Latest science news in Astronomy & Space
Periodic Table's Blank Spaces Filled In By Solving A Subatomic Shell Game
Physicists have filled in some longtime blank spaces on the periodic table, calculating electron affinities of the lanthanides, a series of 15 elements known as rare earths.
Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope to focus on Mars
Microsoft and NASA on Tuesday announced an alliance to focus the software giant's virtual WorldWide Telescope on space agency images of Mars and other celestial bodies.
US comedian Stephen Colbert reaches for the stars after Nasa contest win
Thousands of Home Computers to Search Arecibo Data for New Radio Pulsars
New EINSTEIN@HOME effort launched: Thousands of home computers to search Arecibo data for new radio pulsars. More than 200,000 people have signed up for the project and donated time on...
Cosmic Log: Pick a Mars rover’s name
Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: Will we be watching Wonder touch down on Mars in 2012? Or will it be Amelia instead? Here's your chance to decide what NASA's next...
Final rocket launches, measures aurora movement
It's been a long wait, but it was worth it. The Black Brant XII sounding rocket with the CASCADES II experiment launched and flew through an active aurora display March...
Online Poll for NASA's Mars Rover Naming Contest Opens March 23
NASA will post online nine names that are finalists for the agency's Mars Science Laboratory mission and invite the public to vote for its favorite.
Watching Space Rocks: Live Chat With NASA's Asteroid Trackers
A live videocast and chat from JPL offers a unique opportunity for viewers to ask questions of scientists with NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office about how NASA discovers and tracks...
ESA hosts GMES session at ‘Towards eEnvironment’ conference
The exchange of environmental information will be the focus of the ‘Towards eEnvironment’ conference held this week in Prague. ESA will host a GMES session to discuss the status of...
Delta 2 Rocket Delivers Another GPS Satellite to Orbit
Delta 2 rocket launches another GPS satellite into orbit.
Astronomers spot mini-galaxy
Researchers have discovered a very rare, compact dwarf galaxy, which will help to work out how galaxies and star clusters form.
Cool! Aerospace Science Freezers Lugging Bio-Samples
They made their NASA debut months ago aboard a shuttle flight to the International Space Station. Now the cryogenic Glaciers, designed and built by the University of Alabama at Birmingham,...
Civilians in space: FAQ
Like a previous generation of millionaires that climbed Mount Everest, space tourism represents the final frontier in travel for the well-heeled.
New Sun-Watching Instrument to Monitor Sunlight Fluctuations
( -- During the Maunder Minimum, a period of diminished solar activity between 1645 and 1715, sunspots were rare on the face of the sun, sometimes disappearing entirely for months...
Team Tornado: Stones From The Sky
Team Tornado hit by baseball-sized hail. Warning: Strong Language. Reed Timmer, self-described "extreme weather fanatic" spends every tornado season as close as he can to dangerous "supercell" thunderstorms.
Teenage Robotics Engineers Unleash Their Creations in "Lunacy" Battles [Slide Show]
Teams of budding engineers and robotics enthusiasts recently squared off in New York City at the FIRST (For Inspiration, Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics "Lunacy" Competition, pitting their robots...
Space shuttle experiment to provide insights into turbulence, heating
A Purdue University aerospace researcher helped shape plans to install a new experiment currently on the space shuttle Discovery to collect data for controlling deadly friction and heating in the...
After the collapse: Scientists observe the largest exploding star yet seen
Scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science and San Diego State University managed to observe a super-sized supernova explosion from start to finish, including the black hole ending.
NASA honors astronaut Thomas Mattingly
AUBURN, Ala., March 23 (UPI) -- The U.S. space agency says it plans to honor astronaut Thomas Mattingly with the presentation of an Ambassador of Exploration Award.
Gravity Probe's Launch Boosts Rocket Firm's Coffers
The successful March 17 launch of the European Space Agency (ESA) GOCE Earth observation satellite aboard a Russian Rockot vehicle was a life-saving event for Eurockot Launch Services GmbH.
Office Built Entirely of Cardboard
An Amsterdam-based advertising agency known as Nothing constructed the entire interior of its office using cardboard.
Software Fits Flexible Components
Can the newly designed dashboard be easily installed? What paths should the assembly robot take so that the cables do not hit against the car body? A new software program...
NASA selects solar mission design teams
WASHINGTON, March 23 (UPI) -- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration says it's selected three teams to design and build science instruments for a European-led solar mission.
Some of us are looking at the stars
Arthur Code, Astronomer and Professor, Dies at 85
Dr. Code was an astronomer and designer of space observatories who helped lead an experiment in the 1960s that yielded information about the composition of stars, comets and galactic gases.
NASA delays test of space station urine recycler
HOUSTON (Reuters) - NASA delayed tests of the International Space Station's urine recycler on Sunday after problems developed with centrifuge-like device and revamped plans for Monday's spacewalk to deal with...
NASA Chief Candidate Appointed to DOE Post
Another candidate for NASA's top post has been nominated to a different agency by President Obama.
Galactic dust bunnies found to contain carbon after all
Using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, researchers have found evidence suggesting that stars rich in carbon complex molecules may form at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy...