Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Migraine mutations reveal clues to biological basis of disorder
Fifteen percent to 20 percent of people worldwide suffer from migraines - excruciating headaches often presaged by dramatic sensations, or "auras." By studying a rare, inherited form of migraine,...
Too Many Choices Can Spoil The Research
The more choices people get, the less consistent they are in making those choices, according to a new study. The study's findings may affect the way researchers examine consumer choices.
Hard Work While Fatigued Affects Blood Pressure
When fatigued individuals perceive a task as being achievable and worth doing, they increase their effort to make up for their diminished capability due to fatigue. As a result, blood...
Doctors must step up to the challenge of climate change
Doctors must lead by example on climate change, according to experts in this week's BMJ. Health professionals were powerful catalysts in changing society's view of smoking from a normal lifestyle...
Researchers Study Hidden Homicide Trend
Gun-related homicide among young men rose sharply in the United States in recent years even though the nation's overall homicide rate remained flat, according to a new study. Between 1999...
Independent Thinkers Judge Distances Differently Than Holistic Types
Every day we're faced with decisions that involve spatial judgments. Which line should we choose at the supermarket? Which route should we take to work? A new study in the...
Mixed Feelings Not Remembered As Well As Happy Or Sad Ones
Imagine you're about to step onto a rollercoaster at an amusement park. You are filled with apprehension and joy, mixed emotions that last beyond the dizzying ride. How will you...
Lack Of Fragile X And Related Gene Fractures Sleep
Lack of both the fragile X syndrome gene and one that is related could account for sleep problems associated with the disorder, which is the common cause of inherited mental...
Netroots Feel Jilted By Obama Over FISA
When former Sen. John Edwards dropped out of the presidential race, the progressive Netroots took their affections to Barack Obama, defending him against attack from Hillary Rodham Clinton and others.
Crowds hide fearful looks from brain
Facial expressions showing fear are harder for the brain to detect in crowds than individually or in small groups, according to research.
Men doing field research on women are limited to certain subjects
From the Petri dish in the controlled environment of a sterile laboratory to the faraway fields of another country, virtually anything can be the topic of scientific study. However, a...
Low Childhood IQ Linked To Type Of Dementia
Children with lower IQs are more likely decades later to develop vascular dementia than children with high IQs, according to new research in Neurology.
Study Examines Sensation Seeking Behavior, Addiction and Smoking Cessation
The tendency to become addicted to nicotine and other drugs involves an interplay of genetics and environmental factors. In a unique study looking at the chemistry underlying the propensity to...
Seniors With Type 2 Diabetes May Experience Memory Declines Immediately After Eating Unhealthy Meal
Adults with type 2 diabetes who eat unhealthy, high-fat meals may experience memory declines immediately afterward, but this can be offset by taking antioxidant vitamins with the meal, according to...
Review: Strong, innovative Web browsers emerge
(AP) -- With all the recent attention on the new Firefox 3 Internet browser, it's easy to miss two strong, innovative rivals. Add it all up, and Microsoft Corp.'s...
Casual sex rates low for many women
LONDON, June 25 (UPI) -- A British professor says her research disputes the theory that the sexual revolution and feminist movement have freed women to enjoy casual sex.
It's Email, But At A Snail's Pace
Bournemouth University researchers are using live snails to send emails as part of a 'slow art' project aimed at encouraging people to explore notions of time.
New study highlights difficulty in detecting threats in crowds
Understanding and interpreting facially-expressed emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear or anger is something most of us take for granted. It is an evolutionary skill we've developed in order to...
Negotiating through the glass ceiling
There are fewer women than men involved in high-profile international business deals. But that may change with the results of a new Tel Aviv University study on the role of...
Non-voters: It's all in God's hands
People who believe that God is involved in worldly affairs are less likely to participate in national elections than others, according to a new survey.
Why shopping — and adventure — feel so good
Scientists have identified a primitive area of the brain that makes us adventurous -- a finding which may help explain why people routinely fall for "new" products when shopping.
Poor and uninsured patients more likely to experience racial discrimination
A new study in Health Services Research tried to disentangle the impact of a patient's racial and ethnic background, being poor and having no health insurance on the likelihood they...
Computer predicts who dies on death row: study
A computer programme designed by US researchers can predict with chilling accuracy the very few men among the thousands on America's Death Row who will actually be executed, according to...
Gender and demographic differences are poor predictors of juror satisfaction
Communication Theory explored the impact of gender, demographic differences, and emotion on the experience of jury deliberation. Researchers found that neither gender nor demographic characteristics affected juror satisfaction with overall...
Online anthropology draws protest from aboriginal group
South African tribe objects to multimedia images of remains.
Mind may control athletes' performance
A study has found the performance enhancing effects of growth hormone could be in the mind, as athletes felt they improved whether or not they received the drug.
A study lays the foundations to distinguish the different human ways for paying attention
Is it possible to compensate attention problems through other attention ways? Does it produce the same effects to direct someone's attention in a voluntary (endogenous) or in an involuntary way...
Implicit political attitudes can predict future voting behavior
In many political elections, undecided voters come to a decision about who they will vote for only a few days before the vote, if not the very same day of...