Latest science news in Health & Medicine

US says first swine flu vaccine to arrive Oct. 5

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- U.S. health officials say the first swine flu vaccine should be in some doctors' offices as early as Monday, Oct. 5.

Study looks at using the immune system to reduce prostate cancer risk

14 years ago from

Immune therapies have been explored as a way to treat cancer after it develops. But a new study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Centre suggests that genetic risk...

Precautions after scientist's plague death

14 years ago from UPI

CHICAGO, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- About 100 people possibly exposed to plague-related bacteria blamed for a Chicago scientist's death have been given antibiotics as a precaution, officials say.

FDA OKs second HIV donor screening test

14 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- The U. S. Food and Drug Administration says it has approved the second screening test that detects HIV antibodies in donated blood and in...

New blood tests promise simple, cost-effective diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancers

14 years ago from Physorg

Promising results from two new blood tests that can aid in the early identification of patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancers will be presented at Europe's largest cancer congress, ECCO 15...

Antiviral drug found to reduce severity of mono

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

The so-called kissing disease is commonly treated only with rest. But in a study, young people who received an antiviral medication early in the illness became less sick. Mononucleosis, the curse of high...

Drinking young increases risk

14 years ago from Science Alert

Researchers have found that drinking at a young age may influence genes related to alcoholism, further increasing risk.

Dr. Stanley van den Noort dies at 79; UC Irvine neurologist

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

He worked to improve the treatment of multiple sclerosis, and as dean of the school of medicine he fought for 12 years in an unsuccessful effort to build a major teaching hospital...

Older transplant patients -- and donors -- more common

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

People 60 and older are the fastest-growing age group on transplant lists. And many recipients are getting organs from older donors, raising a few ethical concerns. ...

A Doctor for Disease, a Shaman for the Soul

14 years ago from NY Times Health

A California hospital’s attempts to cater to its immigrant patients results in a policy allowing for Hmong shamans to practice within their walls.

Swine flu update to follow body bag fiasco

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Canada's health minister will issue an update Saturday on the federal government's plan for preparing First Nations communities to fight swine flu.

New rabies vaccine may require only a single shot, not 6

14 years ago from

A person, usually a child, dies of rabies every 20 minutes. However, only one inoculation may be all it takes for rabies vaccination, according to new research published in the...

HIV uses several strategies to escape immune pressure

14 years ago from

A study of how HIV mutates in response to immune system pressure by Emory Vaccine Centre researchers shows that the virus can take several escape routes, not one preferred route...

Topical erectile dysfunction therapy shows promise

14 years ago from

An innovative drug-delivery system - nanoparticles encapsulating nitric oxide or prescription drugs - shows promise for topical treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new study by scientists at...

Lung Cancer Suppresses MiR-200 To Invade And Spread

14 years ago from Science Daily

Primary lung cancer shifts to metastatic disease by suppressing a family of small molecules that normally locks the tumor in a noninvasive state, researchers report.

Athletes With Smaller Anterior Cruciate Ligaments May Be More Susceptible To Injury

14 years ago from Science Daily

Comparing images of the knees in people who did and didn't have previous injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament suggests that people who tore their ACLs are more likely to...

New study finds home birth safe

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- A new study by McMaster University researchers has found low-risk women who have midwives in attendance during birth have positive outcomes regardless of where the delivery takes place.

Yin yoga: yang-style's less aggressive counterpart

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Taoist-based practice targets the connective tissues, ligaments, joints and synovial fluid. ...

Goodbye, 'insurancespeak' -- hello, clear language

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Some health insurers are making efforts to better communicate with patients, including getting rid of jargon and using websites to convey key information. ...

A far-fetched medical procedure? On 'General Hospital'? Shock!

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Heart attack from a digitalis-laced martini and a kidney-transplant story line are largely fiction. ...

Researcher offers a greater incentive to eat your greens

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- University of Queensland PhD candidate and nutritionist Christine Houghton is set to investigate whether broccoli could help in the fight against diabetes.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

Pain may accelerate aging by 30 years ... Binge drinking weakens immune response ... Fried-food chemical concerns scientists ... Most ER unintended incidents human error ... Health/Science news from UPI.

Assess your risk before seeking health insurance

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Consumers may want to review their own health history and medical conditions before they go into the market for an individual health insurance policy. The Web tools listed below can...

3 risk factors cut decade off life

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Men who smoke and have high blood pressure and high cholesterol at age 50 may reduce their life expectancy by nearly 10 years, a British study suggests.

Contract talks too slow: N.L. doctors

14 years ago from CBC: Health

The leader of Newfoundland and Labrador's doctors says their contract with the province will likely expire this month before a new one is negotiated.

Alberta Hospital closure worries police commission

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Members of the Edmonton Police Commission asked health officials pointed questions Thursday about how patients affected by the closure of 246 beds at Alberta Hospital will be integrated into the...

Many Clinicians Don't Discuss Hospice Care with Terminally Ill Patients, Study Shows

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Many clinicians whose chronically or terminally ill patients might benefit from learning about hospice care are not having these discussions, according to recent findings by Yale School of...

In Beijing, a crouching retiree and hidden health benefits

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Han Shusuo, 72, can be seen daily at the Chinese capital's Beihai Park, moving on all fours, mimicking various animals. He says it has helped relieve several health problems, and now he...