Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

The invasion of the 'crazy Rasberrys'

15 years ago from LA Times - Science

In what sounds like a really low-budget horror film, voracious swarming ants that apparently arrived in Texas aboard a cargo ship are invading homes and yards across the Houston area,...

Item! Candidates are buying your vote

15 years ago from Physorg

Mention the words “vote buying” and modern-day political villains Jack Abramoff and Tony Rezko probably come to mind, or perhaps special interest groups that donate to a politician`s campaign and...

FDA closes smoked seafood plant

15 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, May 16 (UPI) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has directed Hope Food Supply Inc. of Pasadena, Texas, to close and recall all products produced since...

EU warns Google over photos on Street View

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The EU's top data protection supervisor said Thursday that Google Inc.'s "Street View" map and imaging feature could pose privacy problems if it launches in Europe.

CRTC opens net neutrality debate to public

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The CRTC has launched a public inquiry into the controversial internet traffic shaping practices of Canadian service providers, a move that will prompt a raft of submissions and may result...

Accounting Practices Ultimately Affect Global Economy

15 years ago from Science Daily

The quality of financial reporting differs from country to country. In a recent study, researchers found that uniform and strict auditor enforcement may be more important than a country's accounting...

U.S. promotes GMO crops in food package

15 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, May 15 (UPI) -- U.S. officials say a $770 food aid package proposed by President George Bush contains language promoting the use of bio-engineered food.

Companies jumping on green bandwagon

15 years ago from UPI

BOSTON, May 14 (UPI) -- A consumer survey indicates U.S. shoppers are expected to double their spending on so-called green or environmentally friendly products next year.

Scientists decipher fruit tree genome for the first time

15 years ago from Biology News Net

A scientific group of the Universities of Illinois (USA), Georgia (USA), Hawaii (USA) and Nakai (China), among others, have deciphered for the first time fruit genomic sequence, in this case...

México: 'Low human resources investment in science'

15 years ago from SciDev

The new president of the Mexican Academy of Science, Rosaura Ruiz, has highlighted poor human resources training in science.

Nissan Plans Electric Car in U.S. by ’10

15 years ago from NY Times Science

The commitment, announced Tuesday, will be the first by a major automaker to bring a zero-emission vehicle to the American market.

Earthquake in China Highlights the Vulnerability of Schools in Many Countries

15 years ago from NY Times Science

The loss of life in schools collapsed by the earthquake around China could have been reduced using known methods for designing or retrofitting structures in earthquake zones, experts said.

VIDEO: Quake Panic Filmed

15 years ago from National Geographic

Two amateur videos taken in Chengdu, China—near the epicenter of Monday's devastating earthquake—show people running in panic as the ground shakes.

Camera memory card tags location info using Wi-Fi

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A wireless memory card for digital cameras now comes with an added twist: Besides making it easier to store and share photos, the latest version of...

ComScore puts Google sites at No. 1 for first time

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Google has surpassed Yahoo to become the most popular Web site in the United States, according to comScore Inc.'s rankings by the number of unique monthly visitors.

Samsung Develops World`s First 'Blue Phase' Technology to Achieve 240 Hz Driving Speed for High-Speed Video

15 years ago from Physorg

Samsung Electronics announced today that it has developed the world`s first “Blue Phase” LCD panel - which will offer more natural moving images with an unprecedented image-driving speed of...

Broadcom co-founders charged in stock options probe

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Federal officials on Wednesday charged Broadcom Corp. co-founders Henry T. Nicholas III and Henry Samueli with falsifying the company's reported income by illegally backdating stock options for...

LG and Samsung Join Forces to Develop Mobile Digital TV Standard

15 years ago from Physorg

LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics, which together lead the global digital TV market, announced today that they will propose their jointly developed technology as the North American technology standard for...

Software piracy increases in Asia-Pacific: industry group

15 years ago from Physorg

Software piracy increased last year in the Asia-Pacific region, boosted by China's growing use of personal computers, an industry group said on Wednesday.

'Barcoding' the latest buzz in bee tracking

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

A group of international scientists launched a campaign in Toronto this week to identify the world's bees, an effort they hope will help track and better understand these important pollinators...

Opinion: Vested interests shaping government policy

15 years ago from Science Alert

Climate change - focusing on economics alone is to suggest that the market can sort it all out. But clearly it hasn't, can't and won't, argues Simon Roz.

Aiming to sway voters, candidates emphasize hot-button issues across party lines

15 years ago from Physorg

The 2004 presidential candidates reached out to voters across the political aisle - but not in a genuinely conciliatory spirit, according to a new analysis which says that George...

NATO Allies OK Pact To Boost Cyber Defense

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Seven NATO allies signed a deal Wednesday to fund a research center to boost the alliance's defenses against cyber attacks, seen as a growing threat to military and civilian computer...

Raking through sludge exposes a stink

15 years ago from News @ Nature

Environmental Protection Agency scientists accused of fabricating data about health effects of fertilizer.

Feature: Trust drawn from the messenger, not the message

15 years ago from Science Alert

Australians’ optimism about the benefits of science and technology rests precipitously on how much they trust those delivering the information, writes Rebecca Thyer.

Embarq CFO: May drop wireless customers after 2009

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- The chief financial officer of telephone company Embarq Corp. says the company may hand its wireless customers to another carrier next year.

Can you trust a robot to work safely with you in the kitchen?

15 years ago from Physorg

Can robots and humans work safely together? This issue will be addressed thanks to a research grant of over £1 million from the European Commission (EC).

Verizon Wireless to introduce Linux phones

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Verizon Wireless is backing a free operating system that competes with programs from Microsoft Corp., Google Inc. and Qualcomm Inc. and expects it to become the "preferred"...