadequate testing in poor countries, says a US report.

National Briefing | South: Abortion Curbs Clear Senate in Arkansas

10 years ago from NY Times Health

The State Senate voted 25 to 7 on Monday to ban most abortions 20 weeks into a pregnancy.