Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Beating the White House to the Solar Punch

12 years ago from National Geographic

The island nation of the Maldives highlights climate risk by installing solar energy on its presidential residence, outpacing the U.S. White House.

NASA's Webb telescope MIRI instrument takes one step closer to space

12 years ago from Science Daily

A major instrument due to fly aboard NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is getting its first taste of space in the test facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in...

Next on Space Tourist Menu: Space Beer

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Special Beer to be Tested in Near-Weightless Environment in Advance of Being Served to Space Tourists One Day

Alien planets: otherwordly joys | Editorial

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The planet now known as Gliese 581 g is a reminder of the extraordinary rewards of astronomyThe rocky planet freshly identified in orbit around the star Gliese 581 could indeed be a potential...

NASA's EPOXI mission sets up for comet flyby

12 years ago from Science Daily

On Sept. 29, 2010, navigators and mission controllers for NASA's EPOXI mission watched their computer screens as 23.6 million kilometers (14.7 million miles) away, their spacecraft successfully performed its 20th...

Pulsating Aurorae Secrets Revealed

12 years ago from National Geographic

Pulsating aurorae, the most striking type of northern lights, are triggered by an electromagnetic wave, scientists have announced. ...

ET machines sought by astronomer

12 years ago from Physorg

If we ever do receive a message from outer space, we`ll want to know what kind of aliens sent it. SETI researcher Seth Shostak says we shouldn`t expect them to...

POLL: What Do You Think About NASA's New Direction?

12 years ago from

Cast your vote on where NASA's new direction as approved by Congress this week.

Imitation black hole seen on earth

12 years ago from Physorg

Astrophysics deals mostly with things that are so distant -- thousands or billions of light years away -- that we can't ever hope to see them up close. But clever...

Russian firm unveils plan for first space hotel

12 years ago from Reuters:Science

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The lead Russian contractor for the International Space Station (ISS) says it plans to build the first hotel in space to cash in on a growing market...

Nitrogen, Methane Dominate Icy Surface of Eris

12 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

The new ice lab at Northern Arizona University lends greater understanding of the frozen surfaces of dwarf planets Eris and Pluto.

Milky Way sidelined in galactic tug of war

12 years ago from

The Magellanic Stream is an arc of hydrogen gas spanning more than 100 degrees of the sky as it trails behind the Milky Way's neighbour galaxies, the Large and Small...

K-State researchers honoured for influential contributions to software engineering field

12 years ago from

For two Kansas State University professors, receiving one of software engineering's most prestigious awards was more than 10 years in the making...

Researchers find phone apps sending data without notification

12 years ago from

Flicking through a wallpaper app with backgrounds of Mickey Mouse and a tropical waterfall, Peter Gilbert gets a plain, black and white text notification on his smartphone...

Atmosphere checked, one Mars year before a landing

12 years ago from Physorg

( -- In preparation for NASA's next rover landing on the Red Planet, one Mars year away, an instrument studying the Martian atmosphere from orbit has begun a campaign.

Star Wars saga to go 3-D in new release

12 years ago from Physorg

George Lucas' cult sci-fi saga Star Wars is being reworked for re-release in three dimensions starting in 2012, Lucas Films announced Wednesday.

Quarks, gluons and jets | Jon Butterworth

12 years ago from The Guardian - Science

The LHC paper I've been working on for the past few months is finally out. It shows quarks and gluons doing what they should do, and I love itIn July we (ATLAS)...

Wide-Field Imager selected for Solar Probe Plus mission

12 years ago from Science Daily

NASA has chosen the Naval Research Laboratory's Wide-field Imager to be part of the Solar Probe Plus mission slated for launch no later than 2018. The Solar Probe Plus, a...

Audio Recordings of U.S. History Fading Fast

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Study: New Digital Recordings and Early Radio Shows at Risk of Being Lost and Many Are Already Gone

Video: Largest Solar Powered Boat

12 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Planet Solar, the world's largest solar powered boat was launched out of Monaco on Monday to embark on a record-breaking, round the world trip.

Astronaut�s View of Earth Eclipsed All Else

12 years ago from

Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson has many treasured memories from her six months in space, but one thing stands out above all else: the incomparable view.

Las Vegas Hotel Reflects 'Death Ray' into Pool

12 years ago from Live Science

The tall, curving Vdara hotel in Las Vegas focuses the sun's rays into the swimming pool.

Hylas gets green light for spaceport trip

12 years ago from Physorg

( -- Following extensive testing in India, the Hylas-1 telecommunication satellite has been given the go-ahead for shipping to Europe?s Spaceport in French Guiana for its November flight.

No scope for agency collaboration in space

12 years ago from News @ Nature

Bureaucracy and schedule conflicts could lead to overlapping dark-energy missions from the United States and Europe.

Apollo Moonwalker Alan Bean to Present 'Insider's View of Space Exploration'

12 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Only 12 astronauts have walked on the moon -- and you have the opportunity to spend the evening with one of them soon at the University of Delaware. The talk...

Carry-on liquids could return for air travel

12 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

A top official with the International Civil Aviation Organization expects airline passengers to be able to bring gels and liquids back on board within a couple of years.

Planet gets fresh look by UT astronomers

12 years ago from Physorg

Work by a team of University of Texas at Arlington astronomers could significantly broaden astrophysicists' search for planets in other solar systems by changing the way they think about the...

Telescopes Up! A Guide to the Night Sky's New Stargazing Season

12 years ago from

Autumn in the northern hemisphere brings skywatchers a new season of of deep sky objects.