Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Youth prefer blogging to voting
Young Australians are not apathetic, but are more likely to show their political preferences through blogging or protesting rather than by voting, research has found.
Comptuting careers outstrip takers
Australia, especially inland Australia, faces catastrophic shortages in information and communication technology (ICT) professionals.
New distraction leaves pain behind
A toylike device has been designed to distract children while they undergo painful medical procedures, diminishing the pain they experience.
Teens Making Poor Choices When It Comes To Riding In Vehicles
Car crashes are the No. 1 killer of US teens. While states are passing laws to help teen drivers, little thought is being given to their habits as passengers. A...
Subliminal Learning Demonstrated In Human Brain
Although the idea that instrumental learning can occur subconsciously has been around for nearly a century, it had not been unequivocally demonstrated. Now, new research uses sophisticated perceptual masking, computational...
Sticks And Stones: A New Study On Social And Physical Pain
According to a new study, words may pack a harder punch that we realize. Psychologists have found that while the pain of physical events may fade with time, the pain...
Economic And Social Disadvantage Can Affect Young Citizens' Voter Turnout
A study recently published in the Journal of Social Issues illustrates how certain disadvantages experienced in adolescence, such as early pregnancy, dropping out of high school, being arrested, or going...
Researchers To Survey Students On Managing Psychiatric Medications In The Transition From Home To College
An increasing number of students are packing more than their computers and iPods when leaving for college. They are bringing along prescribed psychiatric medications. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University...
Even Without Dementia, Mental Skills Decline Years Before Death
A new study shows that older people's mental skills start declining years before death, even if they don't have dementia.
Did Hillary Mean It?
An expert told Maggie Rodriguez her body language may have belied the strong support she expressed for Barack Obama.
'Industrial relations' employee satisfaction dependent on more than relative pay
A new study in the journal Industrial Relations reveals that employee well-being is dependent upon the rank of an individual's wage within a comparison group, as opposed to the individual's...
Campus diversity important predictor of interracial friendships
One of the hopes of having diverse campus environments is that the daily interaction with students from different backgrounds will promote interracial understanding and friendship. A new study in the...
South Australians fear cancer myths
Research has found that most South Australians falsely believe pollution and stress are major causes of cancer, ignoring main concerns such as UV exposure.
Feature: Social maps strengthen support for abused children
The Take Two program is using social maps to allow traumatised children to express themselves and to help them heal.
Children learn to share by age 7-8, study finds
Children may first learn about sharing when in pre-school, but a new study shows the behaviour doesn't take root until they are into the second grade.
Psst! Obama To Text Supporters Veep Pick
The Obama campaign has instituted text-message alerts to inform supporters of the candidate's choice for vice presidential running mate.
How Vinyl Got Its Groove Back
In the age of the ubiquitous iPod, there's something retro spinning into earshot. As it turns out, LPs are making a comeback. Anthony Mason reports on the new vinyl revolution.
Biden's Scranton childhood left lasting impression
SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) -- Joe Biden left blue-collar, bare-knuckles Scranton for the greener pastures of Delaware when he was only 10 years old. But Scranton, it...
Trying to satisfy too many agendas slows school reform
Despite investments, community goodwill and some good ideas, a vexing question remains in the age of school reform: Why has so much hope and effort led to disappointment? read more
Brain physiology of prenatal alcohol exposure uncovered
( -- University of Alberta researchers have identified several regions of the brain that appear to be altered in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Sleight of hand and sense of self
( -- An illusion that tricks people into believing a rubber hand belongs to them isn`t all in the mind, Oxford University researchers have found. They have observed a physical...
When the baby vomited again, Gail Melton knew something was seriously wrong with her second child, a son she and her husband, Doug Melton, had named more
Parents can play an active role in the identity formation of their adolescent children
Mainstream belief regarding identity theory tends to portray adolescents as the sole agents involved in their identity development. However, a new article in the Journal of Research on Adolescence reveals...
Framing Technique Can Be Used As a Public Relations Strategy in Cases of Sexual Assault
In Spring 2006, when three White Duke University lacrosse players were charged with raping a Black female student from nearby North Carolina Central University, Duke University officials framed the crisis...
Environment and health sectors must work together
A meeting of African scientists and ministers on the environment's impact on health is welcome, if long overdue, says an editorial in The Lancet.
Colleges' misguided plan for drinking
College presidents are wrong. Data clearly show the damage done by letting 18- to 20 year-olds drink. ...
University of Central Lancashire homeopathy degree suspended after criticism
The undergraduate degree in homeopathic medicine at the University of Central Lancashire has been put on hold after "relentless attacks from the anti-homeopathy league"
Letter: Tory hypocrisy over teenagers' health
Letter: Allegations that the government neglects wellbeing of adolescents reek of hypocrisy and poor judgment