Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Depression May Increase Stroke Risk in Women

12 years ago from Live Science

Depression may boost the risk of stroke in women.

Intestinal protein may have role in ADHD, other neurological disorders

12 years ago from Science Daily

A biochemical pathway long associated with diarrhea and intestinal function may provide a new therapeutic target for treating ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) other neuropsychiatric disorders, according to scientists. Researchers...

Radiofrequency ablation safely and effectively treats Barrett's esophagus, study suggests

12 years ago from Science Daily

Radiofrequency ablation is a safe and effective option for the treatment of dysplastic Barrett's esophagus that attains lasting response, new research suggests.

Human-cell-derived model of ALS provides a new way to study the majority of cases

12 years ago from Physorg

For decades, scientists have studied a laboratory mouse model that develops signs of the paralyzing disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) as they age. In a new study appearing in Nature...

Mental health of child refugees is global problem

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- A recent two-part study, published online in the Lancet, highlights the urgent need for high-income countries and international agencies to contribute towards the funding of interventions to...

GABA link to impulsive males

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- The reason why some men are more impulsive, act aggressively, drink and take drugs could lie in the fact that they have lower levels of a naturally...

FYI: Can a Woman Really Lift a Car Off Her Pinned Child?

12 years ago from PopSci

Pumped Up World's Strongest man runner-up Brian Shaw can deadlift a car (and then some) thanks to a burst of adrenaline. but first he needs to get "in fight mode," he says....

Lasers stimulate stem cells and reduce heart scarring after heart attack, study suggests

12 years ago from Science Daily

New research shows that "shining" bone marrow stem cells with a laser encourages these cells to migrate to the heart to facilitate the healing process. If applied to these cells...

Breathing could come easier for COPD sufferers

12 years ago from CBC: Health

P.E.I. is expanding a program to help people with breathing problems to five centres across the province, a move expected to significantly improve quality of life for patients.

After-hours care affects emergency department use in Leduc

12 years ago from Physorg

(Edmonton, Canada) Access to health care and the usage of emergency departments are popular topics in the news.

Brain electrical activity spurs insulation of brain's wiring

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered in mice a molecular trigger that initiates myelination, the process by which brain cell networks are reinforced with...

Researchers look for new ways to get teens to take their medicine

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- Skipping doses of medicine or taking it at the wrong times can worsen a patient’s condition and lead to costly complications — even organ rejection in patients...

New two-drug approach to treat type of respiratory disease

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- A therapy combining two existing drugs could provide an effective new approach for treating patients with pleural infections, a serious condition where infected fluid builds up in...

Badgers culls don't stop tuberculosis in cattle – the evidence is clear | Julia Kaminski

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The government is ignoring scientists' advice on bovine TB – killing badgers is not the solutionMembers of the public who may know little about farming – or wildlife – could be forgiven...

Rehab robots lend stroke patients a hand

12 years ago from Physorg

Robot-assisted therapy has measurable benefits for patients with a weaker arm following a stroke. This is according to new research featured in the journal Clinical Rehabilitation, published by SAGE, which...

2nd blast draws scrutiny to alternative-energy firms

12 years ago from LA Times - Science

Investigators are studying similarities between Tuesday's blast and a fatal 2010 explosion at companies owned by Timothy A. Larson, the father of victims in both incidents.The scenes were oddly similar.

Clinical trial raises hope for cancer treatment

12 years ago from LA Times - Science

Researchers have genetically engineered patients' T cells to eradicate cancer cells in a common type of leukemia. Two of three patients studied have been cancer-free for more than a year.In...

Treatment for Leukemia Is Showing Early Promise

12 years ago from NY Times Science

A new approach turns the patients’ own blood cells into assassins that hunt and destroy their cancer cells.

Seeing a neurologist helps people with Parkinson's live longer, study suggests

12 years ago from Science Daily

People with Parkinson's disease who go to a neurologist for their care are more likely to live longer, less likely to be placed in a nursing home and less likely...

Alzheimer's disease symptoms more subtle in people over 80

12 years ago from Science Daily

A new study suggests that the relationship between brain shrinkage and memory loss in Alzheimer's disease changes across the age spectrum.

Blocking receptor in key hormone fires up enzyme to kill pancreatic cancer cells

12 years ago from Science Daily

Pancreatic cancer researchers have shown, for the first time, that blocking a receptor of a key hormone in the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) reduces cancer cell growth by activating the enzyme...

Divot resistance in golf course turfgrass

12 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have evaluated 12 cultivars of turfgrass with the objective of determining the grasses' divot resistances. Golfers hit golf balls on each cultivar of turfgrass, and the divots created by...

New agent prevents stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, study suggests

12 years ago from Science Daily

In the primary result from the largest double-blind study ever completed to assess a drug's effect in the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm...

Being young improves survival odds in cold water

12 years ago from AP Health

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The 12-year-old boy who was rescued after spending 20 minutes in the cold Pacific likely survived because of his age, among other...

Study: Alzheimer's disease symptoms more subtle in people over 80

12 years ago from Physorg

A new study suggests that the relationship between brain shrinkage and memory loss in Alzheimer's disease changes across the age spectrum. The research is published in the August 10, 2011,...

Protein preserves muscle and physical function in dieting postmenopausal women

12 years ago from Science Blog

Dieting postmenopausal women who want to avoid losing muscle as they lose fat should pay attention to a new University of Illinois study. Adding protein throughout the day not only...

Montreal heart studies 'withdrawn'

12 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The Montreal Heart Institute and the University of Montreal are investigating the work of a medical scientist who received millions in federal research grants after two of his heart studies...

How To Live To Be 100, And Still Be Lazy

12 years ago from

Stop eating all of that junk food.  Why?  So, you can live longer, of course.  Get off the La-Z-Boy and go run five miles.  Why?!  So, you can enjoy your...