Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Cancer Can Develop in Catastrophic Burst

13 years ago from NY Times Science

If a cell survives the disaster of a whole chromosome shattering, the cell may become cancerous, according to a new report.

Routine blood test may identify people with pre-diabetes, cutting later treatment costs

13 years ago from

A simpler form of testing individuals with risk factors for diabetes could improve diabetes prevention efforts by substantially increasing the number of individuals who complete testing and learn whether or...

A blood test for Alzheimer's disease?

13 years ago from

Using a new technology that relies on thousands of synthetic molecules to fish for disease-specific antibodies, researchers have developed a potential method for detecting Alzheimer's disease with a simple blood...

Metabolic syndrome found in 52 percent of patients after liver transplantation

13 years ago from

Researchers from Israel have determined that more than half of liver transplant recipients develop post-transplantation metabolic syndrome (PTMS), placing them at greater risk for cardiovascular disease. Prior to transplantation only...

Tomatoes found to contain nutrient which prevents vascular diseases

13 years ago from

They are the most widely produced fruit in the world and now scientists in Japan have discovered that tomatoes contain a nutrient which could tackle the onset of vascular diseases....

Less invasive techniques help manage complications of severe pancreatic disease

13 years ago from

The use of combined treatments for severe acute pancreatitis is safe and effective in managing the disease, resulting in shorter hospitalisations and fewer radiological procedures than standard therapy, according to...

Prescriptions: California Insurer's Rate Increase Draws Fire

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Blue Shield's decision to raise coverage rates catches the attention of state and federal regulators.

Photos: Unprecedented, "Biblical" Floods Inundate Australia

13 years ago from National Geographic

Queensland, in eastern Australia, suffered torrential rains after Christmas, causing severe floods to spread across an area the size of France and Germany combined.

Toxin sensor for drinking water

13 years ago from Chemistry World

A sensor to detect toxins produced by algae in drinking water

Deaths from anesthesia during childbirth plummet; Better monitoring, new techniques have reduced mortality rates

13 years ago from Science Daily

A new study shows the number of women dying from complications of anesthesia during childbirth have plummeted nearly 60 percent.

British Medical Journal declares MMR study 'an elaborate fraud' -- autism claims likened to 'Piltdown man' hoax

13 years ago from Science Daily

The British Medical Journal has declared the 1998 Lancet paper that implied a link between the MMR vaccine and autism "an elaborate fraud." Dr. Fiona Godlee, BMJ Editor in Chief,...

Researchers investigate why a limited number of white blood cells are attracted to injured tissue

13 years ago from Physorg

As any weekend warrior knows, an errant elbow or a missed ball can put a crimp in an afternoon of fun. The bruising and swelling are painfully obvious, but the...

Prescriptions: Taking Your Medicine Pays Off

13 years ago from NY Times Health

A new study examines whether adherence to prescriptions lowers hospital stays and medical costs overall.

Study of 'sarcoid-like' granulomatous pulmonary disease finds elevated rates in WTC responders

13 years ago from Physorg

Mount Sinai researchers coordinating the largest clinical study to date of "Sarcoid Like" Granulomatous Pulmonary Disease in World Trade Center (WTC) responders have found that the rate of the condition...

IVF success rates increased

13 years ago from Science Alert

Scientists have developed a product that can increase IVF implantation rates by protecting the embryo from stress.

Weight-loss surgery improved female urinary problems but male erection issues got worse

13 years ago from Science Daily

Women who underwent gastric band surgery to lose weight reported significant improvements in urinary function and quality of life after the operation. But men undergoing the procedure did not enjoy...

Potential new multiple myeloma therapy developed

13 years ago from Physorg

A treatment for the incurable blood cancer Multiple Myeloma could be developed in the future if a groundbreaking scientific discovery is applied to new Leeds-based research into the disease.

Gregory Verdine wins prize for cancer research

13 years ago from Harvard Science

Gregory Verdine has won the 2011 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research. Verdine is the Erving Professor of Chemistry in the...

New findings show vitamin D accelerates recovery from TB

13 years ago from

New research findings which show that vitamin D can speed up antibiotic treatment of tuberculosis (TB) have been revealed by scientists at Barts and The London School of Medicine and...

Antibiotic resistance is not just genetic

13 years ago from

Genetic resistance to antibiotics is not the only trick bacteria use to resist eradication - they also have a second defence strategy known as persistence that can kick in...

Scientists now know why some cancers become malignant and others don't

13 years ago from

Cancer cells reproduce by dividing in two, but a molecule known as PML limits how many times this can happen, according to researchers lead by Dr Gerardo Ferbeyre of the...

N.S. drug shortage hurts health care

13 years ago from CBC: Health

A country-wide drug shortage is causing frustration in Nova Scotia, where customers are leaving their pharmacies with partially filled prescriptions or substitute medications.

Cardiologists uncover new heart attack warning sign

13 years ago from Physorg

Cardiologists at the University of Connecticut Health Center have identified a protein fragment that when detected in the blood can be a predictor of heart attack.

Prescription Drug Abuse Sends More People to the Hospital

13 years ago from NY Times Health

There were about 1.2 million visits to emergency rooms involving pharmaceutical drugs in 2009, compared with 627,000 in 2004.

B.C. fire heroes acted on 'instinct'

13 years ago from CBC: Health

Two Surrey, B.C., brothers are struggling to comprehend what happened after they rescued twin toddler girls when their bed caught fire.

Green tea could help ward off dementia, scientists show

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Chemicals produced during digestion may protect brain against Alzheimer's and cancer, say Newcastle University researchersRegularly drinking green tea could protect the brain against forms of dementia including Alzheimer's, a study published today shows.It could...

Rate of Health Spending Growth Slows

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Total national health spending grew by 4 percent in 2009, the slowest rate of increase in 50 years.

World's first iPhone-connected blood pressure system with online monitoring

13 years ago from Physorg

What is more convenient then keeping tabs on your blood pressure with your smartphone? The first Apple iPhone-connected blood pressure monitor system has been launched, which even allows for online...