Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Common Viral Infection In Infants May Persist Long-term In Central Nervous System

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new study suggests that coxsackievirus, a significant human pathogen that commonly infects the central nervous system of newborns, may persist in the body as a low-level, long-term infection causing...

Yeast Unravels Effects Of Chemotherapy Drugs

14 years ago from Science Daily

Until now, the mode of action of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate (N-BP) cancer drugs, used to relieve bone pain and to prevent skeletal complications in bone metastasis, has been almost entirely unknown....

50 millionth unique chemical substance recorded in CAS Registry

14 years ago from

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, announced that on 7 September it recorded the 50 millionth substance in CAS REGISTRY, the world's most comprehensive and...

Virus Responsible For Deadly Brain Disease Found In MS Patients Treated With Natalizumab

14 years ago from Science Daily

The virus responsible for PML (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy), a rare brain disease that typically affects AIDS patients and other individuals with compromised immune systems, has been found to be reactivated...

Noisy Roads Increase Risk Of High Blood Pressure

14 years ago from Science Daily

Traffic noise raises blood pressure. Researchers have found that people exposed to high levels of noise from nearby roads are more likely to report suffering from hypertension.

Doctor and Patient: Health Care Reform and ’American Values’

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Americans on both sides of the aisle are using incorrect beliefs as a smokescreen in the health care debate, argues Dr. Allan Brett.

Health journalists utilize audience, other media to build news agenda

14 years ago from Physorg

Approximately one-fifth of Americans follow health news very closely, according to the Pew Research Center. To identify how the demand for health stories is met, University of Missouri researchers surveyed...

Sickle cell children dying 'preventable' deaths

14 years ago from SciDev

Vaccines could curb infections that are claiming the lives of thousands of African children with sickle cell anaemia, say researchers.

Link found between common sexual infection and risk of aggressive prostate cancer

14 years ago from

A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers has found a strong association between the common sexually transmitted infection, Trichomonas vaginalis, and...

Medicine wheel model for nutrition shows promise for control of type 2 diabetes

14 years ago from

American Indian populations experience significant nutrition-related health disparities compared to other racial and ethnic groups within the US. American Indian adults have the highest age-adjusted rates for cardiovascular disease, diabetes...

Two Giants Vie for Billions in S.T.D. Vaccine Market

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, with the support of federal panels, plan to expand use of their treatments against the human papillomavirus.

AIDS Activists Issue Grades to Drug Companies

14 years ago from NY Times Health

The AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition, representing 21 groups, gave an overall rating of C-minus to the pharmaceutical industry.

Vivus, Racing Rivals, Says Diet Drug Did Well in Trials

14 years ago from NY Times Health

The company is seeking federal approval for Qnexa and is looking for a partner to help it market the treatment.

Child Mortality Rate Declines Globally

14 years ago from NY Times Health

The child mortality rate has declined by more than a quarter in the last two decades partly because of the widening distribution of relatively inexpensive technologies.

More P.E.I. girls will get HPV vaccine

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Prince Edward Island is expanding a controversial immunization program this year to protect more school-aged girls from a sexually transmitted disease - and cervical cancer.

Honduras: high prevalence of HIV resistance

14 years ago from SciDev

Researchers have shown that there is a high prevalence of resistance against antiretrovirals in HIV patients in Honduras.

To Contract Or Not To Contract: Decision Controlled By 2 MicroRNAs

14 years ago from Science Daily

New research has provided insight into the molecular regulators of the function of muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels, i.e., vascular smooth muscle cells. Specifically, the acquisition and/or...

Pioneering Research Forms Basis For First-Ever Pediatric Hypertension Guidelines

14 years ago from Science Daily

Comprehensive guidelines for the treatment and management of hypertension in children and adolescents are being published for the first time in the latest issue of the Journal of Hypertension.

NJ: 29 hepatitis cases tied to 1 doctor's office

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Several thousand patients of a New Jersey doctor should get tested for blood-borne diseases because of an outbreak linked to his office that has led to more...

NIAID launches 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine trial in pregnant women

14 years ago from Physorg

The first trial testing a candidate 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine in pregnant women is launching this week, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National...

Ontario launches flu info campaign

14 years ago from CBC: Health

People in Ontario will start to receive information in the mail next week about swine flu vaccination programs.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

A rejuvenated Hubble is in operation … It pays to quit smoking before surgery … Worldwide isotope shortage poses challenge … Molecular cancer switch is discovered ... Health/Science news from...

Queen's study to test Canadian guidelines for daily exercise

14 years ago from Physorg

How hard and for how long should you exercise in order to shed excess abdominal fat and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease?

P.E.I. infant comes home with new heart

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Six-month-old Lily O'Connor has come home to Prince Edward Island for the first time since her heart transplant in Toronto.

Study Gives Insight Into Spread of Brain Illness in Animals

14 years ago from NY Times Science

The infectious agent that leads to chronic wasting disease is spread in the feces of infected animals long before they become ill, a new research says.

The Medical Minute: So you have an aneurysm... Now what?

14 years ago from Physorg

Technically speaking, an aneurysm is a dilation, or an enlargement, of a blood vessel to at least 50 percent beyond its normal diameter. So if a blood vessel is normally...

Two brain circuits control desire for food

14 years ago from UPI

COLUMBIA, Mo., Sept. 9 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they have determined two different brain circuits might control the motivation to seek food and then consume it.