Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Shambolic record-keeping by NHS wastes money and endangers patients | Jenny Rohn

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Jenny Rohn: Is House perennially grumpy because he can’t read his own patient records?Jenny Rohn

The Week In Numbers: Earth's Population In 2050, Life-Saving Poop Transplants, And More

9 years ago from PopSci

Earth, as seen from Juno spacecraft, Oct. 9, 2013 NASA / JPL / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt 9 billion people: Earth's population by 2050 41 percent: the portion of people treated for...

Genetic disorder causes strokes, vascular inflammation in kids

9 years ago from Science Blog

National Institutes of Health researchers have identified gene variants that […]

Seasonal flu vaccine may cut stroke risk

9 years ago from Science Daily

Having the seasonal flu jab could reduce the risk of suffering a stroke by almost a quarter, researchers have found. Academics discovered that patients who had been vaccinated against influenza...

Heart surgeons in Toronto perform bypass on Twitter

9 years ago from CBC: Health

Surgeons at Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre brought Twitter followers into their operating room today while performing a coronary artery bypass graft on a 57-year-old man.

Hypnosis cuts fatigue in breast cancer patients

9 years ago from Science Blog

Breast cancer patients receiving radiotherapy showed decreased fatigue as a […]

Newly developed chemical restores light perception to blind mice

9 years ago from Science Daily

Progressive degeneration of photoreceptors -- the rods and cones of the eyes -- causes blinding diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration. While there are currently no available...

Dangers of ... sitting? Regardless of exercise, too much sedentary time is linked to major disability after 60

9 years ago from Science Daily

If you're 60 and older, every additional hour a day you spend sitting is linked to doubling the risk of being disabled -- regardless of how much exercise you get,...

Huntington's disease: Hot on the trail of misfolded proteins' toxic modus operandi

9 years ago from Science Daily

Proteins are the workhorses of the cell, and their correctly folded three-dimensional structures are critical to cellular functions. Misfolded structures often fail to properly perform these vital jobs, leading to...

Cell therapy shows remarkable ability to eradicate cancer in clinical study

9 years ago from Science Daily

The largest clinical study ever conducted to date of patients with advanced leukemia found that 88 percent achieved complete remissions after being treated with genetically modified versions of their own...

Ants build raft to escape flood, protect queen

9 years ago from Science Daily

When facing a flood, ants build rafts and use both the buoyancy of the brood and the recovery ability of workers to minimize injury or death.

Despite unprecedented investment in malaria control, most Africans at high risk of contracting deadly malaria

9 years ago from Science Daily

Despite unprecedented investment in malaria control in Africa over the past decade, about 57% of the population still live in areas where risk of infection remains moderate to high, according...

What is the Taos Hum?

9 years ago from Live Science

Some people in Taos, New Mexico, say they hear an unusual droning sound, or buzzing, or as it has come to be called, the "Taos Hum." Pinpointing its source has...

Facts About Cobras

9 years ago from Live Science

Cobras are large, venomous snakes with a trademark hood. They hiss and spit and can raise the upper part of their bodies high enough to look you in the eye.

The New Old Age Blog: Weight Gain and Older Women

9 years ago from NY Times Health

Excess weight is linked to an increase in the risk of chronic disease among older women, a new study finds.

Time to exercise a little bit more

9 years ago from Science Alert

The new guidelines on physical activity recommend between 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week.

Duke Physician-Scientist to Lead U.S. Institute of Medicine

9 years ago from Science NOW

Victor Dzau will bring research and health care experience to nation's advisory group on public health and medicine

The Dopes Make The Poison

9 years ago from

 Wherever he is, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim a/k/a Paracelsus must be doing the Foxtrot in his grave. Because somehow a bunch of dopes have managed to “correct” something he got...

FEATURE: Health Check: are raw food claims overcooked?

9 years ago from Science Alert

Is eating raw food the way to go? Does cooking really destroys nutrients? Tim Crowe explains.

Folic acid taken by less than third of women planning pregnancy

9 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Proportion heeding guidelines on B vitamin pre-pregnancy supplements falls despite advice on spina bifida riskWomen are ignoring expert advice to take folic acid supplements before pregnancy to protect their unborn children, a study...

Guidelines to reduce C-section births urge waiting

9 years ago from AP Health

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Show more patience in the delivery room: That's the prescription being given to the nation's obstetricians....

Little Water Left in California At Risk of Contamination

9 years ago from Live Science

California's drought has left communities, especially in rural areas, scrambling for water. The groundwater left is at high risk of contamination because pollutants are less diluted than usual.

Watch an Incredible Time-Lapse Video of Severe Thunderstorms

9 years ago from National Geographic

Photographer releases mesmerizing footage of dangerous thunderstorms.

HIV drug Telzir raises safety concerns

9 years ago from CBC: Health

The antiviral drug Telzir should not be used together with some drugs to treat irregular heartbeat or another specific anti-HIV medication, Health Canada warns.

Stress Causes Headaches, Scientists Confirm

9 years ago from Live Science

Stress is linked with headaches, according to a new study that finds that people with more stress in their lives tend to suffer more frequent and more intense headaches.

Mesh best for hernia repair

9 years ago from

Data from nine studies show fewer recurrences than fixes with sutures only.

Cat Bites Are Linked To Depression

9 years ago from PopSci

Persian Cat Wikimedia Commons What's the matter--cat bite your hand? After combing through the health records of 1.3 million people over 10 years, researchers found an unusual link between cat bites and depression....

Gene Therapy Shows Promise for Treating Heart Attack Victims

9 years ago from Scientific American

Injections of a normally silent gene sparked recovery in pigs induced to have heart attacks   -- Read more on