Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Innovative approach to teaching forensics helps students track and solve crimes

13 years ago from Physorg

A novel approach to teaching forensics at the University of Toronto Mississauga`s Forensic Anthropology Field School is using global positioning systems (GPS) and geographical information systems (GIS) to examine complex...

Youth exposure to alcohol ads in magazines declining

13 years ago from Science Daily

Youth exposure to alcohol advertising in magazines declined by 48 percent between 2001 and 2008, according to a new study by public health researchers.

Website Pays to Gamble on Grades at 36 Colleges

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Ultrinsic Will Pay Top Dollar for As, Less for Bs and so On; CEO Insists It's Not Online Gambling

Marc Hauser, Harvard Academic, Faces Inquiry

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Marc Hauser of Harvard is frequently quoted in articles about language, animals’ cognitive abilities and the biological basis of morality.

Fixing technical problems for a good night's sleep as kids start a new school year

13 years ago from

Getting a good night's sleep often comes down to technique. Avoiding late-night technology use and keeping a regular sleep schedule are two important techniques to heed as kids head back...

Chemical system in brain behaves differently in cocaine addicts, scientists find

13 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified a chemical system in the brain that reacts differently in cocaine addicts, findings that could result in new treatment options for individuals addicted to the drug.

The flight attendant who took off

13 years ago from LA Times - Health

When that JetBlue worker rode an emergency chute straight into 'I quit,' a lot of working stiffs were right there with him. There are reasons why some handle stress better than others....

How Different Cultures View Work

13 years ago from Live Science

Being aware of the cultural environment that their coworkers come from may help people work together better.

PKK blamed for Turkish pipeline blast

13 years ago from UPI

ANKARA, Turkey, Aug. 11 (UPI) -- Kurdish militants with the Kurdistan Workers' Party are believed responsible for an attack on an oil pipeline that killed two people, Ankara said. ...

Medical students open to learning with video games

13 years ago from

Today's students were raised with a digital mouse in their hands. So it should be no surprise that a majority of medical school students surveyed say video games and virtual...

Drugs to treat cocaine abuse?

13 years ago from

The authors of a new study in Biological Psychiatry explore pharmacological strategies for reducing cocaine self-administration in animals that may have implications for treating cocaine dependence in humans...

Stereotyping has a lasting negative impact

13 years ago from

Aggression. Over-eating. Inability to focus. Difficulty making rational decisions. New research out of the University of Toronto Scarborough shows prejudice has a lasting negative impact on those who experience it...

Better displays ahead

13 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers are actively pursuing an alternative approach for low-power displays and hope to provide details about what's ahead for display technology.

Physics student's prefix idea is 'hella' good

13 years ago from Physorg

Forget 15 minutes of fame. Austin Sendek is getting hella minutes. The University of California-Davis physics undergraduate has reaped international attention since March, when The Bee wrote...

Study Reveals Why We Laugh at Disgusting Jokes

13 years ago from Live Science

We tend to think violations of moral norms are funny as long as they are harmless.

Pond skaters use 'sex bullying'

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Male pond skaters employ scare tactics to force females into having sex with them, according to new study.

An Old Dog's New Tricks

13 years ago from NY Times Health

After a year of coping with serious illness, Dana Jennings and his dog Bijou are both catching their second wind.

College undergrads study ineffectively on computers, study finds: Students transfer bad study habits from paper to screen

13 years ago from Science Daily

Despite the prevalence of technology on college campuses, a new study indicates that computers alone can't keep students from falling into the same old weak study habits.

How 'Star Wars' Changed the World

13 years ago from

It's been more than 30 years since "Star Wars" first exploded into theaters, but the swashbuckling sci-fi films from writer-director George Lucas have behind a legacy no other blockbuster has...

Risky drinking remains an issue

13 years ago from Science Alert

One in five Australians will experience alcohol-related problems during their lifetime, but few will seek treatment, a study has found.

From the archive, 10 August 1973: 'Reprocessed' bodies plan

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Originally published in the Guardian on 10 August 1973A doctor said yesterday that dead bodies should be "reprocessed" to make fertiliser.Dr. S. L. Henderson Smith, in an effort to convince his colleagues that...

Sex after 50

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Headlines about STDs among older people skirt one of the last taboos – that it's not just the young who have fulfilling sex livesOver the last few months there have been numerous...

Observatory: Researchers Build Framework to Read Animal Moods

13 years ago from NY Times Science

It is difficult to judge an animal’s emotional state, but researchers have devised a system that attempts to do just that.

Mind: A Rookie Therapist Learns From a Wounded ‘Star Pupil’

13 years ago from NY Times Science

A confident rookie therapist and a self-destructive patient: Each had something to teach the other.

Study: Belly bulge can be deadly for older adults

13 years ago from AP Health

By CARLA K. JOHNSON 2010-08-09T20:32:35Z CHICAGO (AP) -- If your pants are feeling a bit tight around the waistline,...

If words fall into disrepair, what will substitute? They are all we have | Tony Judt

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

As a tribute to the remarkable historian Tony Judt, who died last week, we publish one of his final essaysI was raised on words. They tumbled off the kitchen table on to...

Africa cell phone boom beneficial -- but schools, roads, power, water remain critical needs

13 years ago from Physorg

where many people lack the basic human necessities - has made headlines worldwide the past few years. The surprising boom has led to widespread speculation that cell phones could...

Vital Signs: Behavior: Internet Use Tied to Depression in Youths

13 years ago from NY Times Science

A large Chinese study suggests that otherwise healthy teenagers are much more vulnerable to depression if they spend too much time on the Internet.