Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Fluoride levels in some water supplies may be coming down

12 years ago from Physorg

Two federal agencies announced on January 7 that they are exploring new guidelines for water fluoridation – and with good reason, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Resveratrol Increases Beneficial Fat Hormone

13 years ago from

The compound resveratrol found in grapes displays not only antioxidant but other positive properties, according to a study published this week in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Resveratrol stimulates the expression of...

Quality of life measures in breast cancer clinical trials

13 years ago from

Quality of life measures tend to be most useful for clinical decision-making in trials in which quality of life is the primary outcome, according to a recent study published online...

Liver disease a possible predictor of stroke

13 years ago from Science Daily

People suffering from fatty liver disease may be three times more likely to suffer a stroke than individuals without fatty liver, according to a new study. The study is the...

Circumcision prevents HPV spread: study

13 years ago from CBC: Health

Circumcision can help prevent men from transmitting the virus that causes cervical cancer to their female partners, a Ugandan study suggests.

Podcast: Eating Bugs to Fight Climate Change, a Possible Blood Test for Alzheimer's Disease, and More

13 years ago from Science NOW

Listen to a round up of a few our favorite stories from the week

Prescriptions: Medicare Contractor Will Pay for Avastin During Appeal

13 years ago from NY Times Health

A contractor that had announced it would stop payments for use of the drug to treat breast cancer has now reversed course, for now.

Vital Signs: With Baby on Board, Lying About a Smoking Habit

13 years ago from NY Times Health

In a federal survey, 13 percent of pregnant women had high levels of cotinine, a biological indicator of tobacco exposure — and almost a quarter of them lied about it.

Vital Signs: Childhood: A Breast-Feeding Benefit, This One for Boys

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Australian researchers found that breast-feeding for six months or more was associated with better performance at age 10 in math, reading, writing and spelling — but only for boys.

Vital Signs: Diet: Childless Couples Eat Healthier, Study Finds

13 years ago from NY Times Health

In a British study that compared households with and without children, those without consumed about 4.4 pounds more fruit and vegetables per person over a two-week period.

Link between signaling molecules could point way to therapies for epilepsy, stroke, other diseases

13 years ago from Physorg

In the Old West, camps sent smoke signals across distances to share key developments or strategy. Likewise, two important signaling molecules communicate across nerve cells to regulate electrical and chemical...

Are my young children getting too much fluoride?

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Could your youngster be getting too much fluoride? U.S. health officials think some young kids might be. They want to change the recommended levels of fluoride in drinking...

Nobel Foundation stays firm on symposium cancellation

13 years ago from Physics World

Speaker row scuppers three-day meeting

MicroRNA-TP53 circuit connected to chronic lymphocytic leukemia

13 years ago from Physorg

The interplay between a major tumor-suppressing gene, a truncated chromosome and two sets of microRNAs provides a molecular basis for explaining the less aggressive form of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, an...

The ‘Aflockalypse’: Google Map Traces Mass Animal Deaths

13 years ago from Live Science

Many of the recent reports of mass animal deaths worldwide have been compiled by an anonymous person into one big, unsettling Google Map.

Care home ups staff rounds after patient's death

13 years ago from CBC: Health

A Calgary long-term care home has modified its system for restraining patients to improve safety, a fatality inquiry has heard.

Speech-language pathologists positioned to help victims of bullying

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Bullying has gained national attention recently after the suicides of Phoebe Prince, a high school student from Massachusetts, and Tyler Clementi, a college student from Rutgers University. The...

Scientists shed light on what causes brain cell death in Parkinson’s patients

13 years ago from Science Blog

SAN ANTONIO (Jan. 7, 2011) -- Just 5 percent of Parkinson's disease cases can be explained by genetic mutation, while the rest have no known cause. But a...

More evidence that malaria drug could help combat cancer, and that breaks from treatment could improve results

13 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists investigating the cancer-fighting properties of artesunate – a drug commonly used to treat malaria – have found early evidence that combining it with an existing cancer drug has the...

Potential new anti-cancer mechanism

13 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have succeeded in decoding a potential new anti-cancer mechanism. The researchers discovered that normalizing abnormal tumor blood vessels through HRG (histidine-rich glycoprotein) prevents metastasis of tumor cells and enhances...

Most consumers want predictive tests to learn if a disease is in their future

13 years ago from Science Daily

Consumers may place a high value on information to predict their future health, and may be willing to pay out of pocket to get it. In a national survey, roughly...

Bloody urine after injury in children not always cause for alarm

13 years ago from Physorg

Few things are more startling to parents than the sight of a child?s bright red-colored urine. Yet, blood in the urine? especially microscopic blood found during routine well-child visits? is...

Groundbreaking study on the progression of Alzheimer`s disease needs participants

13 years ago from Physorg

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is enrolling participants for the first national study to detect Alzheimer’s disease in older people before they begin to have significant memory loss.

Teens with pelvic inflammatory disease rarely seen in outpatient setting due to costs

13 years ago from Physorg

Hospitalizing teen girls with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) costs six times as much as treating them in the emergency room, and up to 12 times more than treating them in...

How to Look Younger? Have Older Friends

13 years ago from Live Science

Scientists have confirmed a rather simple tip for looking younger that doesn't require plastic surgery

Nation's First Cybersecurity 'Spy Center' Breaks Ground

13 years ago from Live Science

Construction will soon begin on the nation’s first cybersecurity headquarters, a $1.5 billion facility which already being billed as the “Spy Center.”

UK's surge in flu could stretch across Europe

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- European health officials are warning that the swine flu outbreak that appears to be spiking in Britain could soon spread to the rest of the continent.

Medical marijuana users wait for licences

13 years ago from CBC: Health

A Halifax man says he was forced to wait months to legally access medicinal marijuana, the result of a national backlog because of a rise in applicants.