Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Majority Of Unintended Incidents In The Emergency Room Are Caused By Human Error, Study Finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

Sixty percent of the causes of unintended incidents in the emergency department that could have compromised patient safety are related to human failures, according to a new study.

Tamiflu urged for chronic cases before flu hits

14 years ago from CBC: Health

The Vancouver Island health authority is advising people who suffer from chronic medical conditions like asthma and diabetes to get a prescription for an anti-viral medication before they get sick...

Merck, Wellcome create new model for vaccine development

14 years ago from SciDev

A new centre will marry academia and industry in an unprecedented partnership to develop vaccines for the poor.

Weight Loss Is Good For The Kidneys, Study Finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

Losing weight may preserve kidney function in obese people with kidney disease, according to a new study. The findings indicate that taking off the pounds could be an important step...

Rare Genetic Disease Successfully Reversed Using Stem Cell Transplantation

14 years ago from Science Daily

A recent study offers good news for families of children afflicted with the rare genetic disorder, cystinosis. In research that holds out hope for one day developing a potential therapy...

Binge Drinkers Let Down Guard Against Infection

14 years ago from Science Daily

As if a bad hangover wasn't enough of a deterrent, new research has shown how binge drinking weakens the body's ability to fight off infection for at least 24 hours...

Medical societies push standards for robotic surgery

14 years ago from Reuters:Science

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Surgeons are increasingly turning to high-tech robotic equipment to operate on patients with prostate cancer and other conditions but some medical authorities worry about inadequate training and...

Health staff and relatives underestimate chronic pain experienced by nursing home residents

14 years ago from

Relatives and healthcare staff find it hard to diagnose pain levels in nursing home residents accurately, especially if they are cognitively impaired with illnesses such as dementia or unable to...

New Vitamin K Analysis Supports The Triage Theory

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new analysis suggests the importance of ensuring optimal dietary intakes of vitamin K to prevent age-related conditions such as bone fragility, arterial and kidney calcification, cardiovascular disease, and possibly...

Health insurance the self-employed can afford

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

After bad experiences with other plans, she's created her own. The price is right, but it won't help her sleep easy at night. ...

Seniors largely spared of swine flu

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Seniors who for years have made flu shots a fall ritual are being sent to the end of the line for the swine flu vaccine. And the...

Anemic patients with MDS gain long-term benefits from erythropoietin and a myeloid growth factor

14 years ago from Physorg

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a group of blood disorders that can lead to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in some patients, often cause severe anemia (when the body lacks a sufficient number...

More STDs for Older Widowers in ED Drug Era

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Widowers take care: Older men who have recently lost their wives are more likely than still-married peers to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), according to...

Elaine Fuchs receives 2008 National Medal of Science

14 years ago from The Rockefeller University

Elaine Fuchs, Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor, is being honored “for her pioneering use of cell biology and molecular genetics in mice to understand the basis of inherited diseases in humans...

Dangers of lead pollution have not gone away -- particularly for children

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- The campaign for car drivers to make the switch from leaded to unleaded petrol has been hailed as a major environmental success story in recent years. But despite...

FDA issues stolen respiratory drug warning

14 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- Federal officials are warming consumers not to use certain respiratory medications purchased after Sept. 8, produced by Dey L.P., a subsidiary of Mylan Inc.

Pediatric strokes more than twice as common as previously reported

14 years ago from Science Blog

Imaging studies along with diagnostic codes on medical charts show that the rate of strokes in infants and children is two to four times higher than commonly thought, researchers report...

45,000 excess deaths annually linked to lack of health insurance: Harvard study

14 years ago from Science Blog

A study published online today [Thursday] estimates nearly 45,000 annual deaths are associated with lack of health insurance. That figure is about two and a half times higher than an...

Doctor and Patient: Why Don’t Doctors Wash Their Hands More?

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Scrubbing up is a ritual of the operating room, but most doctors aren’t following the example.

H1N1, isotopes top health ministers' agenda

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Provinces and territories have stockpiles of antivirals and are finalizing plans to get H1N1 flu shots into Canadians' arms, health ministers said Thursday.

So you have the flu? Follow this self-care guide for recovery

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- It's flu season, and whether you have the H1N1 virus or just the garden variety flu virus, you may not feel like doing much of anything -...

New water-depth evaluation system will aid Everglades research, study shows

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- When scientists discuss Everglades restoration, one phrase pops up again and again -- "getting the water right."

Zinc Deficiences A Global Concern

14 years ago from Science Daily

Other vitamins and nutrients may get more headlines, but experts say as many as two billion people around the world have diets deficient in zinc -- and studies are raising...

First Nations a priority for H1N1 vaccine in Manitoba

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Health Canada's guidelines for distributing the vaccine against the H1N1 influenza A virus once it becomes available don't mention aboriginal people as a priority.

Food supplement fights HIV

14 years ago from Chemistry World

Medical nutritional supplement can slow the decline in immunity in HIV-positive patients, according to clinical trials results presented this week

Metabolic syndrome risk factors drive significantly higher health care costs

14 years ago from Science Blog

New Rochelle, NY, September 17, 2009 -- Risk factors for metabolic syndrome, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood lipid levels, can increase a person's healthcare costs nearly...

National trial to test new treatment for chronic, severe indigestion

14 years ago from Physorg

Could medicines used for depression also treat chronic, severe indigestion? Scientists at Mayo Clinic suspect they can and, backed by funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they are...

Relieving pain affecting millions

14 years ago from

An unprecedented gathering of some of Australia's leading authorities in pain medicine, together with consumer groups representing chronic pain sufferers, will meet in Melbourne today to work towards a national,...