Latest science news in Health & Medicine

2 Chinese die after receiving swine flu vaccination

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

One death appears to be unrelated to China's H1N1 vaccine, and the other case is being investigated, officials say. ...

Preventing Spinal Cord Damage Using A Vitamin B3 Precursor

13 years ago from Science Daily

Substances naturally produced by the human body may one day help prevent paralysis following a spinal cord injury, according to researchers.

Computer virus victims framed for child porn

13 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Of all the sinister things that internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.

Parents' obesity may affect children's brains; beetle with bifocals

13 years ago from

More news from the Society for Neuroscience meeting

Health system 'wasting nurses'

13 years ago from Science Alert

The Australian health system is failing to make the best use of nurse practitioners, according to a new survey.

Vitamin D helps kids' bones

13 years ago from Science Alert

A new study has revealed that calcium and vitamin D supplements strengthen the bones of young girls during a crucial growth period.

Eurolingua Fachübersetzungen, Terminologiepflege, 44137 Dortmund Übersetzungsbüros

13 years ago from Science Blog

Wir übersetzen in sämtlichen Sprachkombinationen und auf allen Fachgebieten kompetent, zuverlässig und zügig. Wir bieten Übersetzungen, die nicht nur „brauchbar", sondern exzellent sind - auch für Sie! WIR VERFÜGEN ÜBER EIN DURCH DAS...

Abortion Was at Heart of Wrangling

13 years ago from NY Times Health

The results of that fight were evident as many liberal Democrats denounced the plan because of abortion restrictions, even though most held their noses in the end and voted for...

Warmer Homes Mean Better Health For Poor People, Study Suggests

13 years ago from Science Daily

Being warm enough at home might lead to better health, according to a new review. Positive effects included reductions in breathing-related concerns such as cold and flu symptoms, first diagnosis...

Unboxed: Watch the Walk and Prevent a Fall

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Researchers are applying tools like wireless motion sensors in their quest to prevent the elderly from falling in their homes.

Painful Stories Take a Toll on Military Therapists

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Those who treat soldiers’ psychological wounds say this week’s rampage highlights the strains of their profession.

It's time juice loses its wholesome image, some experts say

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

Compared with soda, the drink carries more calories and as much sugar. There's also evidence that high consumption increases the risk of obesity, especially among kids. ...

The big issue: Cannabis debate. Professor Nutt got it wrong | The Observer

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

I agree with the government for sacking Professor David Nutt, who is telling people that cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes ("Ministers face rebellion on drug chief's sacking", News).I have manic...

Admitting mistakes reduces errors: Montreal hospital

13 years ago from CBC: Health

Montreal's Jewish General Hospital says a full-disclosure policy regarding mistakes made during patient care is responsible for a 50 per cent drop in adverse incidents over the past three years.

Jeremy Morris, Proved Exercise Is Heart-Healthy, Dies at 99 ½

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Mr. Morris was a British epidemiologist whose heart-attack research laid the scientific groundwork for the modern aerobics movement.

New study may deal final blow to acne drug Accutane

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

The study bolstered evidence of a link between the drug, pulled from the market in June, and inflammatory bowel disease. No medication is as effective in treating severe cases of...

Flu fears overwhelm B.C. hospital

13 years ago from CBC: Health

Parents who suspect their children have swine flu are putting so much pressure on the emergency room at BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver that officials are asking families to keep...

World Briefing | Asia: Taiwan: Swine Flu Vaccination Program Begins

13 years ago from NY Times Health

The Taiwanese government announced that by starting vaccinations against the H1N1 virus this week, it had begun the largest immunization program in Taiwan’s history.

Truck Carrying Flu Vaccine Supply Is Stolen

13 years ago from NY Times Health

The vaccine was recovered, and the thieves may not have even known it was in the truck, but is no longer considered usable.

Questioning a Test for Cancer

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Scaring people into quitting is the marketing rationale for a new genetic test, which purports to identify which smokers have the highest risk of developing lung cancer.

Fund-Raising Adds to Competing Pressures on Pelosi Over Health Care

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Speaker Nancy Pelosi raises funds in part to help re-elect her most vulnerable members, many from Republican-leaning districts leery of liberal health care proposals.

Regarding Tamiflu, Doctors and Patients Face a Question of When to Act

13 years ago from NY Times Health

There has been some confusion among doctors about whether to prescribe the antiviral drug Tamiflu for less severe cases.

Salsalate: What is it?

13 years ago from LA Times - Health

Also, can sugar help heal wounds? ...

Tips for asthma sufferers to help save on prescriptions

13 years ago from LA Times - Health

Cutting back or not taking your medication may be more costly if you end up in the ER. See if you can switch to generics, or try to avoid triggers...

The right place to deliver: home or hospital?

13 years ago from LA Times - Health

It's a heated argument, and neither side has conclusive evidence. So how to decide? All three of my children were delivered in a hospital under an obstetrician's care. Fetal monitors tracked the babies'...

Nutritional guidelines for vegetarian children

13 years ago from LA Times - Health

A well-planned diet includes a mix of nutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, iodine, calcium and vitamins D and B-12. ...

More than 38 million doses available against swine flu

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

'As supplies increase things should go better,' says a CDC official, who adds that flu activity is widespread in 48 states and 'virtually everything is H1N1.' More than 38 million doses of vaccine...

Life after death

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Cryonicists freeze bodies after death in the quest for eternal life. Murray Ballard photographs those people involved