Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

China's web censors easing off: report

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Journalists covering the upcoming Beijing Olympics are finding some websites in some Chinese cities unblocked after complaints this week over internet censorship, the BBC reported Friday.

Maldives goes for mobile banking

14 years ago from SciDev

The Maldives has launched a pioneering system for its citizens to bank primarily using mobile phones.

New Wireless Technology Responds To Emergencies Where GPS Doesn't Work

14 years ago from Science Daily

CSIRO is developing new wireless technologies for locating, tracking, sensing and communicating in areas where global positioning systems do not work.

Feature: Brain scans break the mould for market mavens

14 years ago from Science Alert

Market researchers and neuroscientists have confirmed in hard data that most informed consumers fall into one of four broad personality groups whose preferences correlate predictably with consumer behaviour.

Ancient Greek Calculator Tracked Olympics

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

An astronomical calculator considered a technological marvel of antiquity was also used to track dates of the ancient Olympic games, researchers can now say, thanks to the latest computer technology.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

NASA creates image Web site … FDA seizes unapproved new drugs … New 'green' transit bus is developed … U.S. beach water quality still bad overall ... Health/Science news from...

Yahoo offers coupons for music that stops working

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Yahoo Inc. is offering coupons or refunds to users who find songs they bought inaccessible after Sept. 30, when the company shuts its music-download service.

ER docs: Don't text and walk, skate or cook

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The warning came too late for Barack Obama's adviser: Don't walk and text at the same time. Obama aide Valerie Jarrett fell off a Chicago curb several...

Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research Names New President

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

With 26 years of senior management experience at several of the leading independent biomedical research institutes in the United States, Kenneth Trevett is eminently qualified to build on SFBR's track...

Next space tourist spending bulk of fortune to fly

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The world's next space tourist, a computer game wizard, says he's spending the bulk of his fortune on his $30 million adventure this fall.

Subprime lending not main trigger of real estate bubble

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Critics often point to subprime mortgage lending - the funding of home loans to borrowers with less-than-perfect credit - as the culprit in the unsustainable boom...

Research on browser weaknesses triggers attacks

14 years ago from Physorg

IBM's X-Force says cyber-criminals are using public research on Web browser weaknesses to launch attacks before most users are even aware of their vulnerability. The mid-year report from the security...

IBM Debuts 'Grammar Checker' Approach to Catching Software Bugs

14 years ago from Physorg

Bug-ridden, poor quality software costs businesses billions of dollars annually and the cost of identifying and repairing a software defect in a product that is already being used by consumers...

Review: In an iPod Nano world, some rivals lure

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- It's easy to understand the appeal of Apple Inc.'s iPod Nano music and video player: It's slim and simple to use, and it has a crisp 2-inch...

Berlusconi's Mediaset suing YouTube over copyright

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Mediaset, the media empire founded by Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, said Wednesday it was seeking at least 500 million euros ($779 million) in damages against Google Inc.'s...

Now What? Californians to Rehearse 'The Big One'

14 years ago from Live Science

Stampeding during an earthquake is exactly what people tend to do and shouldn't.

General election campaign advertising surpasses $50 million in first two months

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain are airing more advertisements in more media markets than their counterparts did during a comparable period in the 2004 election campaign,...

Movie trade group sues 2 websites for copyright infringement

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The Motion Picture Association of America says it's suing two websites for copyright infringement.

Hybrid Human Faces Could Populate Google Street View

14 years ago from Physorg

Due to privacy concerns, Google has been blurring the faces of people caught on Google Street View cameras. But rather than blurring people's faces and diminishing the reality of the...

Students Have A Unique Way To Lower Energy Costs

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

UC San Diego undergraduate students have designed, built and deployed a network of five weather-monitoring stations as a key step toward helping the university use ocean breezes to cool buildings,...

Researchers Race to Make Desalination Eco-Friendly While There's Still Time

14 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

UC San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography researchers explore options for desalination in eco-friendly ways.

Nano-foods: The next consumer scare?

14 years ago from Reuters:Science

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Those consumers already worried about genetically engineered or cloned food reaching their tables may soon find something else in their grocery carts to furrow their brows...

Intel, Portugal agree to deal for 500,000 laptops

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Intel Corp. on Wednesday pledged to provide elementary school students in Portugal with 500,000 computers based on its Classmate PC design, the latest move by the computer chip maker to...

Diane Abbott: Where's the debate on the DNA database?

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Diane Abbott: It contains the profiles of a million innocent people and lacks basic safeguards – but it has no legislative foundation

British computer hacker loses appeal over US extradition

14 years ago from Physorg

A British man accused of hacking into the computer systems of the US military and NASA on Wednesday lost his appeal against extradition to face trial.

Robots aid nuclear clean-up

14 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

A small army of machines and ROVs is aiding in the demolition and clean-up of a Scottish nuclear plant.

Spain and Taiwan to support science in Dominican Republic

14 years ago from SciDev

The Dominican Republic has signed an agreement to train researchers in Spain, and has received US$ 1 million from Taiwan for a fellowship program.

Reuters loses right to use crucial IM technology

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Thomson Reuters Corp. must remove a crucial layer of software from its instant messaging service beginning Friday under a federal court order that threatens to disrupt communications...