Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Children With TVs Or Computers In Their Room Sleep Less
Middle school children who have a television or computer in their room sleep less during the school year, watch more TV, play more computer games and surf the net more...
'Perfect pitch' in humans far more prevalent than expected
Researchers at the University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences have developed a unique test for perfect pitch, and have found surprising results.
Yerkes researchers find monkeys enjoy giving to others
Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, have shown capuchin monkeys, just like humans, find giving to be a satisfying experience. This finding comes on the coattails...
Human exoskeleton suit helps paralyzed people walk
HAIFA, Israel (Reuters) - paralyzed for the past 20 years, former Israeli paratrooper Radi Kaiof now walks down the street with a dim mechanical hum.
Why are 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' a Baby's First Words?
Many babies delight their parents with recognition upon uttering their first words. Now scientists think they know why.
Noel Sharkey: Children should not have taken part in MoD's Grand Challenge
In its Grand Challenge competition, the Ministry of Defence encouraged children to get involved in the development of what was effectively one component of a weapons system. Can this ever...
Men Defy Stereotypes In Defining Masculinity
Men interviewed in a large international study reported that being seen as honorable, self-reliant and respected was more important to their idea of masculinity than being seen as attractive, sexually...
McCain to Bush: Keep Space Shuttle Options Open
Senators urge president to preserve option to fly shuttle past 2010.
New Findings Explain Genetic Disorder's Unique Shift; Father's Role As Resource Provider Influential In Prader-Willi Syndrome
New findings give insight into the unique characteristics of the birth defect Prader-Willi Syndrome, and at the same time, may help explain how a certain type of gene is expressed...
Exploring The Function Of Sleep
Is sleep essential? Ask that question to a sleep-deprived new parent or a student who has just pulled an "all-nighter," and the answer will be a grouchy, "Of course!" But...
Action Research Helps People Make Positive Changes
Certain kinds of research can help improve social problems, according to a new study. Participatory action research actively seeks to change the behavior or situation of the consumer.
Trauma, PTSD Followed By Reduction In Region Of The Brain Involved With Memory
While debate continues over the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study indicates traumatic events and PTSD symptoms may be followed in some cases by a size reduction in...
New attack ad on TV, but this one targets hot dogs
CHICAGO (AP) -- A new TV commercial shows kids eating hot dogs in a school cafeteria and one little boy's haunting lament: "I was dumbfounded when...
How Much Risk Can You Handle? Making Better Investment Decisions
Many Americans make investment decisions with their retirement funds. But they don't always make informed judgments. A new study introduces a new tool that investors can use to choose investments...
Infant speech is about repetition
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- A University of British Columbia scientist in Canada says an infant's first words are all a matter of repetition.
Digital tool helps police deal with child porn investigations
New software is allowing Winnipeg police to use automated image matching to cut down the amount of time officers have to spend looking at child sexual abuse.
Vital Statistics: Teenagers Changing Sexual Behavior
Compared with their peers in 1991, high school students today are less likely to be sexually active, and when they are, more likely to use condoms.
Britain’s Thatcher Has Dementia
Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been suffering from dementia for at least the past eight years, according to a memoir published by her daughter.
Animal vocalizations studied
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- An American Psychological Association report finds a number of ways that animals can adapt vocal calls depending on social situations.
Troubled students drag down peers
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- Troubled children's problems spill over into classmates' test scores and behavior, California and Pittsburgh researchers say.
Review: A $130 phone headset helpfully talks back
(AP) -- Bluetooth wireless headsets for mobile phones are puzzling: We're supposed to control them with couple of unmarked buttons and get feedback from a single indicator light.
Internet socializing keeps time with the music scene
As music lovers mobbed an outdoor stage, vying for views of Radiohead, Beck and other rockers, Keith McPhail enjoyed a prime view of the show from a couch in an...
China's gold medals came at a high price
Athletes sacrificed dearly -- one was separated from her toddler, one was banned from eating dinner, one missed a parent's funeral. While Americans spoke of fun, the Chinese were on...
Report: India's children going hungry
SARAIYA, India, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- A U.N. report suggests nearly half of young children in India are malnourished, a percentage surpassed only by Bangladesh and Nepal.
Test of charity shows monkeys are capable of empathy
Team teaches capuchin monkeys game involving food handouts where players adopt helpful strategy
VIDEO: People vs. Monkeys in Singapore
As human development in Singapore encroaches on the natural habitat of long-tailed macaques, frequent conflicts are breaking out.
Proposed law would stiffen penalties for violence against pregnant women
Judges would consider a victim's pregnancy when determining a sentence for a violent offender under a bill proposed by the government. But the law would not re-open the abortion debate,...
Acute maternal stress during pregnancy linked to development of schizophrenia
Pregnant women who endure the psychological stress of being in a war zone are more likely to give birth to a child who develops schizophrenia. read more