Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs can reduce the risk of stroke, but sometimes should be avoided, study suggests

12 years ago from Science Daily

For many patients, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs can reduce the risk of strokes as well as heart attacks. However, neurologists caution that statins may not be appropriate for certain categories of...

Researchers on the trail of a treatment for cancer of the immune system

12 years ago from Science Daily

Danish researchers have become the first in the world to regulate a special receptor or bio-antenna that plays a vital part when the Epstein Barr herpes virus infects us and...

ADHD may be on the rise in U.S. kids

12 years ago from CBC: Health

The percentage of children diagnosed with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder or ADHD in the U.S. has increased in the past decade, according to a new report.

Well Blog: Care Package for a Breast Cancer Patient

12 years ago from NY Times Health

How do you support a friend or loved one with breast cancer? Here's a list of what to get a woman facing breast cancer surgery, written by a young patient...

Well Blog: Bladder Cancer a Growing Concern for Smokers

12 years ago from NY Times Health

Smokers have a much higher rate of bladder cancer than previously believed, and the changing makeup of cigarettes may be a factor.

Hospitalizations due to skin and soft-tissue infections among children have doubled

12 years ago from Science Daily

The number of children hospitalized for skin and soft-tissue infections, most due to community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, has more than doubled since 2000, a new study has found.

New drug tested for hereditary breast and ovarian cancers

12 years ago from Physorg

(Medical Xpress) -- A trial of a new drug for patients with hereditary breast or ovarian cancer at an advanced stage has been launched at the University of Oxford.

Niagara hospital review won't be rushed: McGuinty

12 years ago from CBC: Health

Ontario's Liberal government will not be rushed into producing a report on deaths from C. difficile and other problems that have undermined public confidence in Niagara-area hospitals, Premier Dalton McGuinty...

'Flawed' infant death papers not retracted

12 years ago from News @ Nature

Authors, institutions and editors did not act on findings of inquiry into organ harvesting.

Seeing eye to eye is key to copying, say scientists

12 years ago from Science Daily

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but how do our brains decide when and who we should copy? Researchers have found that the key may lie in an...

New research reveals brain's protection mechanism during stroke

12 years ago from Science Daily

Neuroscientists have identified a natural protection mechanism in some of the brain's nerve cells during the onset of stroke. The findings could be used to develop treatments to protect other...

Switch in cell's 'power plant' declines with age, rejuvenated by drug

12 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found a protein normally involved in blood pressure regulation in a surprising place: tucked within the little "power plants" of cells, the mitochondria. The quantity of this protein...

Why Our Heart Can't Regenerate Itself - Yet

12 years ago from

Why did adult human cardiac myocytes, specialized muscle cells in the heart,  lose the ability found in newts and salamanders to proliferate, perhaps explaining why the human heart has little...

Malignant stem cells may explain why some breast cancers develop and recur

12 years ago from Science Daily

Mutations that are found in stem cells could be causing some breast cancers to develop and may be the reason the disease recurs. These abnormal cells are likely controlling cell...

Thyroid cancer treatment varies by hospital, study finds

12 years ago from Science Daily

Where thyroid cancer patients go for care plays a large role in whether they receive radioactive iodine treatment, a new study finds.

New drug aids gout patients not helped by standard treatments

12 years ago from Science Daily

Injections of pegloticase can produce significant and sustained clinical improvements in many patients with chronic gout that is resistant to conventional therapies. In two clinical trials, pegloticase rapidly lowered high...

Persistent, microscopic blood in urine associated with increased risk of kidney disease

12 years ago from Science Daily

Adolescents and young adults who had persistent, microscopic blood in their urine (hematuria) were more likely to develop end-stage renal disease over a follow-up period of about 20 years, although...

Largest Global Childhood Pneumonia Etiology Study Launched

12 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

New data on causes of pneumonia to guide the next generation of pneumonia prevention and treatment.

Phone service helps patients see doctors

12 years ago from CBC: Health

Calgary patients calling for medical advice from nurses can now get an appointment booked with a doctor at an after-hours clinic.

Causes of high incidence of breast cancer in African-American women identified

12 years ago from Science Daily

Investigators have reported findings that may shed light on why African American women have a disproportionately higher risk of developing more aggressive and difficult-to-treat breast cancers, specifically estrogen and progesterone...

Montreal girl's heart patched with new device

12 years ago from CBC: Health

A Montreal girl has had a hole between the right and left ventricles of her heart patched without open-heart surgery, thanks to a new procedure that a doctor calls a...

Recipes for Health: Marinated Zucchini Salad

12 years ago from NY Times Health

A lemony marinade adds life to raw zucchini in this easy salad.

Improving care of HIV-positive young men of color who have sex with men

12 years ago from Science Daily

To overcome the unique challenges faced by a growing segment of the HIV-positive population -- young men of color who have sex with men -- novel intervention strategies for providing...

TV viewing time compared to smoking

12 years ago from CBC: Health

Each hour of TV you watch could cut 22 minutes from your lifespan, a new Australian study has found.

Dieters May Unknowingly Buy Dangerous Weight Loss Supplements

12 years ago from Live Science

Dangerousdietary supplements continue to be sold and consumed in significant amounts in the United States.

Egypt completes stocktake of last 20 years of PhDs

12 years ago from SciDev

A database of Egyptian PhD theses is the first step in a project to map the nation's science sector.

ScienceShot: Baby Penguins Know How to Chill Out

12 years ago from Science NOW

King penguin chicks drop their body temperature for months while waiting for dinner

People fear cancer more than other serious illness

12 years ago from Physorg

More than a third of people in the UK fear cancer more than other life-threatening conditions – such as Alzheimer’s, stroke and heart disease according to a Cancer Research UK...