Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Child Abuse Increases Risk For Later Sexually Coercive Behavior In Some Men

16 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers trying to identify factors that put men at risk for committing sexual coercion have found that being victims of both childhood physical and sexual abuse made them 4.5 times...

Seeing Red -- In The Number 7

16 years ago from Science Daily

Hypnosis can induce synaesthetic experiences -- where one sense triggers the involuntary use of another according to a new study in Psychological Science.

Couples With Children With ADHD At Risk Of Higher Divorce Rates, Shorter Marriages

16 years ago from Science Daily

Parents of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are nearly twice as likely to divorce by the time the child is 8 years old than parents of children without...

Turtle Doves Commit Adultery

16 years ago from Science Daily

A biologist has shown that bastard doves can fend for themselves. Despite having a strange coo, hybrid offspring are still able to defend their territory. This is necessary for further...

Different Psychosocial Factors Predict Adoption, Maintenance Of Physical Activity Program

16 years ago from Science Daily

A new study offers some new insight into the role of social and environmental influences on physical activity behaviors.

Murray Darling faces economic crisis

16 years ago from Science Alert

Communities of the Murray Darling Region are facing serious social and economic difficulties as a result of the drought, a new report has revealed.

Tech To Snoop On Texting, Cell Phone Calls

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

CNET's Natali Del Conte filled in viewers on TechGuard, which is geared to parents seeking to monitor their kids, and enables blocking, and on Loopt, which enables parents to track...

The Effect of Gamma Waves on Cognitive and Language Skills in Children

16 years ago from Science Blog

New studies conducted by April Benasich, professor of neuroscience at Rutgers University in Newark, and her colleagues reveal that gamma wave activity in the brains of children provide a window...

High-dose hormone treatment might reduce risk for PTSD

16 years ago from Science Blog

Cortisol helps our bodies cope with stress, but what about its effects on the brain? A new study by Cohen and colleagues, appearing in the October 15th issue of Biological...

Grades In College Directly Linked To Health-related Behaviors

16 years ago from Science Daily

Lack of sleep, excessive television/computer screen time, stress, gambling, alcohol and tobacco use and other health-related issues are taking a toll on college students' academic performance.

Nutrition advice best served with family in mind

16 years ago from Physorg

Researchers at the University of Sheffield and Royal Holloway, University of London will argue today that the nation's diet is unlikely to improve significantly if healthy eating policies fail to...

Why eating males pays off, for spiders

16 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Female spiders who eat would-be suitors produce more babies, and those babies are stronger and bigger, than spiders who stick to more mundane fare, researchers reported on Tuesday.

Gaming fixation could be linked to Ont. boy's disappearance: parents

16 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The parents of an Ontario boy who has been missing for over a week said Tuesday they believe their son's obsession with a video game had something to do with...

Saturday Interview: A Plan to Improve Health Care and Limit Costs

16 years ago from NY Times Health

Scott Serota, president and chief executive of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, recently discussed its new goals.

Obama Attacks McCain on Health Care and Medicare, in Some Ways Inaccurately

16 years ago from NY Times Health

A new advertisement mischaracterizes John McCain’s Medicare plan by stitching together vague language from a news report with calculations by a partisan policy group.

Reaching an Autistic Teenager

16 years ago from NY Times Health

A school in Georgia believes that it’s not too late for boys like Sam Gross to make emotional connections. All you need is a lot of energy and, sometimes, a...

Experts call for campaign to boost nation's mental health

16 years ago from The Guardian - Science

A "five-a-day"-style campaign to boost the mental health of the nation is needed to

Eat fast, eat until full to get super-sized

16 years ago from Physorg

People who gobble down their food and eat until they feel full are three times more likely to get fat compared with people who eat slowly and modestly.

Sex, lies and storytelling: The sociology of talk shows

16 years ago from Physorg

New research on the manner in which people reveal their most intimate secrets on national TV talk shows will be presented at the University of Leicester on Wednesday October 22.

Techier than Thou: Obama and McCain's Showdown on Science Research

16 years ago from PopSci

Question 13: Research Funding With the economy in shambles and the debt spiraling out of control, many worry that the government will start cutting programs to save money. And despite...

Doctor shares secrets to calm your child

16 years ago from Physorg

It's a parent's initiation into the land of Munchkins - hours of crying, nights with no sleep and temper tantrums in the grocery store.

Identity politics: Sex, race color perceptions of Obama, Palin

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- Even among young voters receptive to Barack Obama and Sarah Palin's historic candidacies, race and gender may hurt—and help—their reputations, according to new University of Michigan research.

Italy museum says da Vinci writings gather no mold

16 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Curators of Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus said Tuesday that fears the collection of drawings and writings had been infiltrated by mold are groundless.

Interview: The flying chemist

16 years ago from Chemistry World

Spiros Pergantis talks to May Copsey about metals in biology and the environment, the future of metallomics and how he nearly became a pilot

Understanding the nervous system by walking in a neuron's shoes

16 years ago from Physorg

( -- If you want to understand and predict the behavior of your young daughter, explains neurobiologist Christopher Fiorillo, you might observe how she reacts to various environmental factors. Then,...

MU professor analyzes presidential debates

16 years ago from Physorg

Now that the general election debates are over, University of Missouri Professor of Communication Willliam Benoit has analyzed the content of the three encounters between Senators McCain and Obama. He...

Surfing The Web Stimulates Older Brains

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A new UCLA study shows that web-savvy baby boomers and seniors use more brainpower while searching the Internet than during simple reading.

ID-Scam College Student Gets 5 Years

16 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A college student who with her boyfriend stole the identities of friends and neighbors was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay more than $100,000 in restitution.