Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Cancer stem cells made, not born: Experiments and modeling reveal how tumors maintain cellular balance

12 years ago from Science Daily

In cancer, tumors aren't uniform, but instead are like complex societies, each with a unique balance of cell types. A common theory is that these societies are hierarchical, with all...

New tool matches medical treatment data to new cancer cases to improve prostate cancer treatment

12 years ago from Science Daily

Prostate cancer, the most common form of cancer in U.S. men, is also one of the most treatable: 90 percent of patients who undergo intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in...

Stem cell team aims for spare heart parts in five years

12 years ago from Reuters:Science

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Stem cell researchers in Hong Kong and the United States are trying to grow spare parts for the human heart that may be ready for tests...

Researchers find new hope for treatment of chronic leukemia

12 years ago from Science Daily

While testing a new drug designed to treat chronic leukemia, researchers have discovered new markers that could identify which patients would receive maximum benefit from the treatment.

US scientists track rise and fall of Japan radiation

12 years ago from MSNBC: Science

A spike in radioactive sulfur from the damaged Japanese nuclear plant was detected in California in late March, but researchers say it posed no threat to health.

Scientists discover how cancers generate muscle-like contractions to spread around the body

12 years ago from Physorg

Cancer Research UK-funded scientists have discovered that a protein called JAK triggers contractions in tumors which allows cancer cells to squeeze though tiny spaces and spread, in research published in...

Survival predictors of cardiac arrest in the ICU

12 years ago from Science Daily

The type of cardiac arrest suffered by patients in intensive care units may predict their long-term survival rate, states a new study.

New tool to help predict death in overweight and obese people

12 years ago from Science Daily

A new tool -- the Edmonton obesity staging system -- improves on current methods to predict the risk of death in overweight and obese people, according to a new study.

Chicago's south side suffers most from unhealthy neighborhoods

12 years ago from Science Daily

The south and southwest sides of Chicago suffer the most in terms of residents' health and access to basic health resources, according to a new study of 77 Chicago neighborhoods....

Easy to visualize goal is powerful motivator to finish a race or a task

12 years ago from Science Daily

Making goal attainment visual provides motivation for reaching abstract goals just as with physical destinations.

Childhood cancer survivors in poor health at greater risk for unemployment in adulthood

12 years ago from Science Daily

Childhood cancer survivors with poor physical health and neurocognitive deficits are more likely to be unemployed or work part-time in adulthood, according to a new study.

Can oral care for babies prevent future cavities?

12 years ago from Science Daily

New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. A recent study confirms the presence of bacteria associated with early childhood caries...

Green Tea Compound is Effective in Treating Genetic Disorder and Two Types of Tumors

12 years ago from Science Blog

A compound found in green tea shows great promise for the development of drugs to treat two types of tumors and a deadly congenital disease.  The discovery is the result...

Childhood eye tumor made up of hybrid cells with jumbled development

12 years ago from Science Daily

A research team has identified a potential new target for treatment of the childhood eye tumor retinoblastoma.

Researchers identify a signaling pathway as possible target for cancer treatment

12 years ago from Science Daily

In a new study, researchers have identified a molecular mechanism that guarantees that new blood vessels form in the right place and with the proper abundance.

MRI techniques can detect early osteoarthritis

12 years ago from Physorg

Researchers from NYU Langone Medical Center's Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Radiology found that advanced MRI techniques can be used to detect subtle changes in joint cartilage microstructure – and...

Cancer researchers find key oncoprotein in Merkel cell carcinoma

12 years ago from Physorg

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) have identified the oncoprotein that allows a common and usually harmless virus to transform healthy cells into a rare but deadly...

Better chronic pain management

12 years ago from Physorg

Pain care management needs to be improved, with health care professionals committing to improve care as well as a retooling of the health care system to help people who are...

Kenyan farmers may soon receive first drought payout

12 years ago from SciDev

Kenyan farmers who lost cattle in the Horn of Africa drought may be compensated through an insurance scheme.

Pathway of infection for a common, potentially life-threatening respiratory virus described

12 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have identified a new treatment target for a virus that causes severe lung infections and an estimated 10 percent of common colds.

After 20 years, male and female GPs still practice differently

12 years ago from Physorg

University of Sydney research has found female GPs see more female patients and younger patients and are more likely to consult on psychosocial issues than their male counterparts.

Exercise may help prevent brain damage caused by Alzheimer's disease

12 years ago from Science Daily

Regular exercise could help prevent brain damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, according to new research.

Researchers work to determine how H1N1 becomes pandemic

12 years ago from Physorg

The last century has seen two major pandemics caused by the H1N1 virus -- the Spanish Flu in 1918 and 2009's Swine Flu scare, which had thousands travelling with surgical...

'Good Fat' Is More Active in Leaner Kids, Study Finds

12 years ago from Live Science

Increasing the activity of brown fat could fight obesity.

OPINION: To improve men’s health, treat the cause not just the illness

12 years ago from Science Alert

Examining men’s health should go beyond assessing their behaviours, the authors write.

Alter taste buds to curb obesity

12 years ago from Science Alert

Training our taste buds to be more sensitive to fat increases the ‘fullness’ signals and prevent overeating, a new study shows.

Newswise Update: Theme Wires and Sponsored Content

12 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Newswise invites press release submissions from new and current members for inclusion in our Theme Wires on a variety of topics, including; the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, Children's Health, Healthy...

Impulsive alcoholics likely to die sooner

12 years ago from Physorg

Alcohol and impulsivity are a dangerous mix: People with current drinking problems and poor impulse control are more likely to die in the next 15 years, a new study suggests....