Science Daily

Thursday th 20th of October 2011

Significant ozone hole remains over Antarctica - 14:30

Hawaiian honeycreepers: Family tree for most-endangered bird family in the world determined - 14:30

Astronomers explain blue stragglers: How do mysterious stars stay so young? - 13:31

New benchtop polymer characterization method developed - 13:31

Could a probiotic be used to treat inflammatory bowel disease? - 13:31

Physicians use therapeutic cooling to treat cardiac arrest patients - 13:30

Visual tour of Earth's fires - 13:30

New generation of superlattice cameras add more 'color' to night vision - 13:30

Cheaper and easier isn't necessarily better in new colon cancer screening procedures - 13:30

Autistic facial characteristics identified - 13:30

Researchers trace evolution of diversity in Hawaiian Honeycreepers - 12:31

Can aromatherapy produce harmful indoor air pollutants? - 12:31

3-D simulations of nova explosions - 12:30

Hospital patients suffer in shift shuffle - 12:30

I vs. we: Individuals perform better when focused on team's effort - 12:30

Calorie count plus points based on added sugars, sodium, and saturated and trans fats recommended as new front-of-package nutrition labeling system - 12:30

U.S. government releases environmental, health, and safety research strategy for nanotechnology - 12:30

Improved living environments can reduce health problems for women and children - 12:30

High to moderate levels of stress lead to higher mortality rate - 12:30

Pre-term babies' exposure to steroids associated with impaired brain growth - 11:31

Researchers turn viruses into molecular 'Legos' - 11:31

Sheep's head is not for wimps - 11:31

Viruses coaxed to form synthetics with microstructures akin to those of corneas, teeth and skin - 11:31

Combination of available tests helps predict Alzheimer's disease risk - 11:31

Scientists discover way to determine when water was present on Mars and Earth - 11:31

Blame backbone fractures on evolution, not osteoporosis: Adaptation to upright walking leaves humans susceptible - 10:31

One clock with two times: When quantum mechanics meets general relativity - 10:31

Home washing machines: Source of potentially harmful ocean 'microplastic' pollution - 10:31

Turning up the heat to kill cancer cells: The 'Lance Armstrong effect' - 10:31

New tool to help surgeons remove more cancer tissue during brain surgery - 10:31

TapSense: Touchscreen technology distinguishes taps by parts of finger - 10:30

Too much undeserved self-praise can lead to depression - 10:30

Orthodontics: Fixed braces best and cheapest, research suggests - 10:30

New role of vascular endothelial growth factor in regulating skin cancer stem cells - 10:30

Laser ion source will produce a new generation of semiconductors - 09:31

Face-to-face with an ancient human - 09:31

Laser makes sure food is fresh - 09:31

Women do not get enough vitamin D during the menopause, Spanish study suggests - 09:31

Reading a book versus a screen: Different reading devices, different modes of reading? - 09:31

Preeclampsia: New blood test to assess risk of imminent delivery can reduce complications for mother and child, study suggests - 09:31

Estrogen works in the brain to keep weight in check, study shows - 03:30

'Microring' device could aid in future optical technologies - 02:30

Wednesday th 19th of October 2011

New evidence for first production of oxygen on Earth - 22:30

X-linked mental retardation protein is found to mediate synaptic plasticity in hippocampus - 21:30

Magnetic attraction: Microchip demonstrates concept of 'MRAM for biomolecules' - 21:30

False starts can sneak by in women's sprinting, analysis finds - 21:30

One size does not fit all for knee replacements and other medical devices, expert says - 20:30

Math professor announces who deserves the Cy Young and most valuable player awards; calls Rangers solid favorite for World Series - 20:30

Bioluminescence: Explanation for glowing seas suggested - 19:32

Stranded dolphins exhibit bubbles, and ability to recover - 19:32