Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Scientists give Gulf of Mexico a 'C' before spill

13 years ago from AP Science

By The Associated Press 2010-08-05T21:09:28Z The Gulf of Mexico was not a pristine place even before the BP oil spill. Scientists asked to grade its health pre-spill gave it a "C" and...

Tongue piercing may cause gapped teeth, according to UB study

13 years ago from

Mark this one down as a parental nightmare. First, your child gets her tongue pierced. Then, as if you needed something else, she starts 'playing' with the tiny barbell-shaped stud,...

Mayo Clinic finds withdrawing ventricular assist device support ethical

13 years ago from

Patients have the right to refuse or request the withdrawal of any unwanted treatment. In an article published in the online issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, investigators explore the legal...

Mind over matter? The psychology of healing

13 years ago from

People suffering from diabetes-related foot ulcers show different rates of healing according to the way they cope and their psychological state of mind, according to new research by a health...

Women attracted to men in red, research shows

13 years ago from

What could be as alluring as a lady in red? A gentleman in red, finds a multicultural study published Aug. 2 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General...

Study suggests intervention for overcoming reading-comprehension difficulties in children

13 years ago from

Effective reading requires recognising words and also understanding what they mean. Between 7-10 percent of children have specific reading-comprehension difficulties. These children can read text aloud accurately but do not...

Sisters protect siblings from depression, study shows

13 years ago from

Something about having a sister - even a little sister - makes 10- to 14-year-olds a bit less likely to feel down in the dumps...

Smokers' Brains Can Control Cravings

13 years ago from Live Science

Brain's emotional control areas can reduce urge to smoke

People reject popular opinions if they already hold opposing views, study finds

13 years ago from Science Daily

What would happen if you developed a strong opinion on an issue, and later found that the majority of people disagreed with you? You might think that such a revelation...

combat veterans face more lifelong socioeconomic challenges, Sociologist finds

13 years ago from Science Daily

From the many images sent home from foreign battlefields over the last several decades, Americans have viewed the plight of their country's combat-weary veterans as stark and often iconic scenes...

Facebook Replaces Email, Instant Messaging Online

13 years ago from Live Science

How Americans spend their time online has shifted dramatically over the past 12 months.

The taste of quinine: It's in your bitter genes

13 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists report that individual differences in how people experience quinine's bitterness are related to underlying differences in their genes.

Conductor Mitch Miller dies at age 99

13 years ago from AP Science

By 2010-08-02T17:14:10Z NEW YORK (AP) -- Mitch Miller, the goateed orchestra leader who asked Americans to "Sing Along With Mitch" on television and records, has died at...

Algerian academics protest against travel restrictions

13 years ago from SciDev

The Algerian government's restriction on scientists' foreign travel has drawn national and international protest.

Generation gaps at work not just about age, study says

13 years ago from Science Daily

Businesses that look only at age to bridge generational gaps among workers risk losing knowledge to retirements, higher turnover and other productivity-clogging problems, new research has found.

Rights group slams Philippine abortion ban

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A U.S.-based rights group urged the Philippines on Monday to reform a tough anti-abortion law that it says has spawned widespread underground procedures that kill about 1,000...

Crowd control and traffic problems: Mutually entangled social, economic, and technological systems under investigation

13 years ago from Science Daily

Just a few days ago, at the Love Parade dance and music festival in Duisburg, Germany, 21 people were trampled to death in a human stampede. Apparently, the responsible decision-makers...

When screen time becomes a pain

13 years ago from Science Daily

The amount of time teenagers spend in front of TV screens and monitors has been associated with physical complaints. A large study of more than 30,000 Nordic teenagers has shown...

Mental illness affects income

13 years ago from Science Alert

NZ research has shown that those who experience mental illness in early adulthood face a range of negative economic outcomes at the age of 30.

Catching up is hard to do: Negative effects of sleep restriction may linger after one night of recovery sleep

13 years ago from Science Daily

A new study suggests that a dose of extra sleep on the weekend may be good medicine for adults who repeatedly stay up too late or wake up too early...

ID theft feared at Ont. government website

13 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

An NDP critic is blasting the Ontario government after it revealed there was a possible case of identity theft linked to its driver's licence address-change website.

SIDS surprise: Study finds that infant boys are more easily aroused from sleep than girls

13 years ago from Physorg

A study in the Aug. 1 issue of the journal Sleep shows that at 2 to 4 weeks of age male infants are easier to arouse than females during quiet...

Pop accent comes naturally

13 years ago from Science Alert

People who sing in a foreign accent, aren’t putting it on, new research has found – in fact, most people find it very difficult to avoid.

Hedge Fund Managers, Uncertainty And Storytelling

13 years ago from

My last post got me thinking a bit more about uncertainty and decision making. It reminded me of a podcast I had listened to a while back, on uncertainty, storytelling...

Museum Days, Not Nights

13 years ago from

Aww. I cannot bring myself to enter the contest to win a month living in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. The website beckons: "Be the experiment. Eat. Sleep....

Hummingbird rehab is a fast-paced labor of love

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

A few licensed volunteers in the L.A. area devote themselves to raising hummingbird orphans and nursing injured fledglings and adults back to health so they can be returned to the...

My bright idea: Aubrey de Grey on living longer

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

If we can stop the physical deterioration that comes with age, molecular biologist Aubrey de Grey sees no reason why human beings shouldn't live to be 1,000With his beard and robust opinions, there's...

Voice on Phone Is Lifeline for Suicidal Veterans

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Critics call it a Band-Aid, but supporters say a suicide hot line is a gateway into government services.