Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology
Fit For A Game-Loving Couch Potato
Larry Magid tries out Nintendo"s innovative Wii Fit - an $89.99 game and accessory for the Nintendo Wii designed to help people of all ages and both genders get healthier.
Distinct Treatment Needed: Tourette's And Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
While 30 to 50 percent of people with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome are also affected with obsessive compulsive disorder, both illnesses might have a distinct neurocognitive profile, according to...
New Insights Into The Dynamics Of The Brain's Cortex
Using mathematics and a computer model of brain activity, scientists have shown a direct link between activity in the cortex and the microscopic structure of this neuronal network. Building on...
Discovery Of Cell Linked To Learning And Memory
Neuroscientists have discovered a fundamental component of the process that regulates memory formation. The discovery explains, for the first time, how new nerve cells form in an area of the...
What's A Landline? Home Phone Use Declines
For nearly three in 10 U.S. households, don't even bother trying to call them on a landline phone. They either only have a cell phone or seldom if ever take...
Boy forced to get chemo treatments returned to parents
An 11-year-old Hamilton boy who was given chemotherapy against his wishes will be returned to his parents' custody.
China displays openness in earthquake response
The Sichuan earthquake has highlighted the importance of open, accurate and authoritative information in disaster response, say experts.
Office initiative reduces headaches and neck and shoulder pain by more than 40 percent
Office staff who took part in an eight-month workplace initiative reported that headaches and neck and shoulder pain fell by more than 40 per cent and their use of painkillers...
Newsweek: A woman who can't forget
In a new memoir, a 42-year-old California woman named Jill Price who can remember almost every day of her life since childhood discusses her remarkable talent.
Dictionary mirrors human mental methods
TROY, N.Y., May 14 (UPI) -- A U.S. scientist says his research suggests the organization of dictionaries mirrors the manner in which the human brain optimally organizes information.
Craiglist Countersues EBay
Craiglist is changing the tone in its legal battle with minority shareholder eBay. The online-classifieds accused eBay of using its minority stake to steal corporate trade secrets.
Teen Helps Design Classroom DNA Experiments Using Common Food Dyes
Agarose gel electrophoresis? Most teenagers wouldn't have a clue what this scientific term means, but middle school student Andrew Trigiano knows the protocol inside and out. Setting out to compare...
Government to unveil fitness test for adults
(AP) -- If you didn't get a Presidential Physical Fitness Award in school, the government is giving you another chance to prove you're in shape.
Collaboration requires a strong home base
Developing-world scientists should make every effort to pursue careers at home – and their governments should help them, says Mohamed Hassan.
U.S. Major Importer of Illegal Asian Timber, Study Says
Vietnam has become a hub for processing Asia's illegally logged timber, much of which is sold in the United States as outdoor furniture, conservationists say.
Sloth's lazy image 'a myth'
The sloth's popular image as a lazy creature that sleeps for most of the day has been called into question.
Identifying...And Protecting Teens Online
Technology analyst Larry Magid is happy to be a member of a recently formed Internet Safety Technical Task Force, but it has caused him to feel a bit of a...
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens
(AP) -- Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican's chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday.
Public Invited to See Nanosoccer Robots in Action in Pittsburgh
Nanosoccer returns to the field later this month when NIST hosts for the second time the world's most Lilliputian sport. Three student teams will participate in a public exhibition at...
Firearms Microstamping Feasible but Variable, Study Finds
New technology to link cartridge cases to guns by engraving microscopic codes on the firing pin is feasible, but did not work equally well for all guns and ammunition tested...
Can HGH Reverse Brain Damage in Drug Addicts? [News]
Abuse of opiates such as heroin, methadone and morphine destroy brain cells, reducing attention span and memory. But new research shows there may be a way to regain some lost...
Establishing Faster-growing, Durable Football Fields
A recent study offers new information that can help schools and contractors get outdoor athletic fields ready for fall sports more quickly. Certain blends of grass work better than others.
Study shows gardeners get help informally
MINNEAPOLIS, May 13 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say they have discovered most home gardeners obtain gardening advice and information informally.
Cases: In Delusions of Romance, Genuine Comfort
Schizophrenia offers a unique relief from the rigors of cancer.
Schools opt out of chance to see play dealing with drug addiction
A play about crystal meth addiction drew mixed reaction in Fredericton, prompting some schools not to attend what was supposed to be two showings.
Leveling the gaming field
A new computer game developed by MIT and Singaporean students makes it possible for visually impaired people to play the game on a level field with their sighted friends.
‘Mad Pride’ Fights a Stigma
Just as gay-rights activists reclaimed the word queer as a badge of honor rather than a slur, mental illness advocates are proudly calling themselves mad.
Why are humans risk-averse?
After my first foray into computational simulations successfully predicted that losses should loom larger than gains, at least when the stakes are high, I decided to take on an even...