Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Antibiotic resistance clue found

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

US scientists find a defence mechanism in bacteria that allows them to fend off the threat of antibiotics, raising hopes of improving such drugs.

Shining A Light On Disease: Tracking Light-emitting Bacteria During Infection

13 years ago from Science Daily

By attaching light-emitting genes to infectious bacteria in an experimental system, researchers in Ireland have been able to track where in the body the bacteria go -- giving an insight...

Socio-cultural, genetic data work together to reveal health disparities

13 years ago from

When it comes to health disparities between different groups, how society sees people in terms of race might play a greater role than genetics, according to a new University of...

Study Reveals New Role of Vitamin C in Skin Protection

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Scientists have uncovered a new role played by Vitamin C in protecting the skin.

Care-seeking behaviour associated with 'upper-GI symptoms'

13 years ago from

Patients with upper gastrointestinal (GI) complaints visit their general practitioner (GP) more often than patients with other conditions. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Family Practice found that...

ImmunoCellular in research and license option deal with Roche

13 years ago from Reuters:Science

(Reuters) - ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Ltd signed a research and license option deal with Roche Holding AG, granting Roche rights to investigate the potential of its ICT-69 antibody in the diagnosis...

Cell defect causes iron buildup

13 years ago from Science Alert

Researchers have found out why toxic levels of iron build up inside the cells in Fredreich’s ataxia, a degenerative disease.

Stem cell drug fails clinical tests

13 years ago from UPI

COLUMBIA, Md., Sept. 9 (UPI) -- A U.S. drugmaker says its efforts to produce the first drug derived from human stem cells has failed clinical trials.

Taking the stress off yeast produces better wine

13 years ago from

Turning grape juice into wine is a stressful business for yeasts. Dr Agustin Aranda from the University of Valencia, Spain has identified the genes in yeast that enable it to...

The Asus New Folding E-Book Reader

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Asus has demonstrated a prototype of an e-book reader it is developing. Unlike its competitors, the device resembles a normal book, having two touch screens that will fold...

Iodine lack lowers test scores

13 years ago from Science Alert

A new study has found that even a mild iodine deficiency can affect children’s intelligence – though this is easily solved with diet.

New 'Smart Choices' Food Labels Are Deceptive

13 years ago from Live Science

Industry-funded nutrition labeling system is anything but smart.

Small Businesses Would See Lower Costs, More Comprehensive Coverage From Health Reform

13 years ago from Science Daily

Small business owners and employees are among those who stand to benefit the most from provisions in some of the current health reform proposals under consideration by Congress, according to...

High Fruit And Vegetable Intake Linked To Antioxidant Status And Cognitive Performance In Healthy Subjects

13 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers in Germany investigated the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake, plasma antioxidant micronutrient status and cognitive performance in healthy subjects aged 45 to 102 years. Their results indicated higher...

Climate change and insect-borne disease: Facts and figures

13 years ago from SciDev

Priya Shetty explains the links between climate change and insect-borne disease, and outlines priorities for developing country policymakers.

Questions, answers on requiring health insurance

13 years ago from AP Health

BOSTON (AP) -- Should the federal government require virtually all Americans to be insured or face thousands of dollars in fines? Proponents say this requirement is...

AP source: Dodd rejects health panel chairmanship

13 years ago from AP Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Christopher Dodd has decided against succeeding his friend Edward Kennedy as chairman of the Senate panel focused on overhauling the nation's health...

Better surveillance key to malaria early warning systems

13 years ago from SciDev

Quickly detecting, not predicting, malaria epidemics is the key to disease control, says tropical medicine expert, Jonathan Cox.

Implants help man see again

13 years ago from UPI

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9 (UPI) -- A South Jersey man says his eyesight is returning, weeks after doctors at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia implanted electrodes behind his left eye.

Bristling at Health Plan to Cover Early Retirees

13 years ago from NY Times Health

In President Obama’s proposal, an offer of catastrophic health insurance for retirees 55 to 64 would tide them over until they could get Medicare.

Summer of Work Exposes Medical Students to System’s Ills

13 years ago from NY Times Health

After providing primary care in underserved areas this summer, medical students from the University of Washington returned to campus with their idealism tempered.

Regular Continuous Glucose Monitor Use Increases Diabetes Control For All Age Groups, Studies Show

13 years ago from Science Daily

The latest data from groundbreaking human clinical trials of the effectiveness of continuous glucose monitors show that the primary determinant of improvements in achieving better diabetes control is regular use...

Ideas and Ideologies

13 years ago from

There is little doubt that, in modern times, scientific knowledge is at a peak from any other period in human history.   However, there are also other factors that need to...

Panel reports on human spaceflight

13 years ago from

Program must have an additional $30 billion over next 10 years to function “in any meaningful way,” committee says

No-scar surgery fixes misery of severe acid reflux

13 years ago from Physorg

John Spivey has no scar -- not even a tiny one -- to show that he had recent surgery to treat chronic acid reflux.

Research Gives New Perspective On Brain Activities

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- University of Victoria (Canada) researcher Phil Zeman has developed a new and less expensive procedure for analyzing EEG (electroencephalogram) data that identifies the location of special brain activities.

Are We in for a Repeat of the Killer Flu Pandemic of 1918?

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- In 1918, the Spanish flu raced around the globe, ending the lives of an estimated 40 million people in less than a year. Epidemiologists believe one in four...

Race Shown to Affect Severity of Lupus Disease

13 years ago from Physorg

In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, their race can affect how severe the disease will become, according to a new study.