Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Today's Economist: Uwe E. Reinhardt: Health Care as an Economic Stabilizer

10 years ago from NY Times Health

Lost in the continuing discussion of the rising costs of health care is the stabilizing effect those costs have on the economy.

Indian plant could play key role in death of cancer cells

10 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have identified an Indian plant, used for centuries to treat inflammation, fever and malaria, that could help kill cancer cells.

Can Hormone Therapy Stave Off Alzheimer's?

10 years ago from Live Science

Hormones may lower Alzheimer's risk in women who carry a gene for the disease

Golden retriever study suggests neutering affects dog health

10 years ago from Physorg

(—Neutering, and the age at which a dog is neutered, may affect the animal's risk for developing certain cancers and joint diseases, according to a new study of golden retrievers...

Study suggests link between untreated depression and response to shingles vaccine

10 years ago from Science Daily

Results from a new study suggest a link between untreated depression in older adults and decreased effectiveness of the herpes zoster, or shingles, vaccine. Older adults are known to be...

Go with your gut

10 years ago from Harvard Science

Scientists are already working to develop treatments that can be tailored to an individual’s genetics, but what about tailoring treatments based on the genetics of the trillions of microbes that live in a...

Japan researchers close in on stem cell trial

10 years ago from Physorg

Researchers in Japan have moved one step closer to clinical trials using adult stem cells in a therapy they hope will prove a cure for common sight problems, an official...

Bucks Blog: Visiting the Doctor, Virtually

10 years ago from NY Times Health

A report by the creators of Virtuwell clinic, an online service, has found that online medical visits were less expensive and saved more time than treatment given in traditional settings.

Morning-After Pill Use Is Increasing, Report Says

10 years ago from NY Times Health

The finding, based on new federal data, is likely to add to the public debate over rules that require most employers to provide free coverage of birth control to...

Death After Using Jack3d Points Up Gap in Regulation

10 years ago from NY Times Health

A case involving the death of Michael L. Sparling, who used Jack3d supplements, highlights gaps in product safety of a $30 billion industry.

Salt overdose for malaria

10 years ago from Science Alert

The malaria parasite has a salt pump that can be blocked with a new antimalalarials drugs called spiroindolones.

Treatment options for Parkinson’s

10 years ago from Science Alert

Parkinson’s disease patients may have a better future ahead thanks to a study that highlights the importance of DBS surgery.

Childhood cancer survivors who received chest irradiation at risk for pulmonary hypertension in middle age

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found evidence that chest irradiation may leave some adult survivors of childhood cancer in danger of developing pulmonary hypertension in middle age.

New way to look finds more at risk of heart disease

10 years ago from Science Daily

A nursing student uses a support tool with Framingham Risk Score to identify endangered patients the widely accepted FRS missed.

Blood may hold clues to risk of memory problems after menopause

10 years ago from Science Daily

New research suggests that blood may hold clues to whether post-menopausal women may be at an increased risk for areas of brain damage that can lead to memory problems and...

Rewiring the serotonin system

10 years ago from Science Daily

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has found a new way to influence the vital serotonin signaling system -- possibly leading to more effective medications with fewer side effects.

Long, low intensity exercise may have more health benefits relative to short, intense workouts

10 years ago from Science Daily

Standing and walking for longer stretches improves insulin sensitivity and blood lipid levels more than an hour of intense exercise each day does, but only if the calories spent in...

UC San Diego Awarded NIH Grant to Expand Diabetes and Obesity Research Hub

10 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have been awarded a new National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to expand and enhance a cyberinfrastructure designed to provide scientists with...

California's Tobacco Control Program generates huge health care savings, study shows

10 years ago from Science Daily

Over a span of nearly 20 years, California's tobacco control program cost $2.4 billion and reduced health care costs by $134 billion, according to a new study.

Are Honeybees Losing Their Way?

10 years ago from National Geographic

Pesticides can take a toll on their memory and communication skills, and a combo of chemicals turns out to be far more hazardous.

Clues to childhood respiratory virus: Human metapneumovirus

10 years ago from Science Daily

New research has identified the relatively unknown human metapneumovirus (MPV) as the second most common cause of severe bronchiolitis in young children.

Drug shown to reverse radioiodine resistance in some advanced thyroid cancers

10 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found that the investigational drug selumetinib shuts down the signaling of genetic mutations that prevent some patients' thyroid cancer tumors from absorbing radioiodine, the most effective treatment for...

Say What? Better Hearing Takes Practice

10 years ago from Science NOW

Neural training could improve hearing in older adults

Probiotic-derived treatment offers new hope for premature babies

10 years ago from Science Daily

"Good" bacteria that live in our intestines have been linked with a variety of health benefits, from fighting disease to preventing obesity. In a new study medical researchers have discovered...

Google Flu Trends misses the mark

10 years ago from CBC: Health

Google Flu Trends overestimated peak flu levels in the U.S. this winter, a science journal reports.

Kids Prefer Veggies Not Too Raw, Not Too Cooked

10 years ago from Live Science

Kids prefer broccoli and cauliflower when the vegetables are cooked for 6 to 8 minutes.

Cellular renewal process may underlie benefits of omega fatty acids

10 years ago from Science Daily

A search for genes that change their levels of expression in response to nutrient deprivation has uncovered potential clues to the mechanism underlying the health benefits of omega fatty acids....

What to Eat for a Healthy Heart

10 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

When it comes to heart healthy foods, more and more products that can positively affect blood pressure, cholesterol, or overall cardiovascular health are hitting grocery store shelves. In a recent...