Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Obesity Hinders Chemotherapy Treatment In Children With Leukemia

14 years ago from Science Daily

Obesity is an important factor contributing to chemotherapy resistance and increasing relapse rates among children with leukemia, according to recent findings.

Pancreatic Cancer: Researchers Find Drug That Reverses Resistance To Chemotherapy

14 years ago from Science Daily

For the first time researchers have shown that by inhibiting the action of an enzyme called TAK-1, it is possible to make pancreatic cancer cells sensitive to chemotherapy, opening the...

Bipolar Disorder Amongst Children And Adolescents Receive Late Diagnosis

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new study finds that 75% of the cases of paediatric bipolar disorder are diagnosed late – up to 18 months – due to the symptoms manifesting themselves in a...

Rural Roads Dangerous For Young Drivers

14 years ago from Science Daily

Results from Australia's largest study of young drivers have shown that they are at significant risk of crash on rural roads. According to researchers from The George Institute, young drivers...

To Regenerate Muscle, Cellular Garbage Men Must Become Builders

14 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have found that when a muscle is injured, white blood cells called macrophages play a crucial role in its regeneration and uncovered the genetic switch that controls this process...

Whole-brain Radiotherapy After Surgery Or Radiosurgery Not Recommended For Brain Metastases

14 years ago from Science Daily

Whole-brain radiotherapy should not be given routinely to all patients whose cancer has spread to the brain, according to new research.

Pancreatic Fat Levels May Help Predict Diabetes

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have long suspected that overweight people tend to have large fat deposits in their pancreases, but they've been unable to confirm or calculate how much fat resides there because...

Heat helps in cancer treatment

14 years ago from Reuters:Science

BERLIN (Reuters) - Cancer patients whose tumors are targeted with heat treatment as well as chemotherapy are more likely to stay alive and cancer-free for longer than those who receive...

Stem cell charter takes aim at critics

14 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Scientists who use stem cells in their research are publicly committing to a set of principles in an effort to gain public support amid opposition from those who say the...

Switch program increases kids' healthy eating, reduces screen time

14 years ago from

The SwitchTM programme, 'Switch what you Do, View, and Chew,' has been shown to be capable of promoting children's fruit and vegetable consumption and lowering 'screen time.' Researchers writing in...

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

FDA bans candy, fruit-flavored cigarettes … Cheap test as good as MRI to detect stroke … Hurricanes up in number, not strength … Antigen could speed HIV vaccine creation ......

More babies born prematurely but survival rates up, study shows

14 years ago from Physorg

Premature births have increased significantly although survival rates of babies born early have improved dramatically, a study shows.

Autumnal Equinox 2009: Facts on the First Day of Fall

14 years ago from National Geographic

Will day and night really be equally long on September 22, 2009, the autumnal equinox (or fall equinox)? Get the answer—and other first-day-of-fall facts.

Tanning salon sting: Get parent's OK, but come as much as you'd like

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

College students posed as teens in a test of tanning salon compliance. Most facilities followed notification requirements enforced by states but not FDA guidelines on frequency of visits. ...

Expert calls for new cancer research priorities

14 years ago from Physorg

Cancer research is too focused on new drug development, while not enough money and effort is being devoted to pursuing important advances in knowledge likely to have the biggest impact...

FDA: 'limited' benefit with tamper-proof OxyContin

14 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Federal health officials say a new version of the painkiller OxyContin that is designed to be harder to abuse offers some improvements over the original pill.

Species-jumping Diseases: Better Global System Needed To Effectively Prevent, Detect, Respond To Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

14 years ago from Science Daily

Significant weaknesses undermine the global community's abilities to prevent, detect early, and respond efficiently to potentially deadly species-crossing microbes, such as the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus sweeping the globe, says...

Immune Response To Spinal Cord Injury May Worsen Damage

14 years ago from Science Daily

After spinal cord injury, B lymphocytes collect in the spinal fluid and release high levels of antibodies. A new study shows that those antibodies can worsen and extend spinal cord...

Revolutionary drug could be new hope for adrenal cancer patients

14 years ago from Physorg

TGen Clinical Research Services at Scottsdale Healthcare today announced the start of a clinical trial for a drug designed to combat adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), a rare but deadly cancer that...

A biological approach to drug delivery

14 years ago from Chemistry World

An all-in-one approach to prepare tumour-targeting polymer spheres has been developed by Korean scientists

Why Healthcare Will Always Cost a Fortune

14 years ago from Live Science

Until Americans change lifestyle and diet, our "disease care" system will foot the bill of a sick population.

Video: Robots and Surgery

14 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Dr. Jennifer Ashton talks to Dr. William Burke about robotic surgery as a treatment option for gynecological cancer. Dr. Burke explains how he controls the robot and why he thinks...

Minimal training saves lives with airway mask

14 years ago from

Virtually anyone has the skills to safely insert a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) to keep a patient's airway open during resuscitation, and medical expertise isn't required - perhaps just a...

Psychotherapy may improve course of medical disorders

14 years ago from Physorg

Somatic symptom disorders are common, disabling and costly. This meta-analysis indicates how short-term dynamic psychotherapy may be effective on physical symptoms, psychiatric symptoms and social adjustment, even in the long-term....

Old red blood cells may double mortality in trauma patients

14 years ago from

Severe trauma patients requiring a major transfusion are twice as likely to die if they receive red blood cells stored for a month or longer, according to research published in...

New report shows rising tide of fractures in Asia

14 years ago from Physorg

A new audit report issued by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) today shows that osteoporosis is a serious and growing problem throughout Asia.

Swine flu science update: 22 September 2009

14 years ago from SciDev

A round-up of the latest articles on genetic susceptibility to swine flu, the EpiFlu database, a single-dose intravenous drug, and more.

Flu boosts heart-attack risk, says study

14 years ago from Physorg

Heart problems may account for a huge share of deaths from influenza, according to a study published on Tuesday that recommends cardiac patients be vaccinated against flu.